
Honestly, I'm not into darker themes anymore.... So slowly, I'll be changing everything up to focus more on a positive thing in my life, BTS. Who am I kidding!? Revenge is who I am, and darkness is my best friend! But BTS do mean a lot to me ðŸ«
Revenge. What a word. It has so much meaning's yet only one is just. It has another name, perhaps a synonym. Vengeance. The need to make another pay for the wrong inflicted upon them. Take Whisper for example, the founder of the group. She was hurt by her mother and father, left to raise herself higher among the society of wolves. She decided she wasn't going to join a pack, but instead found one. She met Elliot, the one male she could trust, the one anything she could trust, and made Revenge. They took all sorts of pup's and unwanted wolves, growing in size and number until Whisper decided it was enough. She was upset and those disloyal or not fit were chased away or given to better people. They were called the Misfits, those who stayed until they could be replaced. Many came and went, but that's not our story. No, our story takes place after the death of Elliot, after the death of Whisper, to the second lead, me. My name is Shadow Moon and I am the second alpha. Revenge can only be led by females, Whisper's rule. I respect her, as my alpha and as the founder of the legacy of Revenge. And trust me when I say I will pass it on. I came as a pup, seeking a family to love me, a pack to care for me. My mate is Atlas. None of us were born here, except Princess. Ugh. Her mother, Queen, was the first wolf to come that Whisper actually cared about. Fitting for a pack of blood-thirsty wolves don't you think? Anyways, it was with Queen's arrival that the Misfits were born. Of course, I will hold up her legacy, I don't want thing's to change too early. The Misfit's are okay, hunter's that keep the pack fed until death or pup's born to be given away, enclaved or killed. They know, the Misifits, that they are mistake's, unwanted crows in a swarm of peacocks, but even they have advantages. The pup's well, are useless, but the hunters are better. I know that Whisper cared about one hunter in particular, Sasuke. He is a legend, alongside Princess' father Kakashi. They were both inbred, something everyone hated. But that didn't stop Queen from mating with him, only to find out that they had the same grandparent's, or great-grandparent's, not that I care. Princess and her brother Prince were the first special wolves born in the pack. Prince left the pack for Revenge's brother pack Feire. Who spell's they're pack name that way? He became a stud, even if he was distantly inbred. The pack flourished after they're arrival and I was one of the many special wolves to come to the pack. Lovely, isn't it? I think Princess is overrated but otherwise everyone's pretty nice. We used to host travellers, but our pack is too big to do so. Naruto is our traveller, he's out there somewhere.
QueenElliot Whisper
Complete and get all of the T3 base's Try to make an All Pastel/Colorfull pack. ( No Natural's. ) Lead's must only be female. Immortalize Sapphira (30GC)
Alpha 21st Century Girl | ||||||||||||