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꧁ The Last Hope HBD IC (semi open- PM ME!) ꧂

Posted 2022-09-30 20:09:08

❖ Byxem Arros • Neha

When Byxem returned from their dissociation, they realized that they were pacing. Relentlessly. They stopped abruptly, running their fingers through their hair, taking a deep breath, and glancing around. Had... had everyone dispersed already? Had they zoned out that much?

How would they be a good teacher if they couldn't even focus on the tasks at hand? Crossing their arms behind their back, they looked to the sky. Still no sign of Neha. What was taking her so long? Was everything alright? "No, no, stay focused, Arros," they murmured, rubbing their eyes. "You have work to do."

Turning, they began to make their way back to their dorm, cane clacking as the grass underfoot turned stone. They kept their posture rigid; couldn't have anyone see them be weak, even though everyone most definitely had. Oh well. They might as well start trying harder now.

As they neared, their door, they heard the faint scrabbling of claws on wood and a yelping whine. Byxem smiled, turning the handle, before being knocked into by a large, fluffy dog. "Ah, good morning, Halvor!" Byx said, grabbing the elkhound by the face and scratching his ears. He frantically licked at Byx's face, getting a few kisses in, before jumping down into a playful position. "Sorry I left while you were still asleep, boy," they said, closing the door behind them. Halvor followed his master's heels, his rump wriggling in excitement. "Hungry?"

At the question, Halvor let out a deep bark, turning in a circle. Byx chuckled, pulling out some leftover bison. They learned that the dog was quite fond of bison, just like Neha was. They felt a twinge in their chest, but quickly shoved it away; they needed to focus, dammit. Setting down a helping of the raw meat, Halvor made quick work as Byx watched on in endearment. Halvor was a comfort to Byx, reminding them of their time at home. They smiled, scooting over to their desk and sitting down. They sighed at the number of papers they had to review, but reluctantly hunched over it. A while later, Halvor decided to come to lay down at Byx's feet, keeping them warm.


Warning: Blood, Gore, Impalation, Murder

Neha dived through the clouds, piercing blue eyes scanning the terrain below. Nothing but a few goats so far, a couple of which she had easily captured and swallowed down. She let out a snort, becoming quite bored. Not a single human. Not even a bear to battle. A faint whiff of blood crossed Neha's nostrils, and she flared her wings, hovering in place. She flicked her tongue, ensuring she was right... yep, human. She swooped towards the ground, landing on an outcrop of stone covered in lichen with a squelch. Her head swayed like a snake's, assessing the situation. At her claws was a strange stone with an even stranger engraving carved into it. She had seen this symbol before, once when raiding one of the King's outposts. She hissed, looking down the mountainside. There, a mass of flesh, a few hundred feet below. There was no place for her to land down (sharp stones lined the narrow path), so instead, she opted to climb down. Her wings were beginning to ache anyways; she wasn't built for long-distance, but rather, speed.

As she grew closer, loose stones rolling under her talons, she realized what she was seeing was a human.

Their body was broken and impaled by the sharp rocks, their figure and face so battered and bashed in that they were unrecognizable as a human, if not for the unique rotting smell emanating from their leaked innards. It looked as if they had tripped. Or pushed. If they wyvern could vomit, she would. Snout wrinkled at the acrid scent, she realized that the body was of a child's, and sudden realization struck her; this was the missing student. She reeled back, snapping her wings in fury. She let out a roar that echoed throughout the mountain valleys, shaking the stones beneath her feet. They may be long gone now, but they would pay dearly for this, she would make sure of this! Gently, she picked the child up with her back legs, careful not to squeeze too hard. She soared back up to the outcropping, snatching the engraved stone with her maw, and began her journey back to the valley.

She pumped her wings harder than she ever had, fury fueling her bones. She saw the familiar shroud of fog and swooped down, whipping her tail and snapping her wings to make her presence known. Had she not had a rock in her mouth, she would have roared, too. She landed in the grass, setting the broken body down gently, placing the rock beside them. She stared down at the sight, and laid down, resting her chin beside them. Poor child. They died too young.

