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[🔥ON SITE CAT RP] Journey to Haven 🌿

Posted 2024-04-29 06:10:19


Pigeonfeather nodded at his leader's thanks, then padded a bit away to go sit down and begin grooming his fur. Whenever he went out into the forest, it felt like he came back with half of it in his pelt! Though he loved his long, insulating fur in the winter, most days it felt like an inconvenience. Still, he took the time now to begin working through some of the tangles and remove some of the twigs from it while he waited for Stagcall to make an announcement.

(I'm more than ready whenever everyone else is!)


Posted 2024-04-29 09:30:14

🖤 Ravenpaw

"Of course," Ravenpaw beamed at the tom, casting a quick glance to the dock leaves. He hoped that they would alleviate any pains he was having sooner rather than later, because he could tell that Rainstrike was ready to leave his temporary confinement already.

Then, his ears quickly perked as the grey tom began speaking again, and he listened closely, his sage green eyes soon widening incredulously.

"A… rogue? Silverbloom attacked you over an outsider, and Moonfeather left to accompany it?"

The dark cat's face was anything but cheerful as he let the information soak in, and his fur suddenly felt heavy. He never expected they would take in an outsider. It had been a moon, and nearly their entire clan had been torn from their lives. They were barely getting by, and tension was high as is, he had noticed. Cats were hesitant to speak to one another willingly within their own 'family', but clicking with a lone cat instantly, and protecting it when it could pose a threat to their life hanging on a thread?

Ravenpaw just couldn't believe it.

"I'm sorry that happened to you, Rainstrike," he said quietly, casting a glance out of the den entrance. He saw Stagcall looking around, seemingly for the other cats. He looked as if he had something to tell everyone.

"I believe Stagcall wants us. Here, let's step outside the den," the tom quickly mewed after studying their leader figure's expression, and he stood up, offering to help Rainstrike stand up.


Posted 2024-04-29 10:42:50


He perked his ears at the mention of it seeming like Stagcall needing everyone. That wasn't entirely surprising - a lot had happened.

Rainstrike took Ravenpaw's offer and carefully stood up. He let the apprentice guide him over to the entrance of the den, though he tried not to rely too much on the other cat. His wound burned and stung against the herb poultice but that likely just meant it was working.

He quietly thanked Ravenpaw again and found somewhere to sit just outside the den where he could curiously observe the camp and watch to see what was happening.


Posted 2024-04-29 11:05:08


Pigeonfeather saw Rainstrike emerge from the den, limping on three paws and leaning on Ravenpaw, though clearly trying to pretend as if he was not, and tilted his head in curiosity before walking over.

"Hello, Rainstrike!" he mewed lightheartedly, "Did you fall into the bramble patch again? I thought I warned you about it already!" He twitched his whiskers at his own joke, but then continued more seriously, "Is everything okay? Did Copper do this? I can't seem to get Stagcall to tell me what's going on, but Copper, Moonfeather, and Silverbloom are all missing and I hope they're not in trouble."

Pigeonfeather wasn't sure how the tom would accept his conversation, but it was worth a try, as sitting around and waiting for Stagcall was going to drive him fox-crazy, and he didn't want to pester Kestrelheart too much.

(Stagcall, you're welcome to interrupt whenever you want to begin the meeting, I'm just very bored)


Posted 2024-04-29 11:51:50


He turned his head at the sound of his name and straightened his posture a little. It was nice to see for himself that the patrol had returned - not that he didn't believe Ravenpaw, it just felt odd being in the den and unable to see what was going on outside. He dipped his head and replied in a friendly tone, "Hello, Pigeonfeather."

The other male's joke caught him a little off guard and he couldn't help but let out a small mrrow of laughter. "More like fell into Silverbloom.."

He gave the slightest tilt of his head when Pigeonfeather began talking about the rogue. "Copper..? that rouge?" his whiskers twitched with amusement. "I don't know if I should feel offended that you'd think some kit did this to me. You probably know more than I do. Moonfeather brought that cat into the camp and had a disagreement with Stagcall. I agreed with our leader, and Silverbloom clawed me. Perhaps Stagcall is getting ready to clear everything up with everyone?"


