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Starweld #1522

Hello, welcome to my den!

For anyone who wants to know, yes, I'm a massive Final Fantasy fan. In case you couldn't tell by my wolves. xD

Feel free to message me with questions, comments or haggling on my prices, I don't bite! I play off and on, so I'm not very plugged into the community and what's popular or not. I just do what I want most of the time, lol.

As far as my breeding aims, I prefer my pack to be mostly markingless wolves. I LOVE the bases in this game, much more than the markings! I make exceptions for event markings sometimes, but that's it. Any other markings you see are ones I haven't had the chance to remove yet, or I might not bother if the wolf is too old.

I don't really care much about inbreeding, but so many people do that I make an effort to keep my wolves clean or otherwise marked.

I'm also on Lioden!
Main: 107578
Side: 107641
Member Information
Name Starweld
Pack Amaurotine Ancients
Pack Leader Azem
Joined 2020-09-25
Last Active 2 hours ago