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Tanya #148595

My name's Tanya and I'm Autistic. If you have questions about it or me, feel free to ask. I also have other disabilities too like Depression and OCD just to name a few. I am hoping to be friends with other autistic people on here over time as well as people with other mental health issues. I am 30 years old. I am open to learning about disabilities that I am not knowledgeable of currently which is a lot at the moment given how many there are in the world sadly. I am trying to feel not so alone with having disabilities in general as it's very isolating for me personally since my disabilities stop me from doing many of the things that I wish I could do but can't sadly. This site is one of those few areas in my life that they don't hold me back at all thankfully.

I love all my wolves very much and keep all of them until they die of old age or illness. I have the loyalty of a canine in that way in that I won't ever chase them or send a pup to the enclave. I always have one pupsitter per puppy to have the highest survival chance for every puppy that I have. I always have a few of every medication stocked in advance for when one or more wolves get sick. If you don't have a medication that one of your wolves needs, feel free to ask me for help and I will happily spot you. If you ever need food/amusement items for your pack when you don't normally have issues with having enough for your whole pack for whatever reason, I am also more then happy to lend a helping paw, just PM me. I always make sure I have more then enough food and amusement items to give them all before I even think about the possibility of adding any new pack members. If you're new to this site, please feel free to PM me to ask any questions you have and I will do my best to help you or direct you to someone who has been on the site longer then I have who can hopefully answer your question(s).
I'd like you to please call me Stray instead of Tanya.
My pronoun preferences are: HE/HIM/HIS

Feel free to send me friend requests and just briefly write me why you are wanting to be my friend so I know that it's not just a totally random thing and that you actually took the time to read my Profile info.
Thanks for reading this, it means a lot to me and made my day!

P.S. If you're curious, these are the things I would like to see added/changed to the site personally. These are just my personal thoughts and nothing more. It's totally fine to disagree with them. I know they are all long shots but one can dream. If you like any of these ideas, feel free to spread them around and maybe it'll happen one day for all we know. If you think of a better alternative idea or whatever of something I listed down below and want to share it with me, please do as I'm always open for new ideas on how this great game could be made even better for all who play it to make it enjoyable for a wider range of people potentially etc. They are not listed in any particular order just so you know in advance.

  • Automatic feeding/play for a set of days/weeks for GC (great for if you know you'll be unavailable to rollover one day for whatever reasons like vacation for example)

  • Coyote or Dingo hybrids

  • Dog breed hybrids

  • More then just 2 Scouts after you get a certain amount of wolves or territory

  • 2 herbalists after you reach 50 or 100 wolf territory

  • Maybe at least 5 or 6 hunting parties can hunt at a time once you get past 100 wolf count in your pack due to the constant struggle for food when you get that many wolves. I just feel that there's not much point in being able to have 10 hunting parties and only being able to use 4 parties at a time. I hope that make sense.

  • 3 legged or more disabled wolves in the game that don't end up dying. Maybe some are born with 3 legs and though its harder for them, they manage to make it to adulthood. They could be like the other wolves with disabilities in that they can do some things, but not everything. It could be another mutation that's rare. I am just looking for more disability representation that's positive.

  • Automatic level up option if user wants it

  • Players can Feed/Play with other members wolves if user permits it so there's fewer neglected/starving wolves and also helps those who are not on every day too.

  • Multiple groups of 5 for socializing wolves at a time as it'd be faster/more efficient that way if you have a lot of wolves.

  • I personally wish the enclave acted more like a shelter personally. I wish that they aged while they stay in the enclave and stayed there until they either got adopted or die of old age. They would be automatically fed and played to 100% while they were there too and not just miserable and/or starving if they don't get adopted. They would also never get sick at all while waiting for their new pack.
(I care so much about this issue that I started my own rescue called HOWLING FOR A PACK RESCUE CENTER just to try and lead by example and hopefully inspire others to do the same sort of thing if the game developers aren't/can't do it for whatever reason(s). See the middle of my den page to learn more about it if this intrigues you at all as I can't do it alone. Without adoptions I cannot continue running the rescue. I am always looking for potential adopters among so many other things that help keep the shelter afloat.)

  • Adult and adolescent wolves that leave due to neglect or over crowding can be found in explore just like the chased wolves

  • You can choose to get notified when a chased wolf of yours has a new pack and who that new pack is

  • I also wish that you see the whole puppy (or adult if the above ever happens) and not just the head shot when you click on a wolves picture on the enclave adoption options. I personally hate that you can't see the whole body before adopting because you can't make a fully informed decision that way.

  • Be allowed to adopt more then just one pup from enclave a day without having to deal with pair bonds.

  • I wish the time wasn't condensed to the extent that it is. I know that the average age of a wolves life is 7 years in this game and i'd like to have more time with my wolves before having them die of old age. I think maybe a compromise would be to slow the time thing down to every year in real life is half a year in the game if that makes sense. i am just trying to find a happy medium for those who like the sped up time vs the real life time. I personally don't like how fast the time goes as it currently does but that's just me. I am VERY attached to all of my wolves so I wish I had more time with them personally. I know you can make them immortal but it also renders them "useless" for a lack of a better term which I don't like at all honestly. I just feel that if it says 7 years that I should get that actual amount of time with them but then again maybe that's just my autistic brain.

  • WIsh List is able to be customizable in terms of order of things listed most wanted or desired to least or something along those lines. Maybe it could be like a ratings system. 1 to 5 or 10 in order of importance to the player for example. Every item could have a number or something next to it to show how valued that item is by the player and makes it easier to sort as the most desired could be the default order descending. It's random at the moment which I don't think is great at all personally.

  • I think there should be infinite space in your dynasty and not just 200. I am not sure if there currently is a limit to dead wolves or not but I do know that you can have a maximum of 200 wolves at one time so i am assuming that there's only 200 dynasty spaces as a result.

  • I personally think that past your 21st wolf, that every dynasty spot of former pack members/leaders should be linked to territory aka how many wolves you can have or make it so that you can have unlimited number of dynasties right off the bat. I don't think having to pay for a dead wolf makes any sense personally but that's just me. It makes sense to me to pay the first time but not a second time for that same wolf if that makes sense.

  • Maybe you pay for the first 21 wolves with and then the rest are free? I just don't think the way they have it going now is fair personally. It's fine to pay for the immortal wolves and all that but I don't think we should have to pay to keep dead wolves.

  • I think there should be the amusement item equivalent to the Elk Cow bundle that you can find at the Grove. In other words there should be the ability to buy a huge toy bundle in the grove and not just a food bundle. It could be Elk Cow parts like hooves, tails, fur, bones, antlers etc as items you get in the bundle in keeping with the Elk Cow theme. Just some ideas as to what could be included in it and how it would differ from the food option of it. I just feel that both options for food and amusement items should be available in the grove and not just the food because a player may need or want the amusement version of it. The price would be the same for the amusement version as the food version meaning both would be 3 so combined they would total 6 if you bought one of each in other words. I hope that makes sense.
Member Information
Name Tanya
Pack Lone Ranger Pack
Leader House
Joined 2024-11-11
Last Active 9 hours ago
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