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Family of Sees Both Ways

This wolf is adopted!

This wolf was adopted by...

Biological Family Tree

Inbreeding Coefficient (COI):
Instances of Inbreeding:

Paternal Family Tree
Great Grandparents
Great Great Grandparents
Maternal Family Tree
Great Grandparents
Great Great Grandparents

Living Biological Offspring

Image Offspring Information Base Mother Pack
The Eyes of the Forest Headshot The Eyes of the Forest Khaki Fire in the Taiga Westward Winds
Taiga’s Goldenrod Headshot Taiga’s Goldenrod Goldenrod Fire in the Taiga The Devils
Taiga's Blue Headshot Taiga's Blue Blue Fire in the Taiga Westward Winds
Taiga's Galena Headshot Taiga's Galena Galena Fire in the Taiga Westward Winds
Taiga's Gold Lighter Headshot Taiga's Gold Lighter Gold Lighter Fire in the Taiga Westward Winds

Living Adopted Offspring

Image Offspring Information Other Adoptive Parent Pack
Adopted Steele Headshot Adopted Steele Fire in the Taiga Westward Winds

Deceased Biological Offspring

Image Offspring Information Base Mother Pack

Deceased Adopted Offspring

Image Offspring Information Other Adoptive Parent Pack