Silverscreech #16111
Name: Brittany.
Nicknames: Kita or Silv
Age: 33
Birthday: August 24
Pronouns: She/Her
Occupation: Live in Caregiver
Hobbies: Writing/Roleplayer (Mod, Owner and Co-owner), Reading, Video Games, Drawing, Oil Painting, Piano, Tennis, Dancing,
Binge watching tv shows.
Fave Movies/Shows: Avatar, Avatar Last Airbender, The Mummy, Rush Hour 1 and 2. Gilmore Girls, Star Wars(All), Friends, Big Bang Theory, Young Sheldon, Everybody Loves Raymond, ect.
Fave Video Games: Palia, Animal Crossing, Zelda, Story of Seasons/Harvest Moon, Monster Hunter, Pokemon, Lioden, Wolvden, Marapets
Roleplays I'm In: Warrior Cats, Star Wars (I lead the Sith Faction. Sith Name: Silvanius)
Nicknames: Kita or Silv
Age: 33
Birthday: August 24
Pronouns: She/Her
Occupation: Live in Caregiver
Hobbies: Writing/Roleplayer (Mod, Owner and Co-owner), Reading, Video Games, Drawing, Oil Painting, Piano, Tennis, Dancing,
Binge watching tv shows.
Fave Movies/Shows: Avatar, Avatar Last Airbender, The Mummy, Rush Hour 1 and 2. Gilmore Girls, Star Wars(All), Friends, Big Bang Theory, Young Sheldon, Everybody Loves Raymond, ect.
Fave Video Games: Palia, Animal Crossing, Zelda, Story of Seasons/Harvest Moon, Monster Hunter, Pokemon, Lioden, Wolvden, Marapets
Roleplays I'm In: Warrior Cats, Star Wars (I lead the Sith Faction. Sith Name: Silvanius)
Member Information | ||
Name | Silverscreech | |
Pack | Ikari Pack | |
Queen | Silverscreech | |
Joined | 2020-10-19 | |
Last Active | 2025/02/15 03:08:08 |
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