ID #5741632
This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.

Currents | |
Age | 4 years 1 month (Adult) |
Sex | Female |
Energy |
Mood |
Hunger |
HP |
Personality | Malicious |
Breeding Information | |
Age in Rollovers | 98 |
Pups Bred | 0 pups bred |
Last Bred | Never |
Fertility | Very Low |
Heat Cycle |
In heat for 2 rollovers ![]() |
Items Applied | None! |
Pair Bond |
Looks | |
Base | Caramel (2.42%) |
Base Genetics | Muted Dark I |
Eyes | Gray |
Skin | Black |
Nose | Selenite |
Claws | Selenite |
Mutation | None |
Secondary Mutation | Albinism ![]() |
Carrier Status | View Report |
Variant | Default |
Slot 1 | None |
Slot 2 | White Underfur (1% : T0) |
Slot 3 | None |
Slot 4 | None |
Slot 5 | Yellow Low Bottoms (12% : T0) |
Slot 6 | None |
Slot 7 | None |
Slot 8 | None |
Slot 9 | None |
Slot 10 | None |
You're wandering around the pack after the encounter with Dakushepado. Dear lord that guy was insane.. "Hello there.." you're startled by an albino female with..antlers? She snickers as you approach. She stares at your neck, where you were bleeding. Did she smell your blood? "I'm Isla, you're (YWN)? You had that pain in your side, didn't you? Well you obviously don't have it now, so I need your help with something.." Oh great, she knows too. Maybe coming to this pack was a mistake.. "I need you to tell me how you shook the pain, since one of the pups is feeling the same." Really? That's not good.. from what Buraddo mun said, it's highly contagious, meaning if one pup has it, the rest will catch it too! But what pup? No pups you saw had pain in their abdomen? "Hello? You're gonna keep being a vegetable or are you gonna respond?" she barked rudely. "Uhm, I haven't seen any injured pups. Are you sure they aren't faking it to get out of training?" you respond. Isla snarled. "Know what, just go. You aren't much of a help as I thought you'd be. Scram, mutt."
Rude much! You growl, trotting off.
Despite her gorgeous appearance, Isla isn't as sweet as she looks.
She loves to sink her teeth into the wolves she depends on, always having something to do with everything bad happening in the pack.
It got so bad, one day, that Badger had to host a pack meeting to figure out what had been causing this trouble.
"Alright, so I'm calling this meeting today to discuss the various problems happening around our pack." Badger yipped "So we all know about the disappearances of multiple pups that haven't been weaned yet, and I'm sure we're all upset about the fact we can find nothing but a tuft of white fur." she said with sorrow as she stared down at her paws "Isla? You go first." Badger said finally as everyone's attention shifted to the pale wolf. "I-- uhm, well, personally, I think it may be some sort of..." Isla said anxiously as she thought of something "A.. an eagle? They steal pups, don't they?" she blurted out, as she tried to avoid pinning her ears. "An eagle? True, they steal pups, but we SHOULD be able to see any eagles circling above our den." Badger responded, squinting at Isla. "Actually, Badger, I think Isla could be right..remember we're all busy most of the time? Perhaps one of the pupsitters left for a moment for something, and in that moment the eagle struck?" Morning Angel said with his ears perked up in alert. Isla relaxed, now having an alibi.
"Smart thinking, Morning Angel. Moronis? Merle?" Badger continued, relaxing her eyes as she looked over to the 2 pupsitters.
"As much as I dislike pups, I wouldn't take my bloody eyes off them for a second." Moronis shook his head.
"And I treat pups too kindly, you already know I'm too busy playing with them to not notice one being swept away by a big stupid bird." Merle responded, with a look that basically said 'Really?'. Badger let out a long sigh "I guess we can't figure it out today. Alright, everyone. Meeting dismissed." And with that, Isla got away, snickering as soon as she got back to her miniature 'lair'.
"C-can we go h-home?" a scared, black pup whispered to Isla. "No, not yet. Never, actually. I don't want you snitching, do I?" she responded, grinning a mean, toothy smile. "B-but we won't! We p-promise!" Another pup with gray fur yipped fearfully. "Your promises mean nothing. How do you think I ended up here? That other pack, I did the same thing. I let guilt get the better of me. I let the pup go, because it had polymelia and only a few days left. It told on me, and I was exiled. You pups are liars, I'll NEVER make the same mistake." Isla snapped furiously at the last sentence. The 3 pups stumbled backward in fear. The last pup, a melanistic pup, looked up at Isla with terror. Isla laughed, until her laughing evolved into cackling loudly. She stalked around the pups, enclosing them into a circle before scaring them again, and again. When she was done, she pulled something that smelled more rancid than fox scat mixed with rotting egg, and much more. It was the rotted carcass of a squirrel, marinated in..something, and given to the pups. "Eat up, it's all you're getting for the week." She snickered, before trotting away, a dark gleam in her eyes as she closed the cave and rushed back to the pack's homesite.
Isla was just a pup when she was abused horribly for most of her life, always being fed exactly what was mentioned above up until she was an adolescent, when she ran away in hope of a better life.
As her antlers grew in fully, she began to stack small carcasses on them, with a trophy right next to them explaining how she tortured them to death. This repulsed other wolves, leading her to be nomadic until she was taken in by an unknown pack (NOT A REFERENCE TO HER ORIGINAL PACK), that decided to try and change her.
They removed these carcasses and trophies, which angered Isla. One day, she kidnapped 5 pups, planning to make an army, and kept them buried in a smell-proof ditch until one pup with polymelia begged her to let them see their parents one last time before they perish to the mutation. Isla's heart melted, and she allowed the one pup to leave, only to wake up to the face of the pack alpha telling her to leave the next day. The pup she released quickly lead the alpha and pack to the ditch, freeing the pups.
Isla returned to her nomadic and cruel ways, stacking carcasses and now small canines from all species on her antlers again, this time with more detailed trophies. One day, she removed them to shed her antlers when she stumbled across the Juniper Thicket pack's leader, Badger. She felt bad for Isla, taking her into the pack. Once again, Isla forgot about her trophies. Then, she preformed another kidnapping, this time of 3 pups. She kept them in a small cave with no light or spots to smell from, and this time, she doesn't plan on letting any of them go until they're obedient enough to make a fine army.
Badger is oblivious to all of this, even though she's observant. Perhaps over time she'll find out..
----------------------------------------------INTERACTION LOGS-------------------------------------------------------
You find ❄️ Isla ❄️ antagonizing a mouse. They're smushing it between their paws and when it squeaks they let it go before trapping it once again. They seem to find joy in this game.
❄️ Isla ❄️ offers you a gift with a fake smile and you know that it's either stolen or forcefully taken from someone else.

