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Avalanche felt a rush of unease as her gray-green eyes widened at the sight of Klondike's torn, ragged, gray fur squeezing through the gap in the fence. Her heart pounded in her chest as she saw her father's green eyes large with distress and as she saw his pelt was scarred and bleeding, a stark contrast to his usual jolly and sleek appearance and demeanour. As she began to pad toward him, she was startled as her mother, a bright red husky named Ember, bowled her over in a frenzy of concern. "Klondike! What's the matter?" Ember covered her mate with urgent licks, causing Avalanche's frustration yo prick at her paws. The feeling sank deep into her, fueled by the burning question of why she wasn't able to see her father right away like she always does.

Avalanche's encounters with her father are infrequent, occurring only when Ember's master is not around--a rare occurrence. The pack of wolves to which Klondike belonged held the belief that associating with dogs or their masters was an act of disloyalty, a notion that made no sense to Avalanche. She pondered the hypothetical scenario of a wolf and a dog falling in love and having pups. Surely, such a bond should not result in exile. She also dwelled on the fear that consumed Emberm who had confided her concerns to Avalanche whenever she felt the one-year-old pup could handle the weight of such a 'strange' burden. Motivated by this knowledge, Avalanche tried her best to assist, constantly keeping an eye out for Klondike's arrival, as well as remaining vigilant for Ember's master. It was her keen sense of smell that provided the first indication of her father's presence behind the fence. Determination illuminated Klondike's green eyes as he spoke, "We'll fight them off, no doubt. We just ought to protect the pups with our lives." Confusion clouded Ember's face as she asked, "They're coming? Here? Now?"

"Yes! They know where we are!" Ember looked stunned. "What? Thunderstrike is coming here, of all places? I thought they hated our dwellings!" Klondike nodded swiftly. "Yes, but they're bloodthirsty. We need to--" Defensive, Ember growled, "Did you talk to them at all, or just fight?" She glared at his scarred fur. The tension in the air was palpable, and Klondike could sense that yet another altercation was about to unfold for the second time for his sake. The timid little wolf-dog crept forward submissively. "Father, what do you want us to do?" The imposing gray wolf cast a glance at the small gray-white pup. He was about to respond when the furious red husky spoke again. "Avalanche, stay out of this. We'll protect you, alright. But I can't say we'll all survive." Avalanche shrank in terror. Was she really going to die? As fear flooded through her petite body, Klondike spun around from where he was looking through the fence. "Ember!" He nearly shouted. "Do you want them to be terrified?" Ember is only acting like this because it's in her nature. She is a very bold husky. She'll stand her ground when she thinks she's right - or she'll bow her head when she thinks she's wrong.

"She will be no matter what! We'll die, Klondike, and you've got to see that." Ember spat, lashing her tail in anger.

"So we'll all die?"

Avalanche's heart raced as Elk, a caramel-coloured pup approaching his first birthday, emerged from the shadows of a massive oak tree with a question that seemed to carry more weight than what was spoken. His inscrutable expression left Avalanche with a sense that something deeper was behind his query. The sudden appearance of Elk startled Ember, and even Klondike was momentarily taken aback before composing himself with a growl. "Enough," he snapped. "Thunderstrike Pack could arrive at any moment. We need to find a safe place for the pups." Sandy, a russet-hued female husky pup, tilted her head in confusion. "But, Mum, aren't we safe here?" Ember shot a slightly annoyed glance at Sandy, reminding her that this was not the time for the pups to join in on adult conversations. Despite the tension between them, Sandy moves to where Wildfire and Beaver are standing and settles down, looking casual. She stole a quick, anxious look back before making herself comfortable on the soft grass. Meanwhile, Elk remained seated, fixating on the two adults with an icy gaze, prompting Avalanche to lower her head in deference.

"Ember, we have to go. It's not safe here. The pups-They could be killed, Ember." Klondike insisted, still panting from sprinting to here from his pack. Ember rounded up her pups and stood over them protectively. Avalanche poked her head out through the crowd beneath her mother's white underbelly. She was so big she barely fit. "I will die to protect them." Ember snarled, eyeing her mate with a cool stare. Klondike sighed a growl. "Ember, stop being so stubborn! We need to save these pups! We need to get them elsewhere - anywhere but here!"

