Halfcrest Hunters

Welcome to Halfcrest Hunters!
“Sol? Are you alright?” The great black and white wolf asks, her tail swishing from side to side as she moves her head towards his ear, nuzzling it as the massive grey wolf sighs, turning his speckled black head towards the she-wolf, grey eyes sparkling in the setting sun. He pauses, turning his eyes back towards the sky, before huffing out a sigh.
“Just, you know, thinking.” He mutters, staring up at the sky as he looks over his shoulder as the black wolf leans onto him, tugging on his ear playfully with her teeth.
”Why do you look like another wolf has stolen your food?”
Sol pauses, before blinking at her. “It’s that obvious, Lunaris?”
”Only obvious to me, Sol. I’ve known you long enough.” She pauses, before moving her face towards him, before looking towards the right at a yelp.
"Oh come on, Kindle! Don't be a bobcat! Come on, you need to learn." Shard yelps, as he tackles his pack brother to the ground, laughing and wagging his tail.
"Get off, Shard!" The red pup growls, shoving his irritating pack brother off his shoulders. "I don't want to learn! I want to scout!"
"Every wolf has to learn to hunt, Kindle!" Shard teases, before stiffening as he notices Sol and Lunaris approaching them. "Oh hi, Sol, Lunaris."
"What is this I hear about you teasing Kindle, Shard?" Lunaris asks, as Sol looks towards his Adopted Pups. He smiles, before looking towards Ivy as she races towards them.
"Sorry, Sol, Lunaris! I lost track of them! I'll bring them back to Mist, don't worry!"
"It is nothing, Ivy. Go rest, you need your strength for your pups."
King Sol | ||||||||||||