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πŸŒ™~Mandii~πŸŒ™ #122633

✨ A Little About Me ✨

Friend Request Welcome!

Hello Everyone! My name IRL is Amendria (Uh-men-dree-uh) & I am 23 years old, I currently reside in the United States of America in Utah! I am 1 hour ahead of Wolvden. I have a boyfriend of 4 years this October & a black cat named Ryuk. I am a big gamer, & when I am not gaming I am usually learning coding or watching movies/tv shows. If anyone needs a new tv show to binge or a movie to watch, I'll provide a link with a list and my ratings along with them! I got into Wolvden due to my sister-in-law playing. You can check out her page with the link below.
Sister-in-laws Den Page: link

Movie Recommendation Link: link
A lot of my free time goes towards wolvden but in my spare time, I also like to try and create games as well. I did enter into a game jam here is the link to my game if you wanna check it out. Not only that my boyfriend and I both have tabletop simulators and love to learn new and complex, sometimes straightforward board/card games! Some of our favorites are Tapeworms, Stardew Valley Board Game, Let's Summon A Demon, X- Wing, Bullets, And more! The newest one we are learning is Warhammer 40k, which is awesome! I also play a lot of Garry's Mod, and I have Planet Zoo as well. That's pretty much the basics for me!
Game Jam Link: link
About My Den

My wolf pack is based on a bunch of outcasts, outsiders, abominations, attitude driven wolves. I wanted to base my pack around a sanctuary for the place of the unwanted or tossed out by other packs. My pack accepts all and shames none for how one may look, or act. All wolves are welcome and may stay as long as they pull their weight and help contribute to the pack. My pack comes in many shapes, forms, colors, and personalities. But I love them all the same.

Pack Founders:

Here you have the ones who started the pack out from nothing but a few measly miscreants. Let me introduce you. First, you have Yakuno. He is the pack leader as he is the one who banned together the pack on his very own.
Second, Nephoria. Which is the lover of Yakuno and they are pair bonded.
They have two beautiful female pups, Raynia and Maru.
Next, we have Rayfeus, don't let his deceiving looks scare you away, he may seem big and bad, but if you are in a bind you can always count on him to be there.
Next, we have our two main pupsitters, Marmalou and Frezda. Both came to me from tragic backstories and upbringings. They now seek shelter and love under Yakuno & the pack's care.
LΓ½sa, HΗΏnir, Espanora, Frutelli, & Nazata were all gifted from an ally pack, on Black Tide.

With our pack expanding and our diversity growing, we are proud of who we are and where we come from, every one of us. If you want to know more about an individual wolf, or one not mentioned in this small introduction please check out that wolf's page and read their bio.


Most of my pups I will be keeping but the ones I do not want will be tradable, sold, or sent to the enclave.

πŸ† Goals πŸ†

1.) Try & Login Everyday: 47 Days In A Row
2.) Immortalize Yakuno Before He Dies
3.) Make Some New Friends
4.) Start Book Based On My Pack
Wolf Breeding Goals
1.) Uneven Piebald: Complete βœ…- link
2.)Torn Piebald:
4.)Hereditary Cats:
6.)Spontaneous Blindness:
7.)Conjoined Twins:
9.) Twins:
10.) T3 Wolf:
11.) Special Base Wolfβœ…- link

Thanks For Stopping By

Here in the Imperfect Canines pack, there is only room for acceptance! Enjoy getting to know the pack and always remember you are welcome here. And we hope to see you again soon!
Member Information
Name πŸŒ™~Mandii~πŸŒ™
Pack The Imperfect Canines
Pack Leader Yakuno
Joined 2023-05-14
Last Active 2023/09/03 12:45:29
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