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After a weary day of traveling, you make it to the heart of the riparian woodland. The forest itself is alive with the sound of birdsong and insects, as well as the rushing noise of the river beside you. Your paws are wet and caked in mud from the damp soil of the riverbank, and there is nothing you'd like to do more than rest.

You move your head around in search of a safe place to take your break when the scent of other wolves fills your nose. Many of them. It must be a whole pack of them, you realize, and you debate turning tail and leaving before they can discover you. But you are weary from your exploring, and they might be friendly. If not, there was always the opportunity to steal a good meal and run.

You head in the direction of the wolves' scents and it leads you to a separate stream split off from the main river. It ends in a waterfall that towers above your head, beating down hard on the rocks in the little pool beneath it. Beside the waterfall is a cave, and a head pokes out before noticing you and quickly retreating inside. You wait, and that wait does not disappoint when a group of wolves emerges from the cave.

They approach you. A she-wolf with a light coat and gray markings, decorated in twisting chains of blue beads heads the group, and you figure she must be the leader.

"Greetings," says the she-wolf, sizing you up with yellow eyes. "What brings you here, stranger?"


Any Wolves in the Cave of the Traveler are available for free. Just PM me the link of the wolf you're interested in. (Most of them will end up R&C'd if not claimed.)

Happy to RP with my pack here, just PM me if you're interested.

Section One: Dreamwalkers

It is not unknown to wolf-kind that there are individuals among them who possess a mysterious gift: to walk the land of dreams. It is a gift shrouded in secrecy, rare as it is, and little is known about it. Those who hold such a gift are labeled Dreamwalkers, and they are said to be individuals of great importance. Whether that is true though, remains speculation.

In the Wildfate, this gift is well known to its members. From the ever-skilled Alpha Reythyra Starbeam's ability to traverse the Dreamlands and bring dream to reality, to Sumina Snowhaven, who can only see glimpses of the mystical realm in her sleep, many with the gift are found in the pack. It is a safe haven for them, where they shall neither be sought out for their gift nor persecuted for it.

Section Two: History

It was on a late summer's day in the mountains that the wandering orphan Reythyra Starbeam met Lugeiros Moonwalker, and together, they formed the Wildfate. Since then, many have joined the pack, and it has seen its fair share of joys and hardships.

In its first year, the pack would see the birth of the first two of Alpha Reythyra's pups, Valtris and Daerona, and the pack would grow from a handful of wolves to a decent-sized pack. Much of the fall was spent expanding their territory and preparing for winter. Many wolves would join during this time, setting up winter for an unfortunately-timed puppy boom.

In the second year, the annual Springtide Howl Fayre would arrive and Alpha Reythyra would learn of ways to grow crops for harvest. Several wolves would form bonded pairs during this year and have many pups of their own.

In its third year, the pack would migrate away from the mountains due to the threat of a harsh winter. In order to survive, the pack headed eastward toward the riparian woodlands, where the winters would not be so harsh and survival would be easier.

In its fifth year, a pup would be born with a talent for Dreamwalking that surpassed even the Alpha Reythyra's ability. The pup's name was Aluria Phoenixsong, and she would be orphaned in puppyhood due to the old age of her mother. Alpha Reythyra would take Aluria in as her apprentice, teaching her the ways of leadership, as well as helping her explore her abilities as a Dreamwalker. During this time, Reythyra would also begin investigating the mysterious disappearance of a wolf from another pack, only to find that wolves from all over were also disappearing. She would end up sacrificing two pups of her pack to a spirit to try and solve these disappearances.

In its sixth year, Lugerios would step down as breeding male and a wolf named Selenar Nightspirit would take his place. The pack also enjoyed a season of gifting other packs a variety of items and wealth.

In its seventh year (to be continued)…

Section Three: Pack Law

1) The Alpha is the pack leader. Their word is law.
2) Alphas may be male or female, so long as they possess the gift of Dreamwalking. Their talent in this ability may vary.
3) The Alpha will select their successor, using their own discretion.
4) Children of the Alpha are known as Princes or Princesses, though the title is little more than ceremonial.

