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[🔥ON SITE CAT RP] Journey to Haven 🌿

Posted 2024-04-29 00:04:39

🖤 Ravenpaw

Ravenpaw lifted his fluffy tail in greeting once Rainstrike lifted his head, glad to not have startled the tom. It indeed seemed like he had been resting.

"I am, too," he smiled warmly, padding over to sit beside his seemingly comfortable clanmate, now curling his tail on the ground beside him, "although the time in the forest has its benefits, once I set the worries aside. I got a little lost, quite frankly. In my head, that is," he quickly added with a soft chuckle.

"Well... I assume you know quite well why I am here," the apprentice continued after a pleased silence, leaning over to peer at the mess of cobwebs intertwined in Rainstrike's fur. A gentle frown dampened his expression as he failed to see any sort of dressing underneath.

"I also heard who addressed your wound," Ravenpaw said with a slightly irritated edge, but that was simply because he cared. "Here, I picked up some dock on my way back to camp. It will help sooth your aches if you line your bedding with it."

The dark tom's smile returned as he nudged them over with a paw, then making a thoughtful sound. "I believe I have some goldenrod, which would be best for nipping this wound early."


Posted 2024-04-29 00:08:28


"How I found it... I may have recklessly jumped into a waterfall after the dog attack, but thats not important!" She joked. She was trying to kill herself by knocking herself out and then drowning herself, but she wouldn't tell them that, they had enough to worry about. The gemstones around her gleamed to the point their reflections looked like StarClan spirits. Perhaps they were. There were way more reflections than cats in the cave. They would have to check with Ravenpaw when possible.


Posted 2024-04-29 00:22:42


He blinked in understanding, then shifted his attention to his patched-up wound. He didn't know the first thing about herbs or how to properly seal a wound, but he doubted Silverbloom - in her hurry to get away and the anger she'd been feeling toward him - would have taken the time or had the knowledge to apply cobwebs effectively. It'd stopped bleeding at least. His tail flicked with annoyance at the thought of the silver she-cat.

The gray cat lightly touched his nose to the dock leaves to check it out, he'd never seen them before but was grateful. He'd make sure to stuff these into his nest later.

"Whatever plants you have that can help, I'd appreciate it." Rainstrike wanted the gashes to heal as fast as possible. The sooner he was fine, the sooner he could run around again and not worry that every little sting in his side meant infection.


Posted 2024-04-29 00:34:11

🖤 Ravenpaw

Ravenpaw nodded, watching closely as the grey tom inspected the dock. It brought yet another smile to his face, seeing the slight curiosity in his eyes, but still trusting him nonetheless. It made him feel proud.

"Of course," he mewed, standing up and flicking any loose dust off of his tail as he padded out of the den, glancing over at Stagcall and the two warriors with a nearly inaudible sound. He wasn't within earshot of them, but he did have something to busy himself with, so eavesdropping was not his priority at the moment.

Making his way across the camp, he eventually walked up to his makeshift herb storage. It was near the smaller rock beside the main Big Rock, which had a slight overhang to it - just enough to keep the herbs dry from any normal rain, no strong sideways winds accounted for.

It only took him a quick glance to seek out the aforementioned goldenrod. He did notice, however, that he definitely needed more. Not just of that, but of his whole stock. Before he could let his mind dip into the horror pit of dogs, he simply chalked it up to reminding himself to better note the new environment.

Taking one of the flourishing stalks, he held it carefully between his teeth as he went back to Rainstrike's nest in the den, finding the same spot he had been seated in before he left.

"I do have some good news to tell you, at least," Ravenpaw mused as he used his paw to deftly slide the cobwebs to the side. They could be used again when he was done. "Kestrelheart and Pigeonfeather returned, and they brought the strangest looking rabbit back. It's ears, legs, and even it's eyes are huge. Truly an odd creature, but it will definitely feed the lot of us in itself!"

After he finished speaking, he began chewing on the goldenrod, seemingly unaffected by the bitter and slightly spicy taste it held.


Posted 2024-04-29 00:54:50


While Rainstrike waited for Ravenpaw to return, he pushed a few of the dock leaves into the moss of nest in the places he could reach without twisting his body too much and risking dislodging the cobwebs or stretching his wound open.

When the apprentice came back, he lay perfectly still to let the other cat work with ease. He'd never been one to fuss, complain, or squirm at the slightest discomfort. But he couldn't help the slight jump of excitement when he was informed about the return of the patrol - successful this time and having brought back a massive amount of prey. Reflef flickered in his eyes and he felt he could rest a little easier. He was so happy to know his clanmates had come back safely, and with much-needed prey. A catch worth being proud of from the sound of it. Any good news was great, especially after everything they were all going through.

