The rain was hefty - unbearable to any wolf as it seemed to be turning into hail that struck most who had dared come into the Deciduous Forest. It seemed that someone had gotten stuck in this horrible weather - dashing in between the tree to see if there was anywhere to hide away from this. The Monochrome Dark wolf didn't think something like this would happen to her - sprinting through the forest before catching a faint voice.
" Hey! " Sap's ears perked up. Her head turned to face a khaki-colored wolf that was waving his paw in the air like a child - the female wolf tilted her head before being pelted by a piece of small hail. That had knocked her brain back into place - oh yeah.. there is a thunderstorm happening. She quickly made her way to where the fellow wolf was, he had found an old hollowed-out tree and had been waiting out the weather in it.
" Enjoying the weather out there? " The stranger said with a chuckle - seeing that Sap didn't have the happiest face in the world and moved over for her to join him in the tree. " It was good that I saw you there! Almost didn't catch you. " He commented as Sap shook her fur. " I'm Bug That Crawls On Tree, what is your name? " Bug glad introduced himself to the female wolf, not worried at all if she was going to rip out his throat or not. She at first didn't say anything to an oddly colored male - Bug understood why.
" Not much of the talking type, huh? I understand. Meeting a stranger in weather like this is not so fun! " He chuckled - trying to lighten up the mood as Sap licked her wounds. The little pieces of hail still hurt a lot, even if they were smaller than an acorn. " I'm Sap Of New Birch, just passing there. " She had finally replied to him - her voice was coated in malice but was too quiet for Bug to pick up on. " Sap Of New Birch? Sounds like a fancy name.. - come from a fancy pack? " As if he brought up bad memories, Sap growled at him which made him rethink his words. " What I meant to say is.. - how was your name? Were you named after something? " Bug seemed to quickly save his ass.
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