Allow All Males to Breed within the Pack
Posted 2020-11-05 11:46:31 (edited)
I agree to the multiple male breeding as well. I myself having just started the game and not even playing for a full week yet I am already coming into the same problem I had in lioden. |
Swiftwalk #25531 |
Posted 2020-11-05 11:56:45 (edited)
@Swiftwalk- You mentioned lore possibilities as a reason, but having injuries actually forces only one kind of scenario. For example, in my current story, there would be no conflict of interest between my stud male and his daughter's boyfriend. If the game forced my otherwise docile males to fight, until one of them was blind or otherwise disabled, I wouldn't be very happy. |
VagueShapes #828 |
Posted 2020-11-05 12:00:31
@Swift Here's a thread that's more generally about various ways to change the breeding system! I like a lot of your ideas and I don't think that they DON'T belong in this thread but the discussion is a bit more general there, as opposed to developing OP's idea specifically. I also think some of your thoughts and some of mine I posted there could mesh in a fun, interesting way... |
red #1252 |
Posted 2020-11-05 12:00:57
Ah! yes I did not think of that. best not to implement that then. |
Swiftwalk #25531 |
Posted 2020-11-05 12:03:03
@red thanks for letting me know I will proceed with editing! |
Swiftwalk #25531 |
Posted 2020-11-05 12:05:12 (edited)
Vague, that is a really good point that I think almost any restrictions people have suggested about non-main breeding males kinda doesn't address. Why can't other males stud, if the main/lead doesn't care? Why can't there be unlimited breeding males, all with the same rules and limits, if the main/lead doesn't care? Most systems imply some sort of hierarchy or conflict for the reason not all males would be equal in breeding. Though the idea you were commenting on is a lot more outright about your conflict than some others. The only system I think wouldn't really mess with that bit of lore would be a pairing system, but that's more restrictive of lore and gameplay, and honestly probably my least favorite proposed system (unless it was given as an option as part of a dual/mixed system.) |
red #1252 |
Posted 2020-11-05 12:06:50
Oh you didn't have to delete it all, lol. It's fine here, but from my experience plenty have shared their ideas here, but if you really want to have an in depth conversation developing said ideas the place to do that is probably a different thread |
red #1252 |
Posted 2020-11-05 12:10:48
Red, they can't stud for the same reasons that they can't now: Because the game mechanics won't allow it. By not placing these restrictions, or forcing a single kind of pack hierarchy, it frees lore players to either have strict hierarchy if they like or have none. For example, if a lore player wanted a lesser breeding male to be punished, they could roll for it or flip a coin to determine if its chased off or not. But for players who would rather not play that way, they don't have to do anything to the other wolf. And players who want their wolves paired for life, can do that as well! It's about freedom and options. |
Chaosprincess #16877 |
Posted 2020-11-05 12:23:18 (edited)
Chaos, in this case I was speaking purely from a lore perspective. Obviously there are a whole host of game design reasons why it's not just all breeding all the time, but Vague made an interesting lore point I hadnt really heard brought up before. I don't think lore is the end all be all, I just have only seen people talk from a perspective where their breeding males either would have conflict/hierarchy issues, or wouldn't have any actual reason not to (a potential reason being like the above, a stud male and his daughter's boyfriend.) I was just musing about that, not really suggesting any changes based on that alone. Well, currently, there aren't really those options? Unless you're talking about a theoretical 1 stud, but all breeding males system with no restrictions. I'd like a system with lots of options, but game design and balancing are also a factor and I think everyone just has lots of ideas about how to do that, and to what extent. Yeah, I don't think actually injuring wolves is necessary. In the alt thread, I did have an idea about lesser males being able to breed in each pack once (afterward they're punished, but not actually hurt, so they just wouldn't breed again unless it becomes their place to do so (ie they become a breeding male) or they join a new pack) Not a perfect idea (especially for lore reasons above) but I do at least think the same concept as Swift suggested could be done without any actual non-breeding consequences. |
red #1252 |
Posted 2020-11-05 12:23:50
I love the idea of having more males be able to breed within the pack. I have a tier II male pup that I won't be able to pass on his genes because I already have a breeding male. I also have other males I would like to pass on genes from but can't because of the restriction of having only one breeding male. The males so far seem almost useless unless they have a task like being scout or herbalist, so this would give them more value. |
❀ Pizzamuffin ❀ #13855 |