〚 𝔟 𝔩 𝔢 𝔲 〛

Posted 2022-09-30 20:52:19

۝ Ilia || Kyrena ۝

The clearly pissed roar and soon followed whip crack of a tail caught Kyrena's ear. Ilia, who had less sensitive ears and was sheltered from the sound, didn't emerge until the anger pushed against her chest. Kyrena took off, attention once focused on checking the eggs now switching to her younger companion.

Neha held the power of a storm, lightning fast with thunder crackling around her, and Kyrena was much less graceful than her. More powerful, older and with more force behind almost anything. Wing almost clipping the second ring, she soars through the first and pulls her legs forward, bracing for a harsh landing. She did stumble, wings flaring for balance, and upon understanding what was in front of her, the wyvern's body seemed to ignite. Flame flickered across her back, fed by oxygen and the heat her body gave off.

A student. It was a sad death, at the hands of a horrid person. But Neha was upset and who was Kyrena to bother with restraining herself? Not a roar but a furious snarl, rumbling deep in her chest. Wings snapping open, she was prepared to take off, to hunt down and destroy the one who caused this... and a very human tug in her heart pulled her back.


In the cavern, Ilia had been shocked at the initial stab of anger and then again as the pressure worsened. Obviously, it wouldn't truly hurt her, but it felt almost as though it would. Carefully she pulled at the anger, then again when it didn't lesson or halt. That time it did. Focus now on the wyvern, she pushed just one word through the bond and felt Kyrena's grumble at letting Byx handle it, but she did calm. Barely. Taking a deep breath Ilia turned back to the students.

"Bit of an event happening up there. If we need to, we will let you know what's happened. For now, please focus on taking in what you can. We may be walking you around here, but once you seem able to, it will be up to you to navigate the general area of where you'll be needed. Again, take a look around and once everyone seems ready, we can go to the lower level." It would be sorted. Kyrena wouldn't be this angry if someone didn't need to be... taken care of. But they would be, whether by Ilia's hand or Kyrena's flame.

𓆏 phrog 𓆏⁠

Posted 2022-10-01 19:34:31
➷ Kyle

A gust of cool wind made the hair on the back of his neck stand up. He slowed a moment, watching as Kyrena's great wings spread wide, catching the air beneath them and allowing her to swoop elegantly down. He stared after her, taking in the vastness and the dizzying drop towards the cold ground. Kyle didn't find himself to have a particularly strong fear of heights- I mean sure, plummeting to his death did not sound pleasant, not at all, but being so high up was truly.. exhilarating. He enjoyed the rush he got peering over the edge, some combination of fear and excitement. Back home, the land was very boringly flat. He could climb a tree or a building sure, but nothing quite like this. Or.. quite like actually flying, so he imagined.

One of the students didn't quite seem to share his passion. He glanced at the boy, already pale skin somehow even paler as he peeked over the sheer drop. Kyle opened his mouth to say something to him, but they were already moving on, so Kyle just shook himself, steps quickening to keep up with the group.

Soon the group had reached a cave, one of the classrooms. He meandered in as Headmaster Ilia finished speaking, briefly eyeing the books lined neatly against the wall. His reading skills were.. not the greatest, if he were to be honest. Passable, but reading was definitely not his favorite activity. At least there were no books he had to read hauling hay to the horses.

Suddenly, there was a great surge of movement from beyond in the cavern, quick and urgent. Curiosity spiking- far more interesting than a bunch of books anyway- he trotted back to the cave entrance and leaned out, one hand resting on the smooth rock wall. He craned his head to look around, catching a glimpse of Kyrena's glossy black scales. There was a long moment, and then Ilia spoke up again. He turned to look at her, a sudden chill running down his back at the look on her face.

