No one expected
Jianghong-Lin (林江鸿,
pronounced: lín jiānghóng) to stay. She was always itching to explore. Even the hunters' stories did not capture her attention; they were too mundane, too routine. Every morning the pack awoke half expecting her to have simply vanished into the beyondlands.
But they did not understand that when Jianghong explored, it was not the sense of adventure that enraptured her. It was the small details that the hunters never spoke of: the scent of new flowers blooming, the petulant cries of distant waterbirds, the quiet
hush of grass as it moved with the wind. She found peace in the small wonders of the world, the same way
Ilia found peace in her herbs and
Zhiyuan found peace in quietly leading. And so Jianghong savored her own kind of adventure.

Born on a bright spring night to Iris with 512 stats (213-69-106-58-66)

Held vigil for reaching Level 20 at 3 years 5.5 months with 1189 stats (595-129-271-92-102)