Juniper Thicket Pack
You wake up to a horrible pain in your abdomen, looking down at your paws as you find yourself in the middle of the coniferous forest. You pick yourself up, tired and anxious, ready(?) to take yourself back to your den as you start treading towards your biome's direction. All of a sudden, as you take one step into the grasslands, you hear a voice call to you from behind, back in the forest.
"Hello! Are you lost? You certainly appear confused!"
The voice startles you. You turn around to see a black wolf with white markings similar to a badger on her face and along her body, with ethereal yet short blue tendrils flowing around her body in few places. You snarl, stepping back as your tail raises, but you smell that she provides no fear, aggressiveness, or dominance. She only smelled excited. You lower your tail and relax your face muscles, letting out a small sigh. She laughed, trotting closer.
"I'm Badger, a half-cnitharian and the Juniper Thicket pack's current leader! You appear hungry and tired. Would you like to stay a while? I'm sure the pack won't mind!"
You didn't feel hungry, or tired as you just woke. But you guess it would be a good opportunity to learn from other packs, so you agree. Badger wags her tail as her eyes light up with joy.
"Awesome! Just follow me, the den isn't too far from here!"
You didn't expect to see such an energetic wolf as a pack leader, but it doesn't matter. You follow Badger off into the forest again as you're lead to their mossy stone den. You feel the same sharp pain in your side again, stumbling and tripping over your own paws due to the surprise of sudden pain. Badger stops as she noticed you weren't following anymore, and she turns to look at you, cocking her head in confusion.
"Are you..okay? You tripped all of a sudden!"
You gather yourself as you get back on your paws, nodding as you wince in pain. Badger squints at you after you told her that it was just some abdomen pain.

"ABDO- Abdomen pain?! That's uh- uhm.. let's just hurry! Fast!"
'What's wrong with abdomen pain?' You think to yourself as she's now basically rushing you to the pack's den site.
"Keep up! We don't have much time!"
Badger yipped, with a face that told you she knew about something..but what did she know?
YWN = Your Wolf's Name
Pack lore
A wide portal opens, bluer than the ocean itself. Suddenly, a large blur shoots through the air, out from the portal. That blur hit the ground with a loud CRASH, and it turned out to be a black wolf, white stripes all over like a badger, absolutely smeared in lunar essence. They woke, stumbling around as lunar essence fell off of their coat, revealing jellyfish-like tendrils as they started to flow again, unweighted by the dust any longer. That wolf was Badger, and she was still an adolescent at the time. Badger groaned in pain, as every bone in her body ached as if she'd been caught in the middle of an elk stampede. But the worst pain was in her abdomen. It stung like those pointy sticks humans carry that send little balls flying, but there were no humans nearby? Badger winced in pain, limping off into the grasslands as she collapsed while walking. She was breathing heavy, an impending feeling of doom slithered around her chest like a snake, constricting her to barely breathe. She looked around for help, anybody, anyTHING. But there was nothing but the whistling of the air, which didn't help at all. Badger petrified in fear, her tail tucked under her legs as a dark figure appeared in the distance, taking the shape of a wolf as it got closer, and closer, and close- oh, it was just another wolf. Badger's fear waned as she jumped up, sprinting over as fast as she could as a brown wolf with black shepherd markings stared at the adolescent. At first, he seemed worried for Badger, but upon noticing the tendrils, he stepped back, now more concerned for himself and what the hell this thing was. Badger stood, shaking her head and trying to speak while ignoring the pain in her bones, but she winced as the same pain in her side returned. "H..Hello..I'm Badger..I'm in.. in.." She was attempting to do something incredibly hard. Speak quickly while hungry, short of breath, and injured. Badger wheezed for air as she pinned her ears back. The wolf relaxed, introducing himself "I'm Dakushepado, and uh, nice to meet you, Badger. May I ask what the hell happened to you?" he barked. "I..I don't know..I was playing..within the coniferous forest of the dreamlands and..and then everything....went black..Then I woke up here with terrible pain..pain" Badger yelled it all out at once, pausing at the end to catch her breath, as she was struggling. "In head..the worst pain in my's horrible.." She continued, as the pain got worse when she mentioned it. Dakushepado widened his eyes with shock at the news of the pain in her abdomen, seeming to forget everything about the 'portal' part. "Pain in your abdomen? We need to go, quick." He worried now for both of them. Badger struggled behind him while they ran, so he slowed his pace a bit. They stopped abruptly in front of a volcano in the mountains biome. Badger looked to Dakushepado with pure confusion."What..what are we here..?" Badger looked away from him, down into the molten lava that bubbled and spat angrily. "Jump." He said with a straight face. "Wha-- Are you kidding..?!" Badger gasped. Dakushepado had a stoic face. "Trust me, jump. It's not what you think." He said again. Badger peered down in fear, before looking back at him. She backed up a bit, closing her eyes, and