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Whirl's Giveaways: Big Pride Giveaway! Winners Drawn!

Posted 2024-06-01 10:47:20
All entries between this and my last post have been added!


Posted 2024-06-01 10:53:02
Howdy! I'm Izzy, something good that had happened to me recently is graduating high school! And am stepping into the world of officially adulting
I wanted to join since this seems like a fun and cute idea! Good luck to everyone!

Posted 2024-06-01 11:01:20
hi everyone! I have two things that have made me really happy this week that I wanna share :)
first, I had a few finals exams and I passed them all with an A!
and the second one - a pair of stray kittens I had been feeding and slowly befriending disappeared over a month ago and I thought they were gone... but they came back today! Both of them were hungry, but otherwise looked completely fine and healthy. So happy they came back!

Posted 2024-06-01 11:02:13 (edited)
Being appreciated for who I am!

A group of people around my age went around giving small gifts to anyone who was holding or wearing a flag of their pride, and I decided to join them. To anyone else who saw the group, hope you liked your gift!


Posted 2024-06-01 11:15:17 (edited)
Hi! Im Sophie/Sophia, but online i go by Ace or Khaos. I wanted to join because this looks really fun! A good thing that has happened to me recently is reconnecting with some old friends. We hadn't seen each other for quite some time and it a delight to hangout with them again! (i was the tallest >:3)


Posted 2024-06-01 11:35:52
Hey^^ something that happened to me recently was finding out I'm crushing on a girl in my highschool um so that's fun

On a different note, which I'm not sure is related, I've been feeling so much more motivated these past fews days! Which is great cause I'm been spending more time painting and sketching than being on my phone!

Posted 2024-06-01 11:53:56
hello there!! :D

i suppose i could give two separate wonderful things that have happened to me as of late! in-game, i've been building a little 'monochrome dark' army for my next generation, and i've already grown attached to some of them! i'm glad i was able to get them for fairly cheap, and i'm definitely looking forward to when they take over for the elders

apart from the game, the thing making me consistently happy is my partner, and while they were asleep last night (they still are right now), i sent them a huge paragraph of how much they mean to me. i honestly don't know where i'd be without them!

thank you for the opportunity!


Posted 2024-06-01 17:29:29
Everyone's been added! :)

In the 11-20 bracket, the RNG wheel picked 19 - AsclepiusorAcekhaos! I will be sending the SC in a minute!

Please note that the SC spins are minor prizes. The giveaway is still open and main prizes will be given away on July 1st.


Posted 2024-06-01 17:37:28
After some thought, I've decided to revise the ruling for SC minor prizes. It has been changed to include:

You will be given two chances to accept the gift, afterwards it will be re-rolled to another player in your bracket.

This is so players who are active have a chance at winning SC that's been stuck in limbo with inactive players.


Posted 2024-06-01 17:41:55
Hi! Something I'm happy about is growing my pack and being able to take care of them!

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