1) The Beta is selected by the Alpha and is their second-in-command.
2) The Beta may be male or female, so long as they are chosen by the Alpha.
3) The Beta is in charge of the pack while the Alpha is out exploring.
4) The Beta may be in charge of tasks the Alpha delegates to them.

1) Females may breed with males outside of the pack to reduce the chance of inbreeding and to diversify the gene pool.
2) Unrelated pack members are allowed to form mated pairs and breed.
3) The breeding male is selected by the Alpha.
4) The breeding male may offer studding services to females outside of the pack if he so chooses.

1) There shall be at least four hunting parties at any time, preferably more.
2) All roles within the pack are treated equally, for each plays a vital role in the pack's survival.
3) Apprentices shall be trained until they reach adulthood.
4) Puppies shall be trained until they reach adolescence.
5) A wolf may choose to retire from their role at age 5 and become a mentor instead.

Section Four: Religion

The wolves of the Wildfate engage in animism and ancestor worship. They believe in a single deity, the All-Mother, who created the world and all its creatures before turning into the Moon to rest. Wolves in the Wildfate believe that upon death, their soul becomes one of the numerous stars in the sky, giving light to guide their loved ones in the darkest of times.

Values associated with the Wildfate's beliefs are kindness and compassion, as well as respect for ancestors.

Worship involves prayer, making alters for the deceased, and giving thanks to the animals who died to feed them. The moon and night-related symbols are important to the Wildfate as a connection to the All-Mother and the souls of their ancestors.

Not really romance-focused but sometimes it happens and I tend to go with the flow. (In that case, I'm most comfortable with MxF.) I prefer to do pack roleplays with wolves here on Wolvden. I can play both male and female. I write semi-lit to full lit.
Pack Formed 5/18/2024
Naming Conventions: Each wolf has a given name and a family name. The given name is a standard fantasy name. The family name is a compound of two words and is passed down by the father. Wolves who enter the pack are given their own family name upon joining.

(Updated 2/16/25)
Any wolf with a bio emoji in their subtitle.
Alpha Aluria Phoenixsong
Played By Nuff (#140001)
Territory Biome Riparian Woodland
Cave Slots 9 / 10
Pack Adults 138 / 145
Pack Pups 82 / 725
Immortal Wolves 0 / 0

