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[Grouse House Guide] Cataclysms | August Event

Posted 2022-08-23 03:49:47
Here is a list of the quests I've received today:

Fresno Nightcrawler: "I may look scary for some, which is good, but the truth is that I can't hunt well due appearance. If you find something large, like a dead cow, I will have food for several days."
Hint: try exploring in the Desert!

Lava Bear: "I'm afraid that my cub may end up wandering off; they're so curious about everything! I need some toys to keep them entertained. Bring me 1 x Owl Feather, 1 x Bone, 1 x Acorn, 1 x Mollusk Shell, 1 x Roadrunner Feather."

Letiche: "You seem reasonable, and I'm sure you hunt more than you can ever hope to eat. You don't mind sharing, do you? Of course you don't. Would you bring me 2 x full use carcasses? I'm famished."

Water Tiger: "You look fast, which tells me this next task will prove no challenge to you and your pack. I want you to complete 4 hunts. A test of your strength, and good entertainment for me."

Kipsy: "Until now, I thought that I wouldn't need so many healing materials but the situation in this area is getting more and more unpredictable. I suppose that it's no different anywhere else. We must survive somehow. Bring me 5 x healing salves as fast as you can."

Monster Turtle: "You claim you're so strong, but I have yet to see evidence. Time for a test. Defeat 2 x Coyote. That should give you a nice challenge."

Sisimito: "I usually don't need any help with such simple tasks but since you're here, I think you will do it faster than me. Find 5 x healing salves for me. Doesn't sound too complicated, does it?"

Snow Snake: "I've noticed that hunting has become more and more of a struggle. Not because there is something wrong with my skills, mind you. There are too many animals wanting to hunt the same prey as me. Get rid of 3 x Snowy Owl, so I can hunt more easily."


Posted 2022-08-23 05:13:08 (edited)
Unless the guide wants them, seems the cryptids have new flavor text depending on if you successfully completed a quest for one, and return the next day for another! Here's the ones I can provide:

"You're a good soul to come back. I knew asking you was the right thing to do. Ready for the next task?"

Dover Demon
"The ogler has returned! You're not so bad, I suppose. Ready for the next task?"

Lava Bear
"If you have nothing else to do today, I could use some more help."

Mogollan Monster
"Welcome back, friend! Ready to continue on? There's much to do."

Ozark Howler
"Every completed task is one step towards balance in this area. It's not the end though. Are you willing to work more?"

Sliver Cat
"Don't worry if the previous tasks have felt easy. I can always give you something more challenging today, if you think you're up to it."

Snow Wasset
"Welcome again, my long-legged friend. It wasn't a bad idea to let you do this. Are you ready for another job?"

Unidentified Beings
"You're back! Choosing you was the right decision. You can do more if you're up to it. It would be highly appreciated."

Wisconsin Werewolf
"There you are! You're surprisingly good at this, I must say. You'd be a formidable opponent if you had thumbs. Do you want to try something different now?"

Also seems the Akhlut's quest I've gotten today is explore driven. Here's the flavor text within the Akhlut's cryptid den page:
You see the Akhlut coming out of the ocean from afar and it makes you wonder if there are any disadvantages to being an underwater wolf. There aren't any signs of this creature's pack anywhere, so it's likely either a lone wolf or it's driven by different needs. You definitely have more questions than time to spare.

"Now, this is the work I needed you for. There is a creature I need to eliminate. It invades my territory and tries to chase me off. I need to find it and take it by surprise. This bastard knows me already. Find it and get rid of it."

And explore was kind, apparently, but as I'm on mobile, had to screengrab the whole of the encounter instead of just the PNG:

🎆[Kim] Kimdependence✨️

Posted 2022-08-23 05:41:04
You may have this information already, but a Celofay quest I just completed was "Complete 4 successful hunts."

Posted 2022-08-23 06:01:58
One of Michigan Dogman's quests is to help 3 distressed creatures.

The flavor text with Tailypo is:
A familiar long snout with pointy ears and rough, coarse fur shoves into your face rather abruptly. The creature it belongs to makes you think it might be some kind of wolf.

It has a long tail, and its body is thin and wiry with oddly long toes. It sniffs you up and down, as if gaining information. You don't have to even attempt to smell the creature; its stench crosses your nose every time it passes you. It smells muggy and damp and of something more sinister, but you can't be sure.

"You look like me, but you're far smellier. Don't you wash? I guess it can't be helped...I could use a strong set of paws like yours. Smell aside, do you want to help me?"

The flavor text with Squonk is:
A sorry-looking lump of wrinkly skin with warts and moles meets your gaze. Its eyes are sad, and tears stream silently down its face.

The creature is staring at the ground, ears drooping and looking like its mere existence is weighing it down. It's making small mewling noises as tears run down its face. It's crying so much that the ground at its feet is damp, and everytime it moves it leaves an easy trail to follow. Maybe you can try to cheer it up somehow?

"It's nice to see your friendly face again! Come to help me again?"

Flavor text for Cactus Cat:
The creature in front of you is definitely one of the weirdest beings you've ever seen. It would be a feline resembling a bobcat if not for the long, sharp thorns covering its body and branching tail swishing slowly from side to side. Flowers also bloom on its body.

