This wolf is immortal! It will never age or die. It cannot be bred or used in roles, or retired into. This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
Spent: 100000 , 2500 , Random Marking Applicator x3, Eye Applicator [Bone] x2, Claw Applicator [Wild], Nose Applicator [Wild], Skin Applicator [Wild], Marking Set Applicator [Shimmer] x2, Base Applicator [Moss], Loyal Pack, Three Howling Wolves x2, Magnificent Rockies, Mutie on Demand: Piebald Frontal, Mutie on Demand: Piebald Biewer, Base Applicator [Clover], Markings Applicator [Fuath], Nose Applicator [Umbral], Eye Applicator [Dark Eclipse], Base Applicator [Akhlut], Markings Applicator [Umbra], Marking Set Applicator [Notches], Marking Set Applicator [Shadow], Wolf Scrotum x2, Base Applicator [Luna], Arabian Wolf, Mutie on Demand: Piebald Dalmatian, Mutie on Demand: Piebald Dip #294518468, Wolf Blood, Red Wolf, Mutie on Demand: Piebald Torn, Mutie on Demand: Patches Pointed, Mutie on Demand: Piebald Zerdava, Base Applicator [Sidhe], Base Applicator [Moonlight] Total Value @ Date of Trade: 8414GC Changing Looks: Marking Set Applicator [Ghast], [tba]