Sunrise Pack
"Toward the horizon... follow the sun."
The Sunrise Pack have always been nomadic, never settling in one place for too long. Despite their name, it is actually the moon and night sky that they revere. They believe that all wolf souls are falling stars, and that while the body continues to sink back into the earth, the spirit ascends to the heavens once more. Likening themselves to the sun and moon, they believe it is a tether to the earth to linger in one den for too long. Their belief system welcomes change and encourages curiosity, forgiveness, and generosity. Attachment to places and objects is thought to entrap one's soul on earth forever. And while that isn't the fate most strive for, it is also believed that earthly spirits can affect the luck of living wolves.
The Constellari are believed to have a special connection to the cosmos, with wisdom and understanding that surpasses a normal wolf's. Leaders are chosen from birth and taught from a young age how to lead and be responsible for others. Only they can walk in the Dreamlands, and only they can change the fate of the pack.
Constellari - Born to lead and set an example for their pack, the rank of the leader and their immediate family. Even after a new leader is chosen, these wolves almost always remain well-respected.
Silverhearts - Caretakers - healers and pupsitters alike. The roles are often interchangeable, with all pupsitters sharing the responsibility of tending to the pack. While they do not necessarily rank higher than Mooncallers or Nightstalkers, they command respect in a gentler way.
Stardrops - Puppies, the guiding light of any pack. Puppies are among the first to be fed.
Nightstalkers - The masterful few. The wolves making up this elusive rank are special - stronger, faster, smarter than any wolf in the pack. There are generally only a handful of these individuals at one time. They tend to be somewhat eccentric and unique.
Mooncallers - The elite. These wolves have risen beyond what is expected of them and live as examples for the rest of the pack. Feats of strength, loyalty, and skill will elevate one to this illustrious rank.
Duskfangs - A skilled and proven member of the pack, usually one who has attained a respectable level of a certain skillset.
Sunchasers - Unremarkable wolves, Sunchasers are expected to work hard and hone their skills before they are granted a new, higher rank. No longer young enough to be considered Daybreakers, but not skilled enough to be named a Duskfang.
Daybreakers - Young adults. No longer considered pups or adolescents, these wolves are beginning to find their place in the pack. Daybreakers must be a year and a half old to ascend to a new rank, and even then such a promotion can only be expected if they exhibit growth. Most wolves are able to leave this rank behind with time.
Drifting Clouds - A wolf who is only temporarily a member of the pack - either pups raised by the pack to serve as pilgrims to other packs, spreading their beliefs, or guests who are only part of the pack for a limited time.
Blue Skies - A Blue Sky is an adolescent wolf who has just begun their training to prepare them for adulthood. This is the lowest rank in the pack, intended to teach humility and responsibility to the young wolves.
Pack Leader Bolete | ||||||||||||
None set.