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Silver the Lynx #43732

As long as there is death, there is pain, but without death there is no life, and without life there is no love to repair our pain

Fear is what holds us back. And yet, it's what keeps us together. Fear is what keeps us alive. Each and every person stands on a thin line between fearless, and fearfulness. If they step away, they fall. Some stand strong on their line, only leaning from time to time to find their balance. Some wobble side to side, trying to stay stable but always getting pushed by some unknown source. Yet some are lost to either side, never to be found. Without fear, a rabbit would not run from a fox, though it may fight, a fearless rabbit cannot beat a strong fox. A fearful rabbit would not ever meet a fox, but nor would it meet food. Too scared to exit its burrow, the rabbit would not be able to defeat starvation. When fear holds someone back from something, it is often holding them together. Fear is written in us like carvings on a stone tablet. Do not be afraid of fears, but do not let fears take over.

We were not born in the world just to die. Even if death is needed for survival, we were not just made to die. I was made to live. I was made to live a life and to thrive, I was made to shape the planet and its future. I was made to live so I can die. Only once I have lived, shall I be made to die.
Member Information
Name Silver the Lynx
Pack The Falling River
Lead Wolf Korkusu
Joined 2021-05-14
Last Active 5 hours ago
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