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Posted 3 days ago
Have a good trip Muffin

I was here to ask for a one use influenza cure please, I'll resend the unused part

I'm glad Muffin have some help with the thread

Posted 3 days ago (edited)
Can I get a flea remedy please? Been giving all mine to that raccoon in explore since my wolves rarely ever get sick but now they did

NVM did it myself


Posted 2 days ago (edited)
Hello. I need meds for the Pox please

Edit: a kind soul sent me a balm so I'm no longer in need of one. Sorry!
🦋 Sylvie 🍁

Posted 2 days ago
In need of Cystic cure!! Thank you so much for all of the medicine you keep giving me<3

Posted 2 days ago (edited)
Just to make everything easier, ask :3
Pre-Made Stock
Open Wound Salve; 3 uses (tbd)

In-Making Stock
Diarrhea Cure; 2 uses ~ #72567

Need To Make; Need More Herbs ~ (4 Flea Remedies = 12 Tobacco)
Flea Remedy; 0/41Tobacco ~ #110617 & #142782
Influenza Cure; 0/2 Guaiacum | 0/2 Pineapple Leaf

I'll be helping out here with the forum while Muffin is on their trip! I cannot guarantee any quick sent or made medicines, but I will try my best to get everyone all the medicine they need.
As remembered
keep your contagious wolves in a separate den to your sick wolves.
wolves in unsorted spread illness everywhere.

When I get to your request, please edit your message to say that I (Bosco/Damien) got to it!

Bosco [HE/HIM]

Posted 2 days ago
Hi, I need an open wound slave, do you have one I can use please.


Posted 1 day ago
Hello! I'm in need of 2 flea remedies!!

Posted 1 day ago
Dynamite: Thats really smart, and a friend actually suggested it, but for some reason, whenever I try that, it keeps the uninfected wolves healthy for longer, but they always end up getting sick again lol

Posted 1 day ago
i need an open wound cure


Posted 1 day ago
my bad i need a loose stools cure not an open wound


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