Starfog Pack
- ❌ or X means R&C, breed & chase, or open to trade, just message me
- 🐺 means carrier of Knoxx's blood
- Check out the Sell Cave to add StarFog wolves to your pack!
Pack Lore/Info
Welcome to the StarFog pack, located in the blustery and windswept BlackPaw mountain range.
- The Wind Cave of this pack abides by the clan law of *hard mode*- where all wolves are either without lineage, or have a lineage that is contained to within the pack. Only wolves within the Wind Cave can count for breeding achievements.
- The Shrill Cave contains any members of this pack that do not fall under the rules of *hard mode* - any rescued, adopted, or traded wolves live here, along with any pups that are bred of a Shrill parent, or are bred of an out-of-pack parent.
- The Sell Cave is the cave that contains all wolves for trade or gift, including any traveling wolves. Some of these are NBWs, Chased NBWs, Pups, etc.
The StarFog pack uses it's Alpha (lead) to lead in daily matters, such as who hunts, who scouts, who watches over the pups, who eats what and when, etc.
The StarFog Beta (herbalist) chooses themselves. These wolves are those who have been more in the realm of dreams than the realm of reality since puppyhood. No one can choose the Beta but themselves, sometimes at prompt from the current Beta.
The StarFog Beta is the lead in all matters of spirituality and health, including those relating to the Dreamlands. Of course, when present in the tactile world, the Beta cares for the sick, and masters the craft of herbalism to help those wolves in need.
- When wolves reach the age of 7, they are to become mentors and retire from their current positions immediately.
- Pups are to be fed first at all times. This includes pregnant and nursing mothers.
- Scout is one of the prized positions of the pack. Only those with universally well stats are welcomed to take on the privilege of Scout. Most times, the next Lead is chosen of the current pair of Scouts.
- Hard Mode- Breeding Achievements
Basic T1----------White-----Snow
Breed-Only T1----------Dust-----Quartz-----Mineral
Basic T2----------Siqoq
Breed Only T2----------Rime-----Nepheline-----Salt-----Titanium-----Melchoir
Basic T1----------Ashen-----Birch
Breed-Only T1----------Gray Lighter-----Gravel-----Howlite
Basic T2----------Chert
Breed Only T2----------Silver-----Steele-----Marble-----Sterling-----Acanthite
T3----------Caribou----Flint-----Stripes Flint
Basic T1----------Gray-----Black
Breed-Only T1----------Gray Darker-----Jet-----Pumice
Basic T2----------Pewter-----Onyx
Breed Only T2----------Sphalerite-----Biotite-----Obsidian-----Bedrock
Basic T1----------Beige-----Cream Lighter
Breed-Only T1----------Apricot-----Shell-----Aspen
Basic T2----------Buff-----Almond
Breed Only T2----------Isabel-----Peach-----Feldspar-----Greisen
Basic T1 ----------Cream-----Cream Darker
Breed-Only T1----------Willow-----Fawn-----Honey
Basic T2 ----------Vanilla-----Sandy
Breed Only T2----------Antler-----Blonde-----Tuff-----Corrosion
Basic T1----------Caramel-----Dark Brown
Breed-Only T1----------Chestnut-----Chocolate-----Dark Fawn
Basic T2----------Pecan-----Oroide
Breed Only T2----------Cocoa-----Ebony-----Sepia-----Lupin
Basic T1----------Goldenrod-----Gold Lighter
Breed-Only T1----------Magnolia-----Tubleweed-----Coquina
Basic T2----------Calcite-----Ducat
Breed Only T2----------Jacinthe-----Arkose-----Grossular-----Yellow
Basic T1----------Gold-----Gold Darker
Breed-Only T1----------Brass-----Red-----Cedar
Basic T2----------Sulphur-----Tawny
Breed Only T2----------Saffron-----Rust-----Doubloon-----Xanthic
Basic T1----------Amber-----Brown
Breed-Only T1----------Liver-----Henna-----Walnut
Basic T2----------Dinar-----Russet
Breed Only T2----------Dravite-----Auburn-----Sarder-----Rufous
Basic T1----------Glaucous
Breed-Only T1----------Honeydew-----Aquamarine
Basic T2----------Pale
Breed Only T2----------Lavender-----Sky-----Chrysoberyl
Basic T1----------Khaki
Breed-Only T1----------Blue-----Beryl
Basic T2----------Galena
Breed Only T2----------Diorite-----Maltese-----Malachite
Basic T1----------Morengo
