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❄️Meteorstar ❄️ #11545

Hello! Its me, Meteorstar! I have sporadic at best log-ins, but i try to be here to accept stud requests. Right now my stud is a luna based wolf, but once he dies- (in just 18 or 30 rollovers- that's Crazy!) I'll be replacing him with either Allyssum, the Piasa bloodhound NBW- or a Losna based wolf. After that I'll officially move to my lovely Diana Melanistic wolf as a stud.

I plan to have a private-ish line CLEAN lead wolf, with high stats. I am friends with Fen- and am diagnosed with ADHD/ADD. I am LIKELY to be autistic as well- so do forgive me if i end up being off-putting. If you have any problems with something ive said or done, feel free to DM me.

When I get chased wolves, i will sell or give away the ones i dont want. (Wither it be for the chaser, or no. You have ONE rollover until I decide to do either of those things. wolves i plan to keep, i will keep, i am not- nor ever will be- obligated to give to the chaser unless I dont want the wolf. You are warned.

With that, i expect the same thing, if i chase a wolf and want it back, if you plan to keep it, i wont make a fuss, or anything. If you dont want to keep it, i will be willing to purchase them back! I dont usually chase to try to get back, though. :)
Member Information
Name ❄️Meteorstar ❄️
Pack The Pack of the Forgotten
King Dracula
Joined 2020-10-19
Last Active 2025/02/07 03:17:04
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