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Miettaus #601


Howdy! Just your typical horse weirdo, I ride and have been for many years now. I currently train and complete with my horse, Mietta, in Third Level. Dressage and horses are my passion, so feel free to hit me up if you want to chat (maybe for endless hours?), be you fellow horse nut or not! I am a female that hails from Virginia, USA, and I graduated college with an English degree. In my spare time I read and write (I participate in NaNo, and I love it!). I also sit on the computer a lot (in the dark, in my...cave) and enjoy gaming on various platforms, watching a ridiculous amount of shows (fangirling included) and...well, if I have any time after all of that, I'm usually sleeping.

My pack: I have 2 dogs, 2 cats, a horse, and a miniature mule!

Member Information
Name Miettaus
Pack Soquili-Aniwaya
Queen Tsoine
Joined 2020-09-25
Last Active 2025/02/03 11:39:23
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