Breeding Terminology for Future Reference - A Proposal
Posted 2020-10-11 22:30:32
That’s fine I just like the idea for lore purposes <3 you keep doing you my friend |
⛧🖤 ꫝꪖᦔꪊక𓆏 Hiatus Hat🕷 #1428 |
Posted 2020-10-11 22:34:35
Definitely interested in trying to shift terms over to NIB and IB in regards to a wolves entire heritage. Personally what I will be using on WD going forward. Not discouraging other terms, such as COI, of course. I think really knowing and labeling how your wolves lineage is all the way through is a good concise way to let others know if a wolf is viable to their projects without stepping on toes (or feelings) so much. There isn't really a way to dance around these new terms, and I think that's a good thing. |
Heda Vampiric #4652 |
Posted 2020-10-11 22:34:54 (edited)
There’s so much new here to discover and I think the developers have done a really stellar job of thinking and working out some of these mechanics - do I like all of them? Heck no. LOL. There are things that make gameplay more complicated and difficult and slower which of course I, an impatient person who wants to know the answer to every puzzle ASAP, do not like. But also, at the same time, I like the challenge of digging in and figuring out how stuff works.I both love and hate the way they have throttled mass breeding and made it unsustainably expensive. I both love and hate that there’s no choice for pups but to chase them if they’re unwanted and unweaned. I’m already having to make really hard decisions and that’s definitely keeping me from going to far too fast. I can see having multiple lineages within my pack. Some with judicious line breeding, some with short heritage, long heritage, no heritage… I wasn’t really playing LD long enough to have developed a particular style, I mostly started playing it while waiting for WD LOL. I will probably have wolves of all kinds of heritages and backgrounds and lineages, for different purposes, and hope to be able to interface with other players while trying to solve the mysteries of how to make beautiful wolves I will enjoy looking at and playing with for a long time to come. It doesn’t really matter to me so much what the terms are for the different types of play style and breeding, as it does that those play styles are well thought out, and flexible for when new situations arise as the game evolves over time. It sounds like there are a lot of good ideas floating around in the game already, some new things that are creative and clever, and some older more traditional styles that I think people might enjoy because they’re easier to understand, maybe a little bit less risky given all the things we don’t know yet about how genetics are going to work. Whether you call something NIB or LB or heirloom or whatever, as long as the rationale behind it is sound, you will find people who want to adopt that playstyle and will have a lot of fun doing it. |
bonibaru #369 |
Posted 2020-10-11 22:47:36 (edited)
I'm also interested in data collecting! Doods, the reason I was considering COI is because when breeding for recessive mutations such as albinism I won't necessarily know who is a carrier and who isn't until I happen to pair up the right two, but accidently throwing away a potential could throw away my only chance! EDIT : I was tired so only got half way through explaining XD It would make most sense/be most accurate if those interested read a scientific source XD I was just thinking of using it myself, but it's much harder explaining it than it is using it hahah. Also wolvden genetics are different, so you wouldn't have a 50% chance of the offspring having the trait, it would be much lower :D |
xXDruidXx #2778 |
Posted 2020-10-11 22:54:31
You sound like my partner when they get really into talking about dogs XD That's put in a way I can understand so thank you for that. I want to learn more about it because genetics interests my partner a lot and most of the time it goes over my head haha (Once numbers are involved I get very confused) |
Doods #3294 |
Posted 2020-10-11 22:55:21
Just keep in mind that Wolvden doesn’t work like real world genetics. Every pup from a melanistic wolf isn’t guaranteed to carry the recessive. It’s only a 10-15% chance. You’ll have to adjust your calculations to account for that lower starting percentage. I’ve yet to see COI before. Sounds like a really cool way to track thinks. |
Virova|Melanistic Breeder #583 |
Posted 2020-10-11 22:58:09
and as Virova mentioned, the actual percentages on wolvden are much lower than real life ^^ so there'd be a lot of recalculations and such, but for those who are up for all that, then it's a possibility :P |
xXDruidXx #2778 |
Posted 2020-10-11 23:03:31
I was just going to say what Virova said, that RNG Can’t be assumed to follow the same statistical probabilities as real life.It’s like 2 AM for me and I really should be asleep LOL but tomorrow I will dig up some of those free COI tracking programs and see if they’re still in use. I like the one that was posted earlier in the thread, But does it store information? Or do you have to enter all of the wolves in the Pedigree individually each time? I will play with it when I’m not falling asleep. I am also concerned about the naming convention in this game but I think if you use ID numbers for tracking it might work. Since those are unique to each wolf. |
bonibaru #369 |
Posted 2020-10-14 19:50:03
I was pretty neutral to the terms ''dirty'' and ''clean'' before but I've recently been seeing more posts and such that are just making me dislike them... I don't think the players are necessarily even making a post intended to sound condescending or something similar but I am finding the terms harder to ignore? I wasn't really that involved with the LD community but being more active amongst the WD one I'm noticing it a lot more! I know there's groups based around it, which I don't disagree with, I don't even directly disagree with the use of the terms if that's what you prefer, but there's certain posts or comments specifically that just seem off to me XD Is anyone else feeling this or have I just been noticing it as the discussion was on my mind? |
xXDruidXx #2778 |
Posted 2020-10-14 19:58:57
I've been avoiding discussions that use those terms, honestly, because I didn't really like it much from the start, so I haven't noticed it, but I can imagine it might be a mix of both. Having it on your mind makes you notice things about it easier! |
[GreySky] CorpseCrowKing #5327 |