Pine Ridge


Pine Ridge is nestled deep within the safe yet tumultuous terrain of the heart of the rocky mountains. Surrounded by the snowcapped craggy, jagged pinnacles, the wolves that call the mountains home, are just as rugged and hardy as the range itself. The pack lands are comfortably huddled in a sun-warmed valley at the western foothills, swaddled by pine trees as far as the eye can see. A large crystal-clear lake that snakes farther into the range and cascades into a magnificent waterfall is their landmark for the beginning of their territory. Their home range stretches from the very western edges of the large lake and continues in a west direction until it reaches a wide glade in between the ever-stretching pines.
Within the sun-dappled glade is a clearing of dens. Dug beneath the sturdy trunks of fallen pine trees and screened with English Ivy, the dens are warm and comfortable, lined with moss, fern, feather and bracken nests. Wolves of all ages are tasked with clearing out the nests and supplying fresh ones every few moons.
Though fairly new and with minimal history to recount, Pine Ridge was founded by the pair Komaterasu and his beloved mate, Amaterasu. The two young wolves were eager to part from their birth packs and start anew. Eager to affix their legacy within the pine-laden valley the two resided in and claimed as home, they quickly introduced two new lives. The couple bore two young sons, Ansel and Anton.
King Komaterasu | ||||||||||||