Royal Hollow
Name Stats Info Currents
320 stats L1 Female 0 years 6 months (Adolescent) 0y 6m
295 stats L1 Female 0 years 8½ months (Adolescent) 0y 8½m
321 stats L1 Female 0 years 9½ months (Adolescent) 0y 9½m
299 stats L1 Female 0 years 10½ months (Adolescent) 0y 10½m
478 stats L1 Female 1 year 1½ month (Adult) 1y 1½m Pregnant (1 rollover)NestedHunter
483 stats L1 Female 1 year 1½ month (Adult) 1y 1½m Pregnant (1 rollover)NestedHunter
429 stats L4 Female 1 year 2½ months (Adult) 1y 2½m Breeding Cooldown (20 rollovers)Hunter
329 stats L1 Female 0 years 0 months (Newborn) 0y 0m
330 stats L1 Male 0 years 0 months (Newborn) 0y 0m
424 stats L6 Male 1 year 7½ months (Adult) 1y 7½m Hunter
423 stats L6 Female 1 year 7½ months (Adult) 1y 7½m Breeding Cooldown (9 rollovers)Hunter
443 stats L7 Male 1 year 10½ months (Adult) 1y 10½m Hunter
429 stats L7 Female 1 year 10½ months (Adult) 1y 10½m Breeding Cooldown (3 rollovers)Hunter
434 stats L7 Female 1 year 10½ months (Adult) 1y 10½m Breeding Cooldown (3 rollovers)Hunter
527 stats L9 Male 2 years 1½ month (Adult) 2y 1½m Hunter
529 stats L9 Female 2 years 1½ month (Adult) 2y 1½m Pregnant (1 rollover)NestedHunter
462 stats L11 Female 2 years 8 months (Adult) 2y 8m Breeding Cooldown (8 rollovers)Hunter
589 stats L13 Male 2 years 11 months (Adult) 2y 11m Hunter
626 stats L14 Male 3 years 6 months (Adult) 3y 6m Hunter
360 stats L7 Male 3 years 8½ months (Adult) 3y 8½m Pupsitter
375 stats L7 Male 5 years 1½ month (Adult) 5y 1½m PupsitterSecured
376 stats L7 Female 5 years 1½ month (Adult) 5y 1½m In Heat (3 rollovers)PupsitterSecured
370 stats L7 Female 5 years 1½ month (Adult) 5y 1½m In Heat (3 rollovers)PupsitterSecured
642 stats L13 Male 6 years 1½ month (Adult) 6y 1½m HunterSecured
729 stats L15 Male 6 years 1½ month (Adult) 6y 1½m HunterSecured
983 stats L19 Male 6 years 1½ month (Adult) 6y 1½m HunterSecured
646 stats L13 Male 6 years 1½ month (Adult) 6y 1½m HunterSecured
766 stats L16 Female 6 years 1½ month (Adult) 6y 1½m In Heat (1 rollover)HunterSecured
767 stats L16 Male 6 years 1½ month (Adult) 6y 1½m HunterSecured
893 stats L19 Female 6 years 4½ months (Adult) 6y 4½m Breeding Cooldown (5 rollovers)HunterSecured
489 stats L14 Female 7 years 1½ month (Adult) 7y 1½m Breeding Cooldown (1 rollover)MentorSecured
938 stats L20 Female 7 years 1½ month (Adult) 7y 1½m Breeding Cooldown (2 rollovers)HunterSecured
Twisting Tunnels
Name Stats Info Currents
307 stats L1 Male 0 years 3½ months (Puppy) 0y 3½m
287 stats L3 Female 1 year 7 months (Adult) 1y 7m Breeding Cooldown (10 rollovers)Pupsitter
327 stats L7 Female 2 years 10 months (Adult) 2y 10m Breeding Cooldown (13 rollovers)Hunter
492 stats L13 Female 3 years 11½ months (Adult) 3y 11½m Breeding Cooldown (5 rollovers)HunterSecured
284 stats L7 Male 4 years 8½ months (Adult) 4y 8½m Pupsitter
740 stats L20 Male 5 years 9½ months (Adult) 5y 9½m Mentor
Starlight Cavern
Name Stats Info Currents
388 stats L1 Female 0 years 2½ months (Young Puppy) 0y 2½m