Credits to me!
--------------------------------------------ISLA'S PUBLIC TROPHIES-----------------------------------------------------

Isla noticed you staring at the skull. "Ah, I see you found this one, eh? I ripped him from throat to stomach, then when the carcass decomposed, I took the skull! Shame it's too big to fit on my antlers..." she did this? It sends a shiver down your spine.

Oh god, she killed a badger, too? Is that a threat to Badger--? Isla strutted over "This one was quite the trouble. He nipped my ankles, but those stubby legs couldn't get the badger anywhere near my neck! I simply bent down, snagged 'em by the neck fur, and smashed him 'gainst the rocks 'til he died! Then I ripped out his teeth, as you can see."

Of course.. another wolf trophy. You hesitate to get closer until the 'tour guide', Isla, nudges you closer to it. "Scary, hm? Don't worry, I wouldn't do it to you. Probably. Anyway, this one was a small victory. I forgot how he died and his pack probably did too. Next?" What a grim fate..

Before you can even think about it, Isla jumps in front of you, ranting about how much fun she had slaughtering this one. I'm...not going into detail. (poor narrator lmao)

Is that a bear paw? There's no way Isla killed a bear on her own. But then again, after all the crazyshit happening lately, you never know. "Hmm, this one was legendary. I almost died, but then I heard a loud 'BOOM'! and when I turned around, the bear was dead, and was leaking blood from its head all over the floor! Then the humans that killed the bear saw me and tried to kill me, but their little magic sticks didn't work and made clicking noises, so they ran away and left the bear to me! It took me over a half hour to saw it's paw off!" maybe she should've died when the humans wanted her to?..

IS THAT A PIECE OF LUNAR ANIMAL SKIN?! Badger walks by, frowning at all the trophies, before stumbling back, eyes widened at the piece of blue skin that looked eerily similar to hers. She looked away, pinning her ears and speed-walking. Isla snickered when she saw this. "All I'm gonna say about this one is that he tried." she grinned cruelly, still glaring at Badger who probably heard this.
Poor Badger.

A cougar tail. A. cougar. tail. Why are you surprised? Isla smiles. "Sooo, we got into a tussle over this dying cow elk, and I bit his tail REALLLLLLLYY hard, and it tore off! He zoomed off, yowling in pain! Serves him right!" ......

