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1trrr_ #98715

Ricky Dicky Doo Da Grimes.
Boom, Shaka Locka.
Boom, Shaka…Locka.
- Andrew Lincoln

code by #202



I love GOT, HOTD, TWD, and ARCANE so much. A lot of my wolves are probably going to be named after them and other books/movies/shows I like.


I keep little standards for the wolves I keep. Like, only females, at least 6/7 marks, and not inbred. I don't really care about bases, but I've been trying to stick to at least TII recently.

I always have extra food! Feel free to PM if you need some, free ofc. 'New Puppy's in my giveaway den are always free, just send me a PM with their link and I'll reserve. There might also be adults named 'GIVEAWAY'. Those are also free for PM.

Member Information
Name 1trrr_
Pack Rolling Banshees
Lead SYZ
Joined 2022-10-15
Last Active 3 hours ago
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