A bit of an event?  Kyle frowned as she finished, but wrestled down his queries. Best behavior.. He reminded himself, settling for a quiet huff instead, It's probably nothing important anyway.

᠂ Sephan᠂

Posted 2022-10-01 22:14:01
♤ Evangeline Avalonia ♤

For most of the tour, she had been following quietly along, calculating her classmates and just learning the overall layout of the caverns and such. Usually when she was memorizing something and/or was deeply interested in something, she became extremely quiet. Like a cat stalking its prey. She knew it freaked some people out, one minute she would be talking, albeit not much, and the next she would go completely silent in the middle of a sentence.

But as soon as Headmaster Ilia mentioned books, she was perked back up and completely aware of everything going on. She absolutely adored books, they were the only things that got her through her childhood safely. The way the words floated off the page and a scene of war or love danced across the air just resonated with her. Evangeline used to want to become a writer, to do something better with her life than anything her parents could ever do. She had, obviously, given up on that.

Immediately after Ilia said they could explore, she set off for the book room, almost shaking with excitement and anticipation. Right before she was about to enter it, she heard the storm smash of Neha flying and... what sounded like pained noises. That was odd. Why would she be making that sound.. Bit of an event? Sounds like horse crap. Something bad is happening, I can feel it.. The girl thought, narrowing her eyes at the headmaster. Evangeline would find out though, sooner or later. Whether Headmaster Ilia told them or not. She had an unfortunate talent for that.

She slowly turned back around again, walking into the room of books. She had a mission now, but she also needed reading material. She pulled a book on wyverns off of the shelf as well as a history book and nodded ever so slightly to herself, before joining the group again.

Evangeline still didnt feel good about those noises, but it would be better to put the thoughts to rest. At least for now.

𓆏 Angel 𓆏

Posted 2022-10-02 16:57:53 (edited)

Their attention snapped to the excited wyverns, the tension almost tangible in the air. The headmaster tried to put the students at ease, though the facade fooled very few, if any.

I wonder what's happening, They thought. is everyone ok?
They glanced about, it seemed the students had already started to fan out. They caught sight of a girl come out of a room with a few books, and Aybis hesitantly meandered over to the room, their fingers dancing lightly over a small buldge in their left pocket.

They slinked into the room, their cheeks red. They withdrew a small book from their jacket pocket; a reading translation guide.
What would the others think if they knew I couldn't read this language? they thought, anxiety prickling their nerves. Would they help me? Or make fun?

They glanced around the room, snatching up any book with a title they could somewhat decipher. Most were books about dragons, worn and dusty with age.
These seem... Good enough. At least for now. they glanced around the room, trying to steady themself. The architecture, or carving? was magnificent, smooth walls with intricate and old looking furniture with sprouts of moss and other small flora emerging from the cracks. They air was perfumed with a rich earthy scent mingling with the smell of books. They felt far more calmed by it.

They looked back at the group. They didn't want to potentially miss anything, and started back towards the headmaster, their papery loot tucked safely in their arms.
🍁Nov-rolling events only

Posted 2022-10-02 16:59:14

❖ Byxem Arros • Neha

They should've known their peace wouldn't be interrupted. They had just hoped it would have been a lot later rather than sooner (what was the opposite of "sooner rather than later"? Ah, who knows). Dipping their quill in ink, a sudden stab of fury pierced their chest and they let out a yowl of pain, jerking their whole body. Their hand curled impulsively, cracking their quill in two. Ink flew through the air, splattering the walls and oozing over their parchment, but Byx couldn't seem to care. They threw themself back and away from their table, cradling their head in their hands, breathing heavily. Tears formed in their eyes, and their heart wrenched. This wasn't their pain, their fury. This was Neha's. A million thoughts trampled through their head. What had happened? Was she alright?? Shakily, they stood, keeping a firm grip on the back of their chair.

The Norwegian Elkhound, now fully awake, let out a loud whimper. Quickly, he stood, pressing his side into Byx's leg. With one hand clutching at their head and the other fumbling for their cane, they stumbled to the door, flinging it open, and started making their way to the courtyard.

