Silver Star Pack
Check out my Springvale den for wolves that are up for grabs, I'm open to alternate offers for any pups that you may be interested in. I'm very interested in mutation and color breeding projects-- currently I've got many breeding pairs that have combo color markings and possibility to produce melanism or albinism carriers.
Anything from my wishlist can be used for refunded breedings to my stud, or as offers for wolves. I also welcome offers of base/eye/pose applicators not on the list, rare recipes, and/or muties to add to my breeding projects. You can message me to make offers or inquiries!
Craftable items wish list
Applicators Notes
Breeding Notes
Auburn- Black + Red
Deira- Beige + Honey
Dinar- Honey + Brown
Doubloon- Honey + Yellow
Ducat- Yellow + White
Sepia- Brown + Yellow
Silver- Black + White
Sterling- Silver + Black
Tuff- Silver + Cream
Zircon- Red + Cream
Teardrop - Muted Light
Zircon - Muted Light
*Badger - Muted Medium
Lily - Muted Medium
*Hornfels- Muted Dark
*Piasa - Warm Light
*Wulfenite - Warm Medium
Realgar - Warm Dark
*Corrundum- Warm Dark
Opal - Cool Light
*Grulla - Cool Medium
*Blueschist- Cool Dark
*Monochrome T3s
*Iron- Monochrome Dark
Cool + Cool = 100% Cool
Cool + Muted = Muted, Cool, or Monochrome
Cool + Warm = Cool, Warm, Muted, or Monochrome
Cool + Monochrome = Cool or Monochrome
Muted + Muted = Muted, Cool, Warm, or Monochrome
Muted + Warm = Muted, Warm, or Monochrome
Muted + Monochrome = Muted, Monochrome
Warm + Warm = 100% Warm
Warm + Monochrome = Warm, Monochrome, or Muted
Monochrome + Monochrome = 100% Monochrome
Special + any other color group = Any base from the second parent's color group, very low chance for the same Special base
Special + Special = Very low chance for the same Special base, can fail to any other color group
Light + Light = 100% Light
Light + Medium = 50% Light, 50% Medium
Light + Dark = 25% Light, 50% Medium, 25% Dark
Medium + Medium = 25% Light, 50% Medium, 25% Dark
Medium + Dark = 50% Medium, 50% Dark
Dark + Dark = 100% Dark
Anything from my wishlist can be used for refunded breedings to my stud, or as offers for wolves. I also welcome offers of base/eye/pose applicators not on the list, rare recipes, and/or muties to add to my breeding projects. You can message me to make offers or inquiries!
Craftable items wish list
- Sentinel Pose
- Fox Eye
- Fox Base
- Badger Base
- Blue Jay Decors
Arnica Flower Decor
Bird's Nest [Branch/Bush]
Canine Fang Necklace
Carrionflower Herb Crown
Dandelion Decor
Goldenseal Accent
Guaiacum Crown
Large Branch Decor
Mouthful of Feathers
Muskrat Carcass Decor
Mustelid Fangs Tail Jewelry
Owl Feather Decor
Owl Talon Necklace
Parrot Feather Decor
Pherish Fur Body
Pherish Fur Head
Rabbit Carcass Decor
Scarce Understory [Dry/Green]
Scattered Foilage [Dry/Green]
Squirrel Carcass Decor
Swan Feather Decor
Volukros Gentle Feather [Head/Body]
Wolf Trophy Tail Band [White]
Wolf Trophy Tail Necklace [Timber]
- Blooming Guaiac Tree
Burning Bush Tree
Burrows Among the Roots
Chattering Parakeets
Chilling Blue Jays
Cozy Den
Eternal Slumber
Fallen Tree
Fallen Tree Den
Forest Dwelling
Hollow Tree Den
Mountain Laurel Blossoms
Old Railway
Overgrown Arches
Overgrown Cove
Overgrown Den
Rabbit Foot Den
Redwood Sorrel Meadow
Resting Grouse Flock
Rising Ibis
Secluded Spring Den
Sunlit Cove
Vine Growth Den
To Do:
- Wolves nearing 7yr: North (chaser), Flames Cloak The Night (chaser), Sang Hee (finisher)
- Currently training: Teak and Nut (herbalist, Tune>mentor), Guizhong and Bloodpaw (chasers), Stardust (finisher)
- non-lead wolves die between 7y6m - 8y; find replacement by then-- can retire for free
- scouts - all stats | stalker/herbalist - smarts, wisdom | chaser/pupsitter - speed, agility | finisher - strength
- EMOJI KEY: matching in name = pair bond
HUNTING SQUADS: 🌌 = Supernova | 🌪 = Sandstorm | 🪐 = Celestial Bodies
HUNTING ROLES : 🧿 = Stalker | 🏃 = Chaser | 🥊 = Finisher
GENETIC MUTATIONS: 🤍 = Albinism | 🥜 = Brachycephaly | 🖤 = Melanism | 🌫 = Hereditary Cataracts
APPLICATOR MUTATIONS: 🔲 = Piebald: Torn | 🔘 = Piebald: Uneven
RANDOM MUTATIONS: 🫂= Conjoined Twins | 🔇 = Deafness | 👥️= Polycephaly | 👣= Polymelia | 🧑🦯= Spontaneous Blindness | wolves in this den are up for grabs! pm me with the link(s) to any that you wanna claim and I'll gift them over(:- Bedo | Diana 🤍DOUBLE CARRIER 🖤stud | 1gc or 300sc
Marking color combos
Auburn- Black + Red
Deira- Beige + Honey
Dinar- Honey + Brown
Doubloon- Honey + Yellow
Ducat- Yellow + White
Sepia- Brown + Yellow
Silver- Black + White
Sterling- Silver + Black
Tuff- Silver + Cream
Zircon- Red + Cream
T3 Bases
Teardrop - Muted Light
Zircon - Muted Light
*Badger - Muted Medium
Lily - Muted Medium
*Hornfels- Muted Dark
*Piasa - Warm Light
*Wulfenite - Warm Medium
Realgar - Warm Dark
*Corrundum- Warm Dark
Opal - Cool Light
*Grulla - Cool Medium
*Blueschist- Cool Dark
*Monochrome T3s
*Iron- Monochrome Dark
Base Color Ref
Cool + Cool = 100% Cool
Cool + Muted = Muted, Cool, or Monochrome
Cool + Warm = Cool, Warm, Muted, or Monochrome
Cool + Monochrome = Cool or Monochrome
Muted + Muted = Muted, Cool, Warm, or Monochrome
Muted + Warm = Muted, Warm, or Monochrome
Muted + Monochrome = Muted, Monochrome
Warm + Warm = 100% Warm
Warm + Monochrome = Warm, Monochrome, or Muted
Monochrome + Monochrome = 100% Monochrome
Special + any other color group = Any base from the second parent's color group, very low chance for the same Special base
Special + Special = Very low chance for the same Special base, can fail to any other color group
Base Shade Ref
Light + Light = 100% Light
Light + Medium = 50% Light, 50% Medium
Light + Dark = 25% Light, 50% Medium, 25% Dark
Medium + Medium = 25% Light, 50% Medium, 25% Dark
Medium + Dark = 50% Medium, 50% Dark
Dark + Dark = 100% Dark
Queen Sunsettia | ||||||||||||