In each of us there is a particle of stardust...
Legend has it that a flower bloomed during the starfall. He was fragile, like crystal, and beautiful, like an endless expanse of space. The wind blew its petals apart during the great fire to show the wolves the way to a new home.
Since then, the pack of Star Retribution has been living in the silent frosty mountains. They like to listen to the sound of the wind in their ears while running, be the agile and feel free.
⋆⋅Listen up...⋅⋆
✧ On the night when the radiant spirits of the ancestors pass through the sky, everyone can try to talk to them. A wolf from a running pack descends to the ground, leaving behind a trail of small stars. The eyes of this wolf have lost their former color, now they shine as brightly as moonlight.
✧ Moon mother, goddess of the night, take away all the bad and show the right way.
⋆⋅Look at the sky...⋅⋆
✧ Wolves born under the silver moon, when the north wind blows, are considered the chosen ones. This wind is cold and persistent. Such wolves are patronized by the stars, most often they become leaders or herbalists.
✧ Wolves born at half moon, when the spring wind blows