It was a difficult journey. Turns out, it's difficult to avoid objects when your eyes are shut tight. Byx didn't know why they were trying to get out into the open... No, wait, yes they did. They needed to check the air for Neha. Right, how could they forget? The anger had ebbed away slightly, but their head still pounded, and it was swiftly being replaced with a pang of overwhelming sadness and guilt. Oh gods, what had happened? What happened to her? Please, please let her be alright, they thought desperately. They couldn't lose anyone else.

A cracking above their head alerted Byx, and they whipped their head up, wincing at the bright sky. A glinting of gold and sky blue scales sent a rush of relief through Byx's bones, but something had obviously set her off. Was that... something in her clutches? Byx squinted, but they couldn't see past the glare. Whatever it was, she set it down gently and landed beside it. Then surprisingly, she laid her head down, curling close to it. As Byx drew closer, Halvor still at their heel, they felt their stomach drop; it was the broken body of what they could only assume to be a young child, their face horribly disfigured and limbs twisting at inhuman angles. Byx stumbled forward, their legs feeling weak, and dropped their cane. They fell and landed on their knees in front of the bloodied body.

Gently, they picked the smashed head of the child up, cradling it. Tears streamed down their face, now experiencing their own emotions. This couldn't be happening. They had already failed as a caretaker. What will we tell their family? they thought, letting out a shuddering sob. They bowed their head, chest aching. They hadn't even met this child, and yet, Byx felt as if a part of their heart had broken and died. They didn't even realize that Kyrena had landed nearby, flames flickering in pure fury and vengeance.

Lifting their own head, Byx looked to Neha. "What happened?"

The wyvern let out a pitiful rumble, nudging the rock towards Byx. They glared at it, before their face fell in horror.

It was the King's symbol. This was a warning.

"Go get Ilia, now."

〚 𝔟 𝔩 𝔢 𝔲 〛

Posted 2022-10-02 17:49:50

۝ Ilia || Kyrena ۝

Kyrena looked up at the rushing form of Byx coming closer, a constant rumble filling the air. He didn't even notice Kyrena, a horrified look taking over his face as he came closer, the hound following ever faithfully. A horrid sob tore from Byx's chest as he cradled the younger student and despite how carefully unworried Kyrena had appeared to Byx, she quieted her growl and let out a lower keen of sadness.

Already prepared to call for Ilia, the sound of a carriage rattling closer caught Kyrena's ear. Hurried footsteps before the gate was shaken, clearly asking entry. The smell of sadness and anger was still strong but the sneaking, poisonous stench of fear had crept closer. You must move them, Neha. The carriage doesn't hold a student and a driver,  we cannot let them see that we know of the student. Kyrena rumbled to the other wyvern, clawed wings digging into the ground as she moved closer to the gate. Would it be a spy, sneaking in as a student, or a guard, with a sword and bow? Either way, they would not be allowed into the cavern. Ilia needed to keep the other children safe. Byx, Neha, and Kyrena would have to keep whoever came in place of this student away from the rest. Two wyverns, both filled with anger compared to one foolish human? It was a hopeless case for this intruder.


In the cavern, Ilia sent a questioning push back at Kyrena but kept watching the students. Evangeline, similar to Nyx's reaction earlier, narrowed her eyes and Ilia suppressed a sigh. Both were 19 she believed, technically adults, but they had no reason to think they were deserving of knowing everything. Certainly not know. They may have bonds to the eggs but that may change.... and if they refused to at least try and trust Ilia and Byx then their future here would be difficult.

An old ticking clock struck 3, the candle representing two o'clock having been moved close enough to light the next. "If everyone is ready, we'll continue down to the bottom of the cavern. By four, we'll be returning to the dorms, so you have an hour to explore down there - if you want it. If not, we can save that for tomorrow, we'll take some time to explore a little more." Tomorrow. After this.... disturbance was sorted.

