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Gil 𓆏 #47577

Heya! This account is shared by a small system of two (we're pretty sure we've got a fragment somewhere too, but they're not developed enough to really do anything in the physical sense yet, lol)! Both of us are always happy to help out or talk to others, so feel free to shoot over a message to us anytime!
I'm Gilbert! Feel free to call me Gil, Gilby, or whatever else you'd like : ] I use He/Him, and I'm the system's host and main front man ; P. My system-mate is Paxton, or Pax for short if you're feelin' fancy lol. He also uses He/Him, nd if he uses your full username/name/etc. then I apologize lmao, it's just a weird habit of his for some reason. He doesn't like to front all that often, but it's certainly a pleasure when he does lol. but yea! Hopefully you're doing well! : ]
Member Information
Name Gil 𓆏
Pack Aστέρι
Pack Leader Ωρίων
Joined 2021-08-13
Last Active 2024/04/09 20:16:18
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