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Wolf rp between Nuff, ŞĦỮŇҜΔ ŴΔŘΔҜ’ƗŇ, and Shapeshifter the goldwing

Posted 2024-12-03 15:09:33
Silverstripe nods. "I'm sure." He said. He stood. "I'm ready."

petal the forsetwing

Posted 2024-12-03 15:11:52
"Right," Lusserina said and she scarffed down the remaining turkey. "My pack often sends hunting parties to the bordering regions. By the time we hit the deciduous forest, we might find my sister, if we're lucky. She's a hunter and next in line for the position of Alpha. If we could get anyone on our side, we'd want her."


Posted 2024-12-03 15:13:32
Rebel nodded. "Lead the way." He said, a little hesitantly. What would he do if he saw another wolf pack? he shook his head, fighting back the thought.


Posted 2024-12-03 15:21:54
Lusserina nodded. This was really happening. Alrighty. She could do this. They could do this. She headed out of the den and took a good look at her surroundings.

"We'll follow the sun until we get to the forest," she said. "My nose can lead me from there."

And then she started off, homeward bound.


Posted 2024-12-03 15:24:39
(We can say Silver followed behind)

Rebel followed the she wolf with long, space eating strides. He had longer legs which helped him tremendously when running. The forest air smelled especially fresh today. I'm really doing this.


Posted 2024-12-03 15:32:47
The crisp air rushing against Lusserina's fur felt great after the torrential downpour that had happened the day prior. A grin overtook her face and she was almost tempted to speed up, only holding herself back on Silver's behalf. It was a great day to be alive.

(Do we wanna skip to the forest or do you guys have encounters for the journey? I only have plans for when we get to the forest lol)


Posted 2024-12-03 15:33:28
(Yeah, why not.)


Posted 2024-12-03 15:47:11
(I agree. It saves time.)

petal the forsetwing

Posted 2024-12-03 16:02:35
They reached the deciduous forest in good time, the sun only being somewhat past the halfway point in the sky by the time they'd gotten there. Lusserina slowed herself and sniffed the air, searching for the scent of familiar wolves. She'd take just about anyone, really, even if most of her sister's hunting party was full of boastful youngsters. She turned her head this way and that, trying her best to differentiate the smells. There were the smells of the forest and those of prey animals, but very faintly, she could smell another wolf.

That it just so happened to be her sister's scent was beyond lucky.

"Found her," Lusserina told her companions and set off in the direction of her sister.

They raced through the forest before they found a lone, pale wolf decorated in thin twisting branches wandering the area almost aimlessly.

"Aluria!" Lusserina called, and the she-wolf in question looked up, her jaw slack as if she had seen a ghost.

"Luss?" Aluria questioned quietly.

Lusserina pounced on her, laughing in sheer joy. The force of her jump had them rolling over in the dirt, until they came to a stop at a tree trunk.

It was then that Aluria came out of her stupor.

"You're here!" Aluria cried out. "Oh Luss, it's horrible. How ever did you manage to survive it? Without so much as a scratch, at that! The others are still barely hanging on."

Lusserina paused. What was this about the others? "What are you talking about? Aluria--"

"What do you mean? The others are covered head to toe in wounds so bad that they've got every apprentice and mentor on herbalist duty," Aluria said. "It's so bad they didn't let me see."

"Hold on," Lusserina said, dread overtaking her body. How did this happen? She'd only gotten separated from the group minutes after she'd found the trail. "I only slipped down a mudslide and got lost, what happened?"

"I don't know," Aluria said. "From the rumors, it was a mauling. But we've never had hunting accidents this bad before."

Lusserina got off her sister, shaking her head. "I don't understand," she said, her head throbbing. What had happened after she'd gotten lost?

Aluria got up as well. "You'll probably have to give your story to Reythyra. She's got the whole pack on wide alert. Nobody but the scouts are allowed out that way, and they're only allowed to do recon."

It was then that Aluria noticed their companions.

"Oh," she said. "Who's this?"


Posted 2024-12-03 16:23:05
Rebel had hidden when he saw the wolf, in the shadows where he felt most at home. I can't do this. he chanted, panting from running. They'll hate me.
He peered through the brush, looking at the two, they looked so happy together. Ugh, what have I gotten myself into!


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