337 stats L1 Male 0 years 6 months (Adolescent) 0y 6m
337 stats L1 Female 0 years 6 months (Adolescent) 0y 6m
354 stats L3 Female 1 year 6 months (Adult) 1y 6m Breeding Cooldown (15 rollovers)Pupsitter
375 stats L4 Male 1 year 6 months (Adult) 1y 6m Pupsitter
280 stats L7 Female 2 years 1½ month (Adult) 2y 1½m Breeding Cooldown (5 rollovers)Hunter
288 stats L5 Female 2 years 2 months (Adult) 2y 2m Breeding Cooldown (5 rollovers)Pupsitter
448 stats L11 Male 2 years 4½ months (Adult) 2y 4½m Hunter
371 stats L6 Male 2 years 6 months (Adult) 2y 6m Pupsitter
433 stats L5 Male 2 years 6½ months (Adult) 2y 6½m Pupsitter
395 stats L9 Female 2 years 11 months (Adult) 2y 11m Breeding Cooldown (13 rollovers)Hunter
600 stats L13 Male 3 years 0 months (Adult) 3y 0m Hunter
383 stats L5 Male 3 years 3 months (Adult) 3y 3m Pupsitter
637 stats L14 Male 3 years 6½ months (Adult) 3y 6½m Hunter
347 stats L8 Female 3 years 8½ months (Adult) 3y 8½m Breeding Cooldown (7 rollovers)Pupsitter
345 stats L8 Male 4 years 6½ months (Adult) 4y 6½m Pupsitter
345 stats L8 Female 4 years 6½ months (Adult) 4y 6½m Breeding Cooldown (18 rollovers)Pupsitter
314 stats L1 Female 0 years 1 month (Newborn) 0y 1m
309 stats L1 Female 0 years 1 month (Newborn) 0y 1m
307 stats L1 Male 0 years 1 month (Newborn) 0y 1m
315 stats L1 Female 0 years 1 month (Newborn) 0y 1m
313 stats L1 Male 0 years 1 month (Newborn) 0y 1m
313 stats L1 Female 0 years 1 month (Newborn) 0y 1m
322 stats L8 Female 4 years 6½ months (Adult) 4y 6½m Breeding Cooldown (15 rollovers)Pupsitter
334 stats L7 Male 4 years 7½ months (Adult) 4y 7½m Pupsitter
373 stats L8 Male 5 years 0 months (Adult) 5y 0m PupsitterSecured
333 stats L7 Female 5 years 7½ months (Adult) 5y 7½m Breeding Cooldown (20 rollovers)Pupsitter
307 stats L1 Male 0 years 0 months (Newborn) 0y 0m
320 stats L1 Male 0 years 0 months (Newborn) 0y 0m
312 stats L1 Female 0 years 0 months (Newborn) 0y 0m
306 stats L1 Female 0 years 0 months (Newborn) 0y 0m
Tranquil Chasm
Name Stats Info Currents
323 stats L2 Female 1 year 2½ months (Adult) 1y 2½m Breeding Cooldown (20 rollovers)Pupsitter
307 stats L1 Male 0 years 0 months (Newborn) 0y 0m
315 stats L1 Male 0 years 0 months (Newborn) 0y 0m
309 stats L1 Female 0 years 0 months (Newborn) 0y 0m
349 stats L2 Male 1 year 2½ months (Adult) 1y 2½m Pupsitter
368 stats L3 Female 1 year 4½ months (Adult) 1y 4½m Breeding Cooldown (15 rollovers)Pupsitter
490 stats L4 Female 1 year 8 months (Adult) 1y 8m Breeding Cooldown (8 rollovers)Pupsitter
212 stats L4 Female 2 years 1 month (Adult) 2y 1m Breeding Cooldown (7 rollovers)Pupsitter
385 stats L7 Male 2 years 2½ months (Adult) 2y 2½m Scout
529 stats L9 Male 2 years 4 months (Adult) 2y 4m Hunter
442 stats L11 Female 2 years 7½ months (Adult) 2y 7½m Pregnant (1 rollover)NestedHunter
626 stats L10 Male 2 years 8 months (Adult) 2y 8m Hunter
513 stats L9 Male 2 years 10 months (Adult) 2y 10m Hunter
395 stats L9 Male 3 years 0 months (Adult) 3y 0m Hunter
623 stats L13 Male 3 years 1½ month (Adult) 3y 1½m Herbalist