Breed-Only T1----------Skarn----Diopside
Basic T2----------Lilic
Breed Only T2----------Denim-----Nocturne-----Coot
Lunar app----------Antumbra-----Crystal----Diana-----Nightchill-----Turquoise-----Selene
Coigreich app----------Wisp
Matchmaker app----------Achilles-----Sappho
Halloween App-----------------Ghost
Matchmaker app----------Amor
Cataclysms app----------Kin-----Merged-----Storm
Coigreich app----------Clover----Fuath----Kin
Lunar app----------Biform-----Caelum-----Luna-----Moonlight-----Penumbra
Matchmaker app----------Hydrangea
Cataclysms app----------Abomination-----Beast-----Tempest
Coigreich app----------Annwn-----Moss
Lunar app----------Abyssal-----Airglow-----Artemis-----Cynthia-----Losna
Polycephaly (lethal)
Polymelia (lethal)
Spontaneous Blindness
Brachycephaly (lethal)
Hereditary Cataracts
(Generic notes:
NC x NC =100% NC
NC x C = 90% NC, 10% C
NC x M= 15% C, 85% NC, 0% M
C x C= 10% C, 10% M, 80% NC
C x M = 15% C, 15% M, 70% NC
M x M = 10% C, 20% M, 70% NC)
Piebald: Uneven
-Hard Mode- rules and restrictions
*even if they are not of Wind Cave - the only exception of this is the Beta (herbalist), who are not permitted to be Alpha as the position of Beta is more specialized.
Breeding Male must be of the original alpha(Knoxx)'s blood line.
Breeding Male's cannot be inbred
Beta's must take on an apprentice at 6 years of age. The apprentice can be an adult, but an adolescent apprentice is encouraged.
Wolves here must be heritageless (NBWs and Chased NBWs) or have heritage within the pack only.
*These are the only wolves that count toward breeding achievements as listed above^
*If wolves are inbred (allowed) they must be labeled as such
*Applicators are allowed.
These wolves can be adopted, purchased, gifted, and otherwise.
If a wolf is borne of a Shrill parent and a Wind parent, they must reside here after weaning.
If a wolf is to live in the StarFog pack and is borne of a parent outside of the pack, even if the other parent is Wind, they must reside here.
These wolves are treated equally to those in the Wind cave outside of breeding and regulations.
Occasionally, pups will be purchased from the Enclave for R&C, both to keep the Pupsitters in practice and to offer pups a new lease on life.
This cave also includes Traveling Wolves, both those hosted by and those from the StarFog pack
Raised and Chased 30 wolves
If you have any questions or would like to host/adopt a Sell Cave wolf, feel free to reach out!
- 🐺 means carrier of Knoxx's blood
- Check out the Sell Cave to add StarFog wolves to your pack!
Pack Lore/Info
Welcome to the StarFog pack, located in the blustery and windswept BlackPaw mountain range.
- The Wind Cave of this pack abides by the clan law of *hard mode*- where all wolves are either without lineage, or have a lineage that is contained to within the pack. Only wolves within the Wind Cave can count for breeding achievements.
- The Shrill Cave contains any members of this pack that do not fall under the rules of *hard mode* - any rescued, adopted, or traded wolves live here, along with any pups that are bred of a Shrill parent, or are bred of an out-of-pack parent.
- The Sell Cave is the cave that contains all wolves for trade or gift, including any traveling wolves. Some of these are NBWs, Chased NBWs, Pups, etc.
The StarFog pack uses it's Alpha (lead) to lead in daily matters, such as who hunts, who scouts, who watches over the pups, who eats what and when, etc.
The StarFog Beta (herbalist) chooses themselves. These wolves are those who have been more in the realm of dreams than the realm of reality since puppyhood. No one can choose the Beta but themselves, sometimes at prompt from the current Beta.
The StarFog Beta is the lead in all matters of spirituality and health, including those relating to the Dreamlands. Of course, when present in the tactile world, the Beta cares for the sick, and masters the craft of herbalism to help those wolves in need.
- When wolves reach the age of 7, they are to become mentors and retire from their current positions immediately.
- Pups are to be fed first at all times. This includes pregnant and nursing mothers.