"That's fantastic, did Pigeonfeather and Kestrelheart say if there were any more large rabbits? Has Moonfeather come back?"

The clan's well-being meant a lot to him, and he found himself a little more worried about his clanmates now that there were so few of them left.


Posted 2024-04-29 04:38:16 (edited)


Stagcall waited for kestrelheart and pigeonfeathers reply while his mind drifted towards the loner. It's just that moonfeather and silverblooms actions today are still quite something.

The brown tom hoped that once he had held the assembly, everyone would have a proper communication towards the situation. He gave a quick glance in the main den where rainstrike and ravenpaw are, assuming that silverbloom was inside as well. Did the two reconciled or perhaps...not? Stagcall wondered.


Posted 2024-04-29 04:43:31

🖤 Ravenpaw

Ravenpaw seemed somewhat pleased with himself at the grey tom's belated reaction. He was glad to have offered a ray of sunshine in his darkness, because he had no doubt, there was plenty of that for the entirety of the skeleton of a clan.

Finishing chewing up the poultice, he carefully placed it on his paw pad, and then spread it across Rainstrike's wound. It wasn't too large, so he was convinced it would heal rather quickly, especially with the goldenrod. Making sure that the dressing was even throughout the whole wound, he wiped his paw on his own fur before reapplying the cobwebs. Now, the wound looked much better off.

"I didn't speak to the two directly, but I'm assuming they must have. It looks so much like a rabbit, so I'm sure it has those underground families just like one. Maybe they could show you. After you're done resting," he made sure to add, giving the tom a shimmering smile.

Then, with the second question, he tilted his head gently. He hadn't remembered seeing Moonfeather.

"Hmm... I don't think she has. Where did she go off to on her own? I've missed so much since I've been gone on my own matters," his smiled turned a little sheepish, but confused concern still shone through.
(i'm waiting on Kasper's reply for Stagcall! :D)


Posted 2024-04-29 04:58:44


Pigeonfeather tilted his head at Stagcall, surprised at the exhaustion on his leader's face. Something must have gone seriously wrong for him to look so bedraggled. However, he set a report straight in his brain and then replied, "Yes, we found the loner, Copper, out in the woods. When we spotted her, a little way away from the camp, she was hunting and had caught a couple of pieces of prey. When she saw us, she darted into a tree, but we were able to coax her down and convince her to allow Moonfeather to take her to the camp. She was so skinny and rundown...we couldn't bring ourselves to leave her to starvation or infection, out in the wilderness. We told Moonfeather to either return herself or send somecat back, but clearly whatever happened here must have gotten in the way... thankfully, we were able to finish the patrol without any other real surprises before the-" his whiskers twitched with amusement, "jacked rabbit."

He squinted up into the canopy, trying to think, fluffy tail twitching, then turned to Kestrelheart, "I think that's it, right? Did anything else happen?"


Posted 2024-04-29 05:37:59


Stagcall was deeply astonished, everything earlier could've gone at least better if moonfeather stood her ground and actually explained what pigeonfeather reported to him regarding the loner instead of running off! confusing him even more, resulting in dragging the loner out of the camp.

"I…see. Thank you, pigeonfeather." Stagcall nodded and turned to look at the she-cat in front of him. "You too, as well, Kestrelheart." He now had a clear idea of everything thanks to them. Perhaps it's time for the assembly.

(Lmk if y'all are ready, so I can start the meeting!)


Posted 2024-04-29 05:49:00


Now that his wound had been properly treated, he felt a lot better about the whole situation. Rainstrike was still angry that it'd happened in the first place, but at least he wouldn't be stressing over it anymore. "Thank you, Ravenpaw."

He almost didn't know where to begin, it seemed like so much had happened today - definitely the most eventful one they had in a while. Things were likely starting to settle back into a sense of normalcy after a moon of trying to adjust to the drastic change in their life.

"She came back with a young rouge," Rainstrike twitched his ear, still unable to believe any of that even happened - and that he'd been attacked over a stranger. "When Stagcall refused to let it stay with us, she ran off with it."

He highly doubted the she-cat would leave the clan for that kit, so he began to worry that he might've been right about his suspicion - if there was one rouge, there might be more. He just hoped Moonfeather would be okay, wherever she was.


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