462 stats L9 Female 3 years 2½ months (Adult) 3y 2½m Breeding Cooldown (20 rollovers)Hunter
345 stats L1 Male 0 years 0 months (Newborn) 0y 0m
337 stats L1 Male 0 years 0 months (Newborn) 0y 0m
337 stats L1 Male 0 years 0 months (Newborn) 0y 0m
408 stats L9 Female 3 years 3 months (Adult) 3y 3m Breeding Cooldown (6 rollovers)Hunter
471 stats L12 Male 4 years 0 months (Adult) 4y 0m Hunter
288 stats L8 Female 5 years 0 months (Adult) 5y 0m Breeding Cooldown (8 rollovers)Pupsitter
286 stats L6 Female 6 years 1 month (Adult) 6y 1m Breeding Cooldown (20 rollovers)Pupsitter
301 stats L1 Female 0 years 0 months (Newborn) 0y 0m
297 stats L1 Male 0 years 0 months (Newborn) 0y 0m
304 stats L1 Female 0 years 0 months (Newborn) 0y 0m
295 stats L1 Male 0 years 0 months (Newborn) 0y 0m
298 stats L1 Female 0 years 0 months (Newborn) 0y 0m
421 stats L8 Female 6 years 2 months (Adult) 6y 2m Breeding Cooldown (8 rollovers)Pupsitter
609 stats L13 Male 6 years 2 months (Adult) 6y 2m Hunter
Harmonious Subterrane
Name Stats Info Currents
310 stats L1 Male 0 years 4 months (Puppy) 0y 4m
304 stats L1 Male 0 years 4 months (Puppy) 0y 4m
305 stats L1 Female 0 years 4 months (Puppy) 0y 4m
331 stats L1 Female 0 years 4½ months (Puppy) 0y 4½m
312 stats L1 Female 0 years 4½ months (Puppy) 0y 4½m
313 stats L1 Male 0 years 4½ months (Puppy) 0y 4½m
288 stats L1 Female 0 years 6½ months (Adolescent) 0y 6½m
309 stats L1 Female 0 years 7 months (Adolescent) 0y 7m
354 stats L1 Female 0 years 10½ months (Adolescent) 0y 10½m
365 stats L1 Female 0 years 11½ months (Adolescent) 0y 11½m
359 stats L1 Male 0 years 11½ months (Adolescent) 0y 11½m
385 stats L1 Female 1 year 0 months (Adult) 1y 0m In Heat (4 rollovers)
419 stats L1 Male 1 year 0½ months (Adult) 1y 0½m
409 stats L1 Female 1 year 2 months (Adult) 1y 2m Breeding Cooldown (20 rollovers)
365 stats L1 Female 0 years 0 months (Newborn) 0y 0m
362 stats L1 Female 0 years 0 months (Newborn) 0y 0m
361 stats L1 Male 0 years 0 months (Newborn) 0y 0m
502 stats L4 Female 1 year 3 months (Adult) 1y 3m Breeding Cooldown (18 rollovers)Hunter
318 stats L3 Female 1 year 3½ months (Adult) 1y 3½m Breeding Cooldown (17 rollovers)Pupsitter
339 stats L1 Male 0 years 1½ month (Young Puppy) 0y 1½m
342 stats L1 Male 0 years 1½ month (Young Puppy) 0y 1½m
337 stats L1 Male 0 years 1½ month (Young Puppy) 0y 1½m
344 stats L3 Female 1 year 4 months (Adult) 1y 4m Breeding Cooldown (17 rollovers)Pupsitter
411 stats L1 Female 0 years 1½ month (Young Puppy) 0y 1½m
406 stats L1 Female 0 years 1½ month (Young Puppy) 0y 1½m
397 stats L1 Female 0 years 1½ month (Young Puppy) 0y 1½m
347 stats L1 Male 1 year 4 months (Adult) 1y 4m Pupsitter
364 stats L4 Male 1 year 4 months (Adult) 1y 4m Hunter
333 stats L4 Male 1 year 5½ months (Adult) 1y 5½m Hunter
417 stats L4 Female 1 year 6½ months (Adult) 1y 6½m Breeding Cooldown (11 rollovers)Hunter
352 stats L6 Female 1 year 6½ months (Adult) 1y 6½m Breeding Cooldown (11 rollovers)Hunter