- Scout is one of the prized positions of the pack. Only those with universally well stats are welcomed to take on the privilege of Scout. Most times, the next Lead is chosen of the current pair of Scouts.
- Hard Mode- Breeding Achievements
Bases: 91/188
LightBasic T1----------
Breed-Only T1----------
Basic T2----------Siqoq
Breed Only T2----------Rime-----
Basic T1----------
Breed-Only T1----------
Basic T2----------
Breed Only T2----------
Basic T1----------
Breed-Only T1----------
Basic T2----------
Breed Only T2----------
LightBasic T1----------
Breed-Only T1----------
Basic T2----------Buff-----Almond
Breed Only T2----------Isabel-----Peach-----
Basic T1 ----------
Breed-Only T1----------
Basic T2 ----------
Breed Only T2----------
Basic T1----------
Breed-Only T1----------
Basic T2----------
Breed Only T2----------
LightBasic T1----------
Breed-Only T1----------
Basic T2----------Calcite-----Ducat
Breed Only T2----------
Basic T1----------
Breed-Only T1----------
Basic T2----------Sulphur-----Tawny
Breed Only T2----------Saffron-----
Basic T1----------
Breed-Only T1----------
Basic T2----------Dinar-----Russet
Breed Only T2----------
LightBasic T1----------
Breed-Only T1----------Honeydew-----
Basic T2----------Pale
Breed Only T2----------
Basic T1----------
Breed-Only T1----------
Basic T2----------
Breed Only T2----------
Basic T1----------
Breed-Only T1----------
Basic T2----------
Breed Only T2----------
Light*Lunar app----------Antumbra-----Crystal----Diana-----Nightchill-----Turquoise-----Selene
Coigreich app----------Wisp
Matchmaker app----------Achilles-----Sappho
Halloween App-----------------Ghost
Matchmaker app----------Amor
Cataclysms app----------Kin-----Merged-----Storm
Coigreich app----------Clover----Fuath----Kin
Lunar app----------Biform-----Caelum-----Luna-----Moonlight-----Penumbra
Matchmaker app----------
Cataclysms app----------Abomination-----Beast-----Tempest
Coigreich app----------Annwn-----Moss
Lunar app----------
Conjoined Twins (lethal)Deafness
Polycephaly (lethal)
Polymelia (lethal)
Spontaneous Blindness
AlbinismBrachycephaly (lethal)
Hereditary Cataracts
(Generic notes:
NC x NC =100% NC
NC x C = 90% NC, 10% C
NC x M= 15% C, 85% NC, 0% M
C x C= 10% C, 10% M, 80% NC
C x M = 15% C, 15% M, 70% NC
M x M = 10% C, 20% M, 70% NC)
Piebald: TornPiebald: Uneven
-Hard Mode- rules and restrictions
Alpha / Breeding Male / Beta
Alpha is whomever has the highest stats in the pack at time of appointment*even if they are not of Wind Cave - the only exception of this is the Beta (herbalist), who are not permitted to be Alpha as the position of Beta is more specialized.
Breeding Male must be of the original alpha(Knoxx)'s blood line.
Breeding Male's cannot be inbred
Beta's must take on an apprentice at 6 years of age. The apprentice can be an adult, but an adolescent apprentice is encouraged.
Wind Cave
This cave contains the core -hard mode- following pack.Wolves here must be heritageless (NBWs and Chased NBWs) or have heritage within the pack only.
*These are the only wolves that count toward breeding achievements as listed above^
*If wolves are inbred (allowed) they must be labeled as such
*Applicators are allowed.
Shrill Cave
This cave does not abide by the laws of -hard mode-These wolves can be adopted, purchased, gifted, and otherwise.
If a wolf is borne of a Shrill parent and a Wind parent, they must reside here after weaning.
If a wolf is to live in the StarFog pack and is borne of a parent outside of the pack, even if the other parent is Wind, they must reside here.
These wolves are treated equally to those in the Wind cave outside of breeding and regulations.
Sell Cave
This cave is for those who are for sale, donation, or Raise & ChaseOccasionally, pups will be purchased from the Enclave for R&C, both to keep the Pupsitters in practice and to offer pups a new lease on life.
This cave also includes Traveling Wolves, both those hosted by and those from the StarFog pack
Raised and Chased 30 wolves
If you have any questions or would like to host/adopt a Sell Cave wolf, feel free to reach out!
Alpha Rave | ||||||||||||