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🌲ScarletClan🟥~An on-sight Warrior Cats Roleplay~

Posted 2022-12-09 02:12:24 (edited)

Rowanpaw ~She/Her~ Apprentice

Rowanpaw stretched her paws, shaking the sleep from her pelt, after giving herself a lick. She then neatens up her next and pushes her way out of the apprentice den. She sits on a patch of cold dirt, awaiting instruction.

Posted 2022-12-09 06:12:18
((the camp is underground, so unless RowanPaw went outside to the clearing she can't be in a patch of sunlight; unless she literally sat right at the enternace and is now not allowing anyone in or out of camp lol

TreePaw ~ She/Her ~ Medicine Cat Apprentice

The large female slips out of the medicine cat den slowly, yawning before she stretches. her eyes scan the camp carefully. She goes to the fresh kill pile, knowing her mother likely already fed the queen and kits already. She notices Rowanpaw sitting alone. Her siblings and Thrasherpaw were likely outside, meaning she and Rowanpaw were the only apprentices inside. she picks up a decent sized rabbit, making sure it wasn't the biggest, before going over to rowanpaw. "Have you eaten yet . . .?" she asks.

Posted 2022-12-09 19:09:24 (edited)

As he trotted through the forest he spotted a rabbit.He dropped into a crouch as he clowly stalked it,before long he was walking through the forest triumpently with the rabbit in his jaws.He eventualy made it back to his den where he spent the rest of his day.Most of the day was eating,grooming,thinking up plans and other evil things.

Amylog-"a lil irish🍀"

Posted 2022-12-09 21:27:25 (edited)

Rowanpaw ~ She/her ~ Apprentice

"I'm not hungry right now, but thanks for asking, has Treestump eaten, what about Skunkpelt." Rowanpaw replies, the sentence a fast jumble of words. Rowanpaw flicks her tail towards the nursery and the medicine den, "have you eaten" Rowanpaw finally asks after a long silence. Rowanpaw starts to flick her tail restlessly.

(if this isn't enough I can add more, I've just had really bad writers block)

Posted 2022-12-10 22:58:14
((the rules clearly state that this is a literate roleplay! Your replies must be longer! please edit these replies and make them at least 3-4 well develouped sentances. thank you!
Please do not respond to this post.

Posted 2022-12-12 16:26:56

TreePaw ~ Med Cat Apprentice ~ She/Her

"my mother brought SkunkPelt and the kits a fish, and my father is sleeping." she flicks her tail softly. "you should eat . . ." she nudges the rabbit tword her before watching for a few long moments. her ears fall slightly. "Well, no . . . but i was just going to sleep it off. with prey so short i'd rather everyone else eat." TreePaw looks away to hide her eyes.

Posted 2022-12-12 16:50:05

Rowanpaw ~she/her~Apprentice

"You should eat, but if it makes you feel better, we could share," l push the rabbit closer to Treepaw.  "Also, it's good to know that the only queen at the moment is being fed, it will be good to have more apprentices to become warriors, it should be better to get more prey to go around" The rest of the sentence comes out in a jumble of words, I gasp and take a breath as I wait for Treepaw to signal that she wants the rabbit or is willing to share.

Posted 2022-12-14 03:48:12

TreePaw ~ She/Her ~ Med Cat Apprentice

TreePaw hesitates a little before nodding. She's never shared a meal with anyone but her siblings. How bad could it be? . . . Her tail flicks softly she picks up the rabbit, placing it in front of RowanPaw before she lies across from her. "My mother's actually worried about that . . ." she says, one of her ears flicking. "We have six apprentices on the way and not enough Warriors to train them all. . . ." she sighs softly. "i think mother and father are considoring haveing a small team of med cats, just giving Father a new apprentice would help that delema at least a bit . . ."

Posted 2022-12-17 14:32:55 (edited)

Riverpaw ~ she/her ~ Apprentice

Riverpaw blinks a few times, taking in her surroundings, she spends a moment looking at the gnarled roots above her, losing herself in her sleepy thoughts. Its still a bit strange waking up here, this place, her new home. Sometimes the dreams of her mother and siblings are so real that when she wakes, she still expects them to be near, confusing the warmth of the soft moss and wool nest for that of her mothers side. She wonders briefly if they are okay and if they miss her as much as she misses them. If only she could tell them that she wasn't lost to the world that night, that the animal they'd run from hadn't gotten her, how she was alive and about the small clan of cats shed found, who'd so kindly opened their home to her and invited her to be one of them. Riverpaw blinks a few more times, pushing the memories back into her mind, she won't forget her family but this is her life now. Rising to her paws, she shakes the sleep from her pelt, little pieces of moss falling back into the nest. She looks around the apprentice den, and notices Treepaw and Rowanpaw talking quietly over a rabbit, and lets out a small sigh of relief. When she woke she was so entranced in her thoughts, that for a moment she thought she was alone, and possibly had overslept. Any day now the apprentices would be going on their first hunt and she didn't want to miss it, the thought sent chills of excitement through her little body, blue eyes sparkling like the ever flowing rivers. "Goodmorning Treepaw, Rowanpaw" her voice is soft and affectionate. Joyed with the thoughts of an adventure ahead of her today, she slips out of the apprentice den and trots to the edge of the camp, where she has a full view of the clearing. Looking around, she spots the other apprentices playing, Silverclaw observing them from a small distance, two she cat warriors, Littleflower and Cloudmist sharing a vole. Sitting nearby, is Scarletstar, the clans leader, her eyes like glowing embers watching the cats in the clearing, she appears to be deep in thought. Riverpaw pads over to her and quietly sits down beside the large black she cat. She looks out a the clearing again, the dew glittering on the grass in the patches of sunlight that peak their way through the evergreen trees, a loud purr bubbling up from within her, this place was so beautiful and she was so ever grateful to the cats who had made her a part of their family. Breaking her gaze from the clearing, she looks up at Scarletstar wondering if she's thinking about sending the apprentices out with the sunrise hunt, the she cat looked so stoic, it takes her a moment to realize that she's staring. Not wanting to interrupt the she cats thoughts, Riverpaw looks back to the clearing without saying anything and closes her eyes enjoying the sensations of sunrise on her fur.


Posted 2022-12-18 03:10:07

Silverclaw - He/him - Warrior

He doesn't say or do much, seemingly to lazily be observing the youngsters. But he's quick and still considered young, larger targets have always been his specialty which has made him good when faced with nosy predators. It's important to not get crushed between the jaws of badgers and foxes, Silverclaw is agile enough to avoid such mistakes. Or he's ridiculously lucky.
The conversation the apprentices are having isn't something for him to join in on. He keeps his presence small near them as to not create tension. He's never had the most welcoming or relaxing aura to be around.

Prince of Amethyst

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