349 stats L6 Female 1 year 8½ months (Adult) 1y 8½m Breeding Cooldown (7 rollovers)Hunter
444 stats L4 Female 1 year 10 months (Adult) 1y 10m Pupsitter
491 stats L11 Female 1 year 10 months (Adult) 1y 10m Breeding Cooldown (5 rollovers)Hunter
373 stats L6 Male 1 year 10 months (Adult) 1y 10m Hunter
333 stats L4 Male 1 year 10½ months (Adult) 1y 10½m Pupsitter
460 stats L1 Female 1 year 11 months (Adult) 1y 11m Breeding Cooldown (2 rollovers)
432 stats L5 Male 2 years 0 months (Adult) 2y 0m Pupsitter
387 stats L7 Female 2 years 0 months (Adult) 2y 0m In Heat (4 rollovers)Hunter
1720 stats L11 Male 2 years 4 months (Adult) 2y 4m Hunter
334 stats L6 Male 2 years 6 months (Adult) 2y 6m Pupsitter
605 stats L18 Male 3 years 6½ months (Adult) 3y 6½m Scout
717 stats L14 Female 3 years 7 months (Adult) 3y 7m In Heat (3 rollovers)Hunter
738 stats L14 Female 4 years 0½ months (Adult) 4y 0½m Breeding Cooldown (16 rollovers)Hunter
525 stats L1 Male 0 years 2 months (Young Puppy) 0y 2m
521 stats L1 Female 0 years 2 months (Young Puppy) 0y 2m
499 stats L1 Male 0 years 2 months (Young Puppy) 0y 2m
528 stats L12 Male 4 years 2 months (Adult) 4y 2m Hunter
535 stats L12 Male 4 years 2 months (Adult) 4y 2m Hunter
344 stats L7 Female 4 years 3½ months (Adult) 4y 3½m Breeding Cooldown (20 rollovers)Pupsitter
340 stats L1 Female 0 years 0 months (Newborn) 0y 0m
336 stats L1 Male 0 years 0 months (Newborn) 0y 0m
318 stats L1 Male 0 years 0 months (Newborn) 0y 0m
342 stats L1 Female 0 years 0 months (Newborn) 0y 0m
336 stats L6 Male 4 years 3½ months (Adult) 4y 3½m Pupsitter
380 stats L6 Male 4 years 4½ months (Adult) 4y 4½m Pupsitter
426 stats L6 Male 4 years 6 months (Adult) 4y 6m Pupsitter
374 stats L8 Male 5 years 2 months (Adult) 5y 2m Pupsitter
360 stats L8 Male 5 years 2 months (Adult) 5y 2m Pupsitter
501 stats L8 Male 5 years 4½ months (Adult) 5y 4½m Pupsitter
475 stats L9 Female 5 years 6½ months (Adult) 5y 6½m Breeding Cooldown (12 rollovers)Hunter
383 stats L8 Male 5 years 7 months (Adult) 5y 7m Pupsitter
424 stats L8 Male 5 years 7 months (Adult) 5y 7m Pupsitter
512 stats L8 Female 5 years 8 months (Adult) 5y 8m In Heat (3 rollovers)Pupsitter
Sunlit Grotto
Name Stats Info Currents
301 stats L1 Male 0 years 11 months (Adolescent) 0y 11m
384 stats L1 Female 1 year 2 months (Adult) 1y 2m Breeding Cooldown (20 rollovers)Hunter
311 stats L1 Male 0 years 0 months (Newborn) 0y 0m
313 stats L1 Male 0 years 0 months (Newborn) 0y 0m
311 stats L1 Male 0 years 0 months (Newborn) 0y 0m
317 stats L1 Male 0 years 0 months (Newborn) 0y 0m
312 stats L1 Female 0 years 0 months (Newborn) 0y 0m
363 stats L2 Female 1 year 2 months (Adult) 1y 2m Breeding Cooldown (20 rollovers)Pupsitter
312 stats L1 Female 0 years 0 months (Newborn) 0y 0m
315 stats L1 Male 0 years 0 months (Newborn) 0y 0m
318 stats L1 Female 0 years 0 months (Newborn) 0y 0m
316 stats L1 Male 0 years 0 months (Newborn) 0y 0m
Crystal Sanctuary
Name Stats Info Currents
320 stats L3 Female 1 year 4 months (Adult) 1y 4m Pupsitter