𓆏 phrog 𓆏⁠

Posted 2022-10-02 18:42:51
☆ Raymond Monet ☆

The large man had started rushing back up the hill at the sounds of screeching and unrest, leaving Blondie to graze. His heart was beating a million miles a minute, what was happening? The only reason they would be making those noises... Oh, shit. Is one of the students hurt? He thought, only rushing faster up the hill. When he got to the top, he wished he had stayed where he was.

The body that lay in Byx's arms was almost unrecognizable and he felt sick, falling to his knees only a few feet away. His muscles were frozen in disgust and terror. This had to be a dream. It had to be. There was no way he was seeing this. His throat closed up, eyes staring unblinking at the body. He felt his eyes sting as a war raged in his brain.

Whatever monster did this to this child would pay. Whether it was now, or in 50 years. He would make them pay. And he would drag their death on for as long as he could. He hadn't even realized he was sobbing until he brought himself back to reality and he had pushed past the dragons, now sitting cradling the student. He didnt care though. This scene would haunt him for the rest of his life.

𓆏 Angel 𓆏

Posted 2022-10-03 07:50:13

❖ Byxem Arros • Neha

Byx didn't notice Raymond coming up beside them, nor did they realize that he had taken the child's body from their arms. Their hands were soaked in blood. They pressed their palms to their head, taking a shuddering breath. You failed, we failed, it's all gone to shit. What would they do? What would Ilia think? This poor child...

Neha's head whipped up, a low rumbling building in her throat. Her spines began to rattle in anticipation, body tensing. She heard the carriage, she could practically smell the blood coursing through their veins. She was filled with such rage, she needed to take it out. She stood, unfurling her wings, nudging Byx gently. The man glanced up, crestfallen. "What is it, girl?" they said, voice trembling. Neha nudged Byx again in response, before gesturing with her tail to the gates. Byx's face dropped in horror. "Oh, gods. Raymond, Raymond, we gotta go," they said, reaching to shake Raymond's shoulder. They could mourn later, but now they had to get out of here.

Standing, they attempted to take hold of the child but slipped. They were too weak. "Damn it all," they muttered, glancing over their shoulder at the gates. Neha let out a quiet gurgling noise. She couldn't take to the sky; they would surely see her. She wanted to take out her anger on the trespassers, but she couldn't just leave the humans alone; they were useless without her. She tossed her head, nudging Byx again, before lowering her spikes. Byx glanced up, eyes widening. "Oh!" they exclaimed, before turning to Raymond.

"Neha's telling us to put them on her back. Do you think you could lift them? I'm not strong enough," they said hurriedly.

〚 𝔟 𝔩 𝔢 𝔲 〛

Posted 2022-10-03 16:40:18 (edited)
➷ Kyle

Folding his arms, Kyle leaned against the cavern wall, eyeing the students as they collected once again. Everyone seemed a little on edge now, and honestly he couldn't blame them. With the commotion somewhere outside, and just in general.. everything must be so.. new, and stressful, to put it lightly. They'd all made their choice, but it couldn't have been easy. Personally, he'd been reaching for any excuse to get out and go somewhere and do something, but he wondered if any of the others had struggled to say goodbye to whatever life they were leaving behind.

Well- ..he'd still left some people behind too.

They'll be fine without me, he insisted, wishing he didn't feel quite so like he was trying to convince himself. Unease swirled in his stomach.

Ugh. He fiddled with the buttons on his tunic. Today was feeling so long already. Back home, he probably would have snuck away from chores, dropped by town to futz about and take his mind off of.. whatever. But of course, everything was different now. Which.. wasn't a bad thing. He just needed more time to adjust, two weeks was only two weeks.

He dragged his mind back to the present, glancing up at Ilia. It seemed this tour would be wrapping up soon. He figured he should start thinking about where Raymond might be, see whatever else might need doing.

᠂ Sephan᠂

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