sprinting off to the edge where she propelled herself into the volcano. Surprisingly, she opened her eyes, standing on top of a stone surface. The lava was just some creepy species of bioluminescent orange plant! "Well..well I'll be damned.." She muttered. Dakushepado jumped down as well, as he led her through a crevice at the bottom of the ditch. They stepped into a room filled stuff that humans probably understand. Dakushepado grabbed something off a shelf. "Drink this, then I'll tell you what that abdomen pain was." He was stern. Badger let out a sigh, and drank the liquid that was wrapped in a leaf. Badger's pain immediately left. "What was that?! How did you--" "it was a special type of healing salve. Thank me later. Anyways, about that pain.. that was a rare virus from the dream realm. It's called Proxynomatus (PROX-EE-NO-MATT-US). It's extremely contagious and is spread by infected bites of volukros animals. Although..I don't know how you got it, as the virus had been inactive for over a century. You're lucky that you got treatment on time, or you'd have started to slowly disintegrate into lunar dust." Dakushepado winced. "DISINTEGRATE INTO LUNAR DUST?!" She yelped, shaking off the rest of the lunar essence that was stuck to her pelt from earliar. "SO THAT COULD'VE BEEN A DEAD WOLF ON MY FUR?!" Badger watched the essence spark up into the air and settle on the ground. "Actually, that could've been multiple dead wolves.." He smiled nervously, hoping not to worry Badger any further. Badger paused, sighing "Guess who's never going back to the lunar dream realm." she mumbled, looking around for an exit. Dakushepado barked, gesturing to her to follow him out of the lab. They left, as Badger looked around anxiously. "Now where do I go? I obviously can't go home.." Badger whimpered. "Well, I mean, you could either join a pack or start one, but you're an adolescent so that'd be pretty tricky.." Dakushepado responded. "Uh, I'm not an adolescent. I'm simply smaller. Cnitharians age faster but our bodies grow slower than we age up-- it's REALLY confusing." She cocked her head. Dakushepado seemed fairly confused, but he shook off the feeling "I guess starting a pack IS an option then..? Oh, I have a name suggestion! How about, 'The Glowy Tendril Wolf Pack'!" he smiled. Badger snarled a bit. "The hell type of name is that? How about, the 'Juniper Thicket Pack'?" she chuckled, secretly taking offense to the first name. "Oh-- yes, much better. Uhm, no hard feelings, right?" he pinned his ears and smiled guiltily. "Yeah, no hard feelings." Badger sighed as they trotted off into the coniferous forest.
Rules for me to remember
*Only wolves with their stats over 200 can be leader, even if the leader has pups.
*All pups must have a pupsitter, (Doesn't count if their survival chance is already 100% or if they have an ❌ under their name.)
*All wolves must be fed and happy because I'm too lazy to deal with them when they're all about to run away.
*Art accepted from anybody must be credited or I'm gonna feel like crap
*Roleplay wolves must be made immortal because I don't want them dying--
Go read their bios from top to bottom
Buraddo mun
Morning Angel
"Hello! Are you lost? You certainly appear confused!"
The voice startles you. You turn around to see a black wolf with white markings similar to a badger on her face and along her body, with ethereal yet short blue tendrils flowing around her body in few places. You snarl, stepping back as your tail raises, but you smell that she provides no fear, aggressiveness, or dominance. She only smelled excited. You lower your tail and relax your face muscles, letting out a small sigh. She laughed, trotting closer.
"I'm Badger, a half-cnitharian and the Juniper Thicket pack's current leader! You appear hungry and tired. Would you like to stay a while? I'm sure the pack won't mind!"
You didn't feel hungry, or tired as you just woke. But you guess it would be a good opportunity to learn from other packs, so you agree. Badger wags her tail as her eyes light up with joy.
"Awesome! Just follow me, the den isn't too far from here!"
You didn't expect to see such an energetic wolf as a pack leader, but it doesn't matter. You follow Badger off into the forest again as you're lead to their mossy stone den. You feel the same sharp pain in your side again, stumbling and tripping over your own paws due to the surprise of sudden pain. Badger stops as she noticed you weren't following anymore, and she turns to look at you, cocking her head in confusion.
"Are you..okay? You tripped all of a sudden!"
You gather yourself as you get back on your paws, nodding as you wince in pain. Badger squints at you after you told her that it was just some abdomen pain.

"ABDO- Abdomen pain?! That's uh- uhm.. let's just hurry! Fast!"
'What's wrong with abdomen pain?' You think to yourself as she's now basically rushing you to the pack's den site.
"Keep up! We don't have much time!"
Badger yipped, with a face that told you she knew about something..but what did she know?
Pack lore
Rules for me to remember
*All pups must have a pupsitter, (Doesn't count if their survival chance is already 100% or if they have an ❌ under their name.)
*All wolves must be fed and happy because I'm too lazy to deal with them when they're all about to run away.
*Art accepted from anybody must be credited or I'm gonna feel like crap
*Roleplay wolves must be made immortal because I don't want them dying--
Go read their bios from top to bottom
Buraddo mun
Morning Angel
Pack Leader Badger | ||||||||||||