279 stats L5 Female 2 years 0½ months (Adult) 2y 0½m Pupsitter
242 stats L5 Female 2 years 5½ months (Adult) 2y 5½m In Heat (1 rollover)Pupsitter
329 stats L6 Female 2 years 6 months (Adult) 2y 6m In Heat (4 rollovers)Pupsitter
379 stats L9 Female 2 years 7½ months (Adult) 2y 7½m Hunter
394 stats L8 Female 2 years 8 months (Adult) 2y 8m In Heat (1 rollover)Hunter
537 stats L8 Female 2 years 8½ months (Adult) 2y 8½m Hunter
446 stats L8 Female 2 years 9 months (Adult) 2y 9m Breeding Cooldown (20 rollovers)Hunter
343 stats L1 Male 0 years 0 months (Newborn) 0y 0m
334 stats L1 Female 0 years 0 months (Newborn) 0y 0m
327 stats L1 Male 0 years 0 months (Newborn) 0y 0m
331 stats L7 Female 2 years 9½ months (Adult) 2y 9½m Hunter
432 stats L9 Female 3 years 0 months (Adult) 3y 0m Hunter
242 stats L4 Female 3 years 1 month (Adult) 3y 1m In Heat (1 rollover)Pupsitter
380 stats L7 Female 3 years 3½ months (Adult) 3y 3½m Pupsitter
569 stats L12 Female 3 years 3½ months (Adult) 3y 3½m Hunter
610 stats L13 Female 3 years 5½ months (Adult) 3y 5½m Hunter
708 stats L14 Female 4 years 2 months (Adult) 4y 2m Hunter
462 stats L8 Female 4 years 6 months (Adult) 4y 6m In Heat (4 rollovers)Pupsitter
316 stats L7 Female 4 years 8½ months (Adult) 4y 8½m Pupsitter
Cave of the Traveler
Name Stats Info Currents
Den of the Elders
Name Stats Info Currents
541 stats L13 Female 6 years 3 months (Adult) 6y 3m Breeding Cooldown (8 rollovers)Hunter
353 stats L6 Female 6 years 4 months (Adult) 6y 4m Breeding Cooldown (5 rollovers)Pupsitter
349 stats L8 Female 6 years 4 months (Adult) 6y 4m Breeding Cooldown (17 rollovers)Pupsitter
594 stats L1 Female 0 years 1½ month (Young Puppy) 0y 1½m
596 stats L1 Female 0 years 1½ month (Young Puppy) 0y 1½m
604 stats L1 Female 0 years 1½ month (Young Puppy) 0y 1½m
581 stats L1 Female 0 years 1½ month (Young Puppy) 0y 1½m
377 stats L7 Female 6 years 6 months (Adult) 6y 6m Breeding Cooldown (18 rollovers)Pupsitter
319 stats L1 Male 0 years 1 month (Newborn) 0y 1m
326 stats L1 Female 0 years 1 month (Newborn) 0y 1m
321 stats L7 Female 6 years 7 months (Adult) 6y 7m Breeding Cooldown (11 rollovers)Pupsitter
450 stats L12 Male 6 years 8 months (Adult) 6y 8m Hunter
494 stats L9 Female 6 years 9 months (Adult) 6y 9m Breeding Cooldown (18 rollovers)PupsitterSecured
346 stats L1 Male 0 years 1 month (Newborn) 0y 1m
348 stats L1 Female 0 years 1 month (Newborn) 0y 1m
346 stats L1 Male 0 years 1 month (Newborn) 0y 1m
347 stats L1 Female 0 years 1 month (Newborn) 0y 1m
342 stats L1 Male 0 years 1 month (Newborn) 0y 1m
446 stats L10 Female 7 years 1½ month (Adult) 7y 1½m Breeding Cooldown (12 rollovers)Pupsitter
326 stats L8 Male 7 years 2½ months (Elder) 7y 2½m Pupsitter
830 stats L18 Male 7 years 3½ months (Elder) 7y 3½m Mentor
353 stats L9 Female 7 years 6 months (Elder) 7y 6m Mentor
729 stats L16 Male 7 years 6½ months (Elder) 7y 6½m Hunter
974 stats L20 Male 7 years 7½ months (Elder) 7y 7½m HunterSecured
Name Stats Info Currents
253 stats L1 Female 3 years 6½ months (Adult) 3y 6½m