Juniper, a dim black and white husky, began shivering from distress. His eyes watered. "M-Mum, I d-don't w-wanna die..." Avalanche huddled closer to him reassuringly, and from under her mother's belly, shot her a glare. Ember looked down at Avalanche blankly, as if lost in thought. Seconds ticked by, and Avalanche even began to ponder if moments had, too. Suddenly Ember raised her head. "Let's leave," Her throat was hoarse from frustration. Klondike brightened. "Good. Avalanche, Elk, lead the way. I will travel at your sides and Ember will follow the rear." Nodding, Avalanche crawled out of beneath Ember's belly and looked expectantly at Elk. He looked at her with that same unreadable expression again, before padding in front of her. She ran to his side. Parsley trailed behind his older sister and Beaver and Wildfire trotted at the rear, Sandy in front of them. Excitement bubbled in her veins. She was going out into the forest! Klondike was flanking their side, as promised, and Ember stalked boldly behind them. She looked anxious, and Avalanche felt surprised; Ember never usually is. Elk was already at the dirt pile, digging it up, when she heard Klondike's deep bark. "We'll be okay."

"Oh? And you know that, do you?"

Fur bristling, the family spun around, hackles raised, as a large, dark gray wolf, almost black, loomed over them with a sneer on his face. "Seriously? You're all leaving? Already? C'mon! The party has just begun!" Klondike took a menacing step forward, his stiff posture and bared teeth revealing his hostility. "Why are you here?" His voice was cold and quiet. The black wolf shrugged, maintaining his sly smile. "To teach you a lesson, obviously." Ember lunged at him, her determination evident. "You will not hurt our family! We have done nothing to you, you filthy mutt!" However, the black wolf nimbly dodged her attack and watched her fail with a critical gaze. The pups watched, speechless. For one, neither of them have ever seen their mother fight. Second, none of them have ever seen their mother fail. This made Avalanche step forward. Everyone looked at her: The black wolf looked at her scornfully but his ears pricked curiously; Ember glared at her, her eyes shining with violence; Klondike stared at her, taken aback; her littermates looked at her in pure shock.

"Uhm. Black wolf, wouldn't it be wise to talk this through? Like, all I'm saying is, why can't we just. I dunno. Figure this out without violence? Do we have to hurt each other?" The black wolf hurtled at Avalanche but stopped when their noses were skimming each other's. "Loyalty!" He spat. "Is within a wolf pack! We can't have disloyal wolves!" Avalanche tilted her head. "Disloyal wolves? Who was disloyal?"
"Avalanche," Klondike let out a low, warning growl. "Be careful." The black wolf's eyes widened as he understood her question. "Isn't it obvious, pup? Who is your father?! He's disloyal for taking a mere mutt as a mate!"

Lead Wolf ๐“๐“ฟ๐“ช๐“ต๐“ช๐“ท๐“ฌ๐“ฑ๐“ฎ
Played By โœง.*~ @๐•ท0๐•น3 ~โœง.* (#145154)
Territory Biome Riparian Woodland
Cave Slots 2 / 10
Pack Adults 8 / 12
Pack Pups 12 / 60
Immortal Wolves 0 / 0

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Name Stats Info Currents
273 stats L1 Female 0 years 3 months (Puppy) 0y 3m Sick
371 stats L3 Female 1 year 5 months (Adult) 1y 5m Breeding Cooldown (14 rollovers)ScoutSick
229 stats L4 Female 2 years 3 months (Adult) 2y 3m Breeding Cooldown (20 rollovers)PupsitterSick
243 stats L1 Female 0 years 0 months (Newborn) 0y 0m No Pupsitter
243 stats L1 Female 0 years 0 months (Newborn) 0y 0m No Pupsitter
244 stats L1 Female 0 years 0 months (Newborn) 0y 0m No Pupsitter
244 stats L1 Male 0 years 0 months (Newborn) 0y 0m No Pupsitter
237 stats L5 Male 1 year 7 months (Adult) 1y 7m PupsitterSick
408 stats L6 Male 1 year 10½ months (Adult) 1y 10½m HerbalistSick
498 stats L8 Female 3 years 3½ months (Adult) 3y 3½m Breeding Cooldown (5 rollovers)Sick
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Name Stats Info Currents
232 stats L4 Male 2 years 1 month (Adult) 2y 1m Hunter
250 stats L3 Female 3 years 6½ months (Adult) 3y 6½m Breeding Cooldown (18 rollovers)Hunter
253 stats L1 Male 0 years 1 month (Newborn) 0y 1m
249 stats L1 Female 0 years 1 month (Newborn) 0y 1m
247 stats L1 Male 0 years 1 month (Newborn) 0y 1m
308 stats L1 Female 0 years 9½ months (Adolescent) 0y 9½m Sick
190 stats L1 Male 0 years 7 months (Adolescent) 0y 7m
306 stats L1 Male 0 years 9½ months (Adolescent) 0y 9½m
186 stats L1 Male 0 years 7 months (Adolescent) 0y 7m
297 stats L7 Male 2 years 10 months (Adult) 2y 10m Scout