Training: Chasing and Escaping:
During the lesson: Today, Perseus convinced some ospreys to chase Peary out in the open plains. The real, physical threat of the talons really motivated little paws to do their best.
Bird Watching:
During the lesson: Peary didn't have much luck at first, but soon he started to associate types of nesting materials with types of birds. Each time they appeared sooner than before.
During the lesson: Fleet reminded Peary not to giggle each time she walks by. It would make the hiding technique much more efficient.
During the lesson: Fleet played the role of the prey today. Peary, along with his littermates, had to plan a strategy to remain undetected.
Beginner Foraging:
During the lesson: Fleet gave a lesson to Peary about the balance in nature. Beginner herbalists must not take all the herbs from one spot and be careful not to destroy anything, because herbs are far too valuable.
Hunting Basics:
During the lesson: Peary chased his first serious prey today, surprised that rabbits can jump that far and that fast. Adults made it look so easy!
Killing Effectively:
During the lesson: With the carcass tied to a straw string, Perseus pulled it to simulate prey movement. Peary stalked and pounced on the "prey" successfully, and began to tear it apart before he was scolded to be more precise and not let food go to waste.
Family: Mother: Fleet Father: Shark Half-Brothers: Damon, Wolfgang, and Porcupine Half-Sisters: Eva