You're careful not to go too close to the weird thorns on its body, but the feline's attitude seems friendly. It's circling you in turn, keeping a safe distance from you as well. Despite its odd looks, you don't feel uneasy. It feels as if the creature has already adapted to this place.

"You seem to be cut out for this job. Your help may change a lot. I've got another quest for you when you're ready."

🐾 Robin 🌿

Posted 2022-08-23 06:41:26
Not sure if these help:
Gave Ozark Howler: 1x Medicine: Healing Salve (138390779), 1x Medicine: Healing Salve (137877505), 1x Medicine: Healing Salve (138143107), 1x Medicine: Healing Salve (137771506), 1x Medicine: Healing Salve (138025414) for a quest.
- Completed a cryptid quest for Ozark Howler and received: +10 reputation with Kinfolk, -5 reputation with Independent, -5 reputation with the Merged, 5 Cryptid Scales.
Michigan Dogman quest: Help 3 animals while exploring
- Completed a cryptid quest for Michigan Dogman and received: +10 reputation with Kinfolk, -5 reputation with Independent, -5 reputation with the Merged, 5 Cryptid Scales.
Gave Dover Demon: 1x Dead Fish (138691529), 1x Rat Carcass (138692274) for a quest.
- Completed a cryptid quest for Dover Demon and received: +10 reputation with Independent, -5 reputation with Kinfolk, -5 reputation with the Merged, 5 Cryptid Scales.
Glawackus quest: successfully complete 3(?) hunts
- Completed a cryptid quest for Glawackus and received: +50 reputation with the Merged, -5 reputation with Independent, -5 reputation with Kinfolk, 5 Cryptid Scales.
Goat Sucker quest: defeat 3 kinfolk
- Skipped for 30 SC

Michigan Dogman: "This chaos around can affect even the strongest creatures. I see that you cope with all of these changes rather well and it's our responsibility to try to bring the stability back. Lots of animals are lost, trapped, or in distress. Help 3 x distressed animals in explore and come back to tell me about everything you witnessed."

Posted 2022-08-23 08:04:48 (edited)
Got a few more to drop in as of quests, since some of them are explore encounters:

He wanted a blockage cleared in Rip Woodland, encounter is as follows.

Lava Bear
Had to find its lost child, encounter is as follows.

Unidentified Beings
The strange being is still there, waiting on the frozen plains. They don't scare you now and you feel safe despite the weird aura surrounding them. You would really like to know more about them but an odd feeling makes you think that it could be too much for your mind to comprehend.

"We need to conduct special research to understand this world better. We believe that you can help us find one of the most complex and varied life forms here: humans. We must remain undetected so this is where you come in. You're skilled at remaining under the radar. Find them, and we'll do the rest."

(TL;DR: They asked to go research human activity in Glacier) Encounter is as follows. It seems to be the livestreamer encounter that's universal across biomes, just the flavor text changes for the quest.

Watching Snallygaster as it goes about its business, you wonder if the tentacles on its face ever dry out. Does it need to go under water at times? What happens to its wings if so? The creature seems to sense your endless curiosity and leaps into the air with a shriek and stares you down, wings stirring up dirt and debris it lands after a moment but never takes its single eye off of you.

"I came across an odd sight while I was flying around earlier. It was some sort of bird, but it was laying in the muck and wasn't moving…it seemed like it wasn't supposed to be there. Go see if you can find it, and see if there's any reason for me to worry. Anything that big is a threat to me, especially if it can fly."

(TL;DR: Investigate a "dead bird", aka a plane in Grasslands.) Encounter is as follows:

(I'll edit this accordingly if I seem to get anymore explore cryptid quests like this, but for now, this is all I got )

🎆[Kim] Kimdependence✨️

Posted 2022-08-23 08:49:38
Snallygaster quest:"Do I look like I'm ready for a fight? Honestly, you creatures that call this land home are the oddest things I've ever seen. It's like you're itching for a fight! Those birds in particular won't leave me alone and stop challenging me. I need you to take care of it for me. Defeat 2 x Enraged Canada Goose and I will reward you handsomely."

Sunspot Forest-On hiatus

Posted 2022-08-23 10:32:58
Thé wampum cat has fishing quests, so far I've only got catch an uncommon fish, ive got it twice now :D


Posted 2022-08-23 10:44:45 (edited)
The monster turtle (swamp) is currently getting to to defeat 2 whitetail bucks

Thé chupacabra (grasslands) needed me to defeat 3 kinfolk

Snallygaster (grasslands) needed me to defeat 2 enraged Canada geese


Posted 2022-08-23 12:19:26
Augerino quest:

The Augerino approaches you soundlessly as you cross into its territory. You can feel the tension in the air. It stretches itself up like a snake ready to strike. It stays like that, silently waiting and watching...or is it wondering how best to make prey out of you?

"I have a sworn enemy in this area. It's one of the Kinfolk weaklings. Chase this pest away and don't waste any time. Defeat 2 x Cactus Cat."

Alex the Green Lizard

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