Posted 2024-04-29 11:54:15


"Huh, well, I guess we can stay here until Stagcall  decides whether we can come back." Moonfeather mewed, her voice getting quieter. What would happen if Stagcall didn't want them back? She knew Stagcall didn't want Copper, and Moonfeather and Silverbloom were going to stay with her, so would that mean Stagcall wouldn't want them back? Moonfeather tried hard to stop thinking about it, but the thoughts came flooding in like a tsunami. She focused on the other two she-cats, and their needs.

"Should we find a place to make our nests, and should me or you go hunting?" Moonfeather asked Silverbloom. If they were staying away from camp, they'd have to care for themselves, and focus on Copper's needs as well.

☽ 𝓢𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓼𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽☽

Posted 2024-04-29 12:23:34


"Perhaps... Perhaps I should go back to camp... See what's going on... If you don't want me to go, I'll stay!" She added quickly. She was useless in this department. She couldn't hunt, and she was scared by every little thing. The crystals sparkled with even more starry reflections. They were defiantly not there's. This was must defiantly StarClan watching over them. Were they mad, or happy? Was it because of the loner? Her tail fluffed up and you could clearly see the terror on her face. Could the others see them too?


Posted 2024-04-29 12:32:46


"No, you can go. I'm not your leader, Silverbloom, you can do what you'd like." Moonfeather said. She knew the silver she-cat believed she was useless, but Moonfeather also knew she wasn't useless at all.

"If you don't mind, I might explore around here." Moonfeather was intrigued, the crystals struck her as odd. What were they? They somehow reminded her of StarClan, were they watching the three she-cats?

☽ 𝓢𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓼𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽☽

Posted 2024-04-29 13:15:38

🖤 Ravenpaw

Ravenpaw was more than eager to help Rainstrike make it to the mouth of the den. After the tom sat down, he dismissed himself gently and padded over to where Stagcall was watching the slowly assembling cats.

"I believe we're all ready, if there's something you'd like to say?" the dark tom meowed, wondering what storm of thoughts were berating the admirable cat's mind. "I just wanted to come let you know, since Rainstrike's wound is dressed, and he is out of his nest."

Bowing his head softly, he went back to sit beside the two conversing toms, listening to the end of the conversation intently. Whatever he could gather from the time he was gone, the better. He needed to understand what all went down, and how everyone viewed it individually.

- - -

🪶 Kestrelheart

Kestrelheart watched with curiosity as Pigeonfeather made his way over to Rainstrike and Ravenpaw emerging from the large den. At first, it seemed like the second tom mentioned needed help from the tall medicine cat 'apprentice' to make it out.

The she-cat sighed softly, finding a spot to sit somewhat near them. She curled her tail over her forepaws and began to groom her shoulder fur, trying to calm her thoughts. Her mind was on the border of raging and utterly helpless, and she wasn't sure which side deserved their spot more.

So, she gently closed her eyes and kept her thoughts limited to the present, keeping her ears angled in Stagcall's direction.


Posted 2024-04-29 13:17:32


Pigeonfeather purred in amusement. "No, I guess you're right, you could handle yourself against a little scrap like that... poor thing, I almost feel bad for her. Living out in the wild, having to fend for yourself, finding some cats who take you back to their camp but then being caught in the middle of an argument. Sheesh." He shook his head. "I can't believe Silverbloom would actually hurt a Clanmate like that though...she's changed so much. Still, I guess you have to admit that she's dedicated to what she believes is right?"

He sighs wearily and looks over at Stagcall. "I hope Stagcall can put everything back together. Dissension in the camp is the last thing we need right now, on top of all the other fox dung we have to put up with. At least we have a medicine cat- or apprentice, though really he should be a full medicine cat by now. I can only imagine the devastation in the Clan if we didn't have someone to treat our bellyaches and scratches." Suddenly, he stopped talking, ears twisting as he realized he had referred to them as a Clan. Pigeonfeather hoped Rainstrike hadn't noticed.


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