How did she catch it in the air? You're more fascinated than confused, now. Very sharp..
"This one was flying, trying to catch MY little rabbit that I was playing with, and then he smacked into a tree! So I quickly snapped little rabbit's neck and started mangling the stupid bird! When he finally died, I snatched his talon! Looks like a raptor, right?! Right?!" Well that explains it.

Another lunar creature.. Badger continues speed-walking past. "This one was from a cnitharian wolf! The cnitharians were having another dancing ritual like they do, and then I 'showed' them my torch, and they all burned! Only thing that didn't was this one's claw! I dunno why the lunar realms dislike me.." that's cruel. Badger has the right to shuffle away.
as you walk forward, expecting to see another trophy, you smack face first into a wall. "Ow!" you yelp, backing away with a sore snout. Isla grins at your pain, but hides it. Or at least she tried to hide it. "That's the end! Turn around and head on back, I'll probably have more soon!" finally.. you turn around and head to your den. Augh, your snout hurts now..
Rude much! You growl, trotting off.
She loves to sink her teeth into the wolves she depends on, always having something to do with everything bad happening in the pack.
It got so bad, one day, that Badger had to host a pack meeting to figure out what had been causing this trouble.
"Alright, so I'm calling this meeting today to discuss the various problems happening around our pack." Badger yipped "So we all know about the disappearances of multiple pups that haven't been weaned yet, and I'm sure we're all upset about the fact we can find nothing but a tuft of white fur." she said with sorrow as she stared down at her paws "Isla? You go first." Badger said finally as everyone's attention shifted to the pale wolf. "I-- uhm, well, personally, I think it may be some sort of..." Isla said anxiously as she thought of something "A.. an eagle? They steal pups, don't they?" she blurted out, as she tried to avoid pinning her ears. "An eagle? True, they steal pups, but we SHOULD be able to see any eagles circling above our den." Badger responded, squinting at Isla. "Actually, Badger, I think Isla could be right..remember we're all busy most of the time? Perhaps one of the pupsitters left for a moment for something, and in that moment the eagle struck?" Morning Angel said with his ears perked up in alert. Isla relaxed, now having an alibi.
"Smart thinking, Morning Angel. Moronis? Merle?" Badger continued, relaxing her eyes as she looked over to the 2 pupsitters.
"As much as I dislike pups, I wouldn't take my bloody eyes off them for a second." Moronis shook his head.
"And I treat pups too kindly, you already know I'm too busy playing with them to not notice one being swept away by a big stupid bird." Merle responded, with a look that basically said 'Really?'. Badger let out a long sigh "I guess we can't figure it out today. Alright, everyone. Meeting dismissed." And with that, Isla got away, snickering as soon as she got back to her miniature 'lair'.
"C-can we go h-home?" a scared, black pup whispered to Isla. "No, not yet. Never, actually. I don't want you snitching, do I?" she responded, grinning a mean, toothy smile. "B-but we won't! We p-promise!" Another pup with gray fur yipped fearfully. "Your promises mean nothing. How do you think I ended up here? That other pack, I did the same thing. I let guilt get the better of me. I let the pup go, because it had polymelia and only a few days left. It told on me, and I was exiled. You pups are liars, I'll NEVER make the same mistake." Isla snapped furiously at the last sentence. The 3 pups stumbled backward in fear. The last pup, a melanistic pup, looked up at Isla with terror. Isla laughed, until her laughing evolved into cackling loudly. She stalked around the pups, enclosing them into a circle before scaring them again, and again. When she was done, she pulled something that smelled more rancid than fox scat mixed with rotting egg, and much more. It was the rotted carcass of a squirrel, marinated in..something, and given to the pups. "Eat up, it's all you're getting for the week." She snickered, before trotting away, a dark gleam in her eyes as she closed the cave and rushed back to the pack's homesite.
Isla was just a pup when she was abused horribly for most of her life, always being fed exactly what was mentioned above up until she was an adolescent, when she ran away in hope of a better life.
As her antlers grew in fully, she began to stack small carcasses on them, with a trophy right next to them explaining how she tortured them to death. This repulsed other wolves, leading her to be nomadic until she was taken in by an unknown pack (NOT A REFERENCE TO HER ORIGINAL PACK), that decided to try and change her.
They removed these carcasses and trophies, which angered Isla. One day, she kidnapped 5 pups, planning to make an army, and kept them buried in a smell-proof ditch until one pup with polymelia begged her to let them see their parents one last time before they perish to the mutation. Isla's heart melted, and she allowed the one pup to leave, only to wake up to the face of the pack alpha telling her to leave the next day. The pup she released quickly lead the alpha and pack to the ditch, freeing the pups.
Isla returned to her nomadic and cruel ways, stacking carcasses and now small canines from all species on her antlers again, this time with more detailed trophies. One day, she removed them to shed her antlers when she stumbled across the Juniper Thicket pack's leader, Badger. She felt bad for Isla, taking her into the pack. Once again, Isla forgot about her trophies. Then, she preformed another kidnapping, this time of 3 pups. She kept them in a small cave with no light or spots to smell from, and this time, she doesn't plan on letting any of them go until they're obedient enough to make a fine army.
Badger is oblivious to all of this, even though she's observant. Perhaps over time she'll find out..

----------------------------------------------INTERACTION LOGS-------------------------------------------------------
You find ❄️ Isla ❄️ antagonizing a mouse. They're smushing it between their paws and when it squeaks they let it go before trapping it once again. They seem to find joy in this game.
❄️ Isla ❄️ offers you a gift with a fake smile and you know that it's either stolen or forcefully taken from someone else.

Credits to me!
--------------------------------------------ISLA'S PUBLIC TROPHIES-----------------------------------------------------

Isla noticed you staring at the skull. "Ah, I see you found this one, eh? I ripped him from throat to stomach, then when the carcass decomposed, I took the skull! Shame it's too big to fit on my antlers..." she did this? It sends a shiver down your spine.

Oh god, she killed a badger, too? Is that a threat to Badger--? Isla strutted over "This one was quite the trouble. He nipped my ankles, but those stubby legs couldn't get the badger anywhere near my neck! I simply bent down, snagged 'em by the neck fur, and smashed him 'gainst the rocks 'til he died! Then I ripped out his teeth, as you can see."

Of course.. another wolf trophy. You hesitate to get closer until the 'tour guide', Isla, nudges you closer to it. "Scary, hm? Don't worry, I wouldn't do it to you. Probably. Anyway, this one was a small victory. I forgot how he died and his pack probably did too. Next?" What a grim fate..

Before you can even think about it, Isla jumps in front of you, ranting about how much fun she had slaughtering this one. I'm...not going into detail. (poor narrator lmao)

Is that a bear paw? There's no way Isla killed a bear on her own. But then again, after all the crazy

IS THAT A PIECE OF LUNAR ANIMAL SKIN?! Badger walks by, frowning at all the trophies, before stumbling back, eyes widened at the piece of blue skin that looked eerily similar to hers. She looked away, pinning her ears and speed-walking. Isla snickered when she saw this. "All I'm gonna say about this one is that he tried." she grinned cruelly, still glaring at Badger who probably heard this.
Poor Badger.

A cougar tail. A. cougar. tail. Why are you surprised? Isla smiles. "Sooo, we got into a tussle over this dying cow elk, and I bit his tail REALLLLLLLYY hard, and it tore off! He zoomed off, yowling in pain! Serves him right!" ......

How did she catch it in the air? You're more fascinated than confused, now. Very sharp..
"This one was flying, trying to catch MY little rabbit that I was playing with, and then he smacked into a tree! So I quickly snapped little rabbit's neck and started mangling the stupid bird! When he finally died, I snatched his talon! Looks like a raptor, right?! Right?!" Well that explains it.

Another lunar creature.. Badger continues speed-walking past. "This one was from a cnitharian wolf! The cnitharians were having another dancing ritual like they do, and then I 'showed' them my torch, and they all burned! Only thing that didn't was this one's claw! I dunno why the lunar realms dislike me.." that's cruel. Badger has the right to shuffle away.
as you walk forward, expecting to see another trophy, you smack face first into a wall. "Ow!" you yelp, backing away with a sore snout. Isla grins at your pain, but hides it. Or at least she tried to hide it. "That's the end! Turn around and head on back, I'll probably have more soon!" finally.. you turn around and head to your den. Augh, your snout hurts now..
Birth Stats | ||
Strength | Speed | Agility |
79 | 67 | 74 |
Wisdom | Smarts | Total |
66 | 62 | 348 |
Birth Information | |
Moon | ![]() |
Season | ![]() |
Biome | Rainforest |
Decorations and Background |
Proficiency | |
Hunting: Stalking | |
Hunting: Chasing | |
Hunting: Finishing | |
Scouting | |
Herbalism | |
Pupsitting |
Statistic | Count |
Total Number of Scouts | 0 |
Total Number of Hunts | 0 |
Successful Hunts | 0 |
Total Number of Lessons Taught | 1 |
Pupsitting Information | |
Pupsitting Proficiency |
Total Protection | 90% |
In current pack for 31 rollovers
Wolf created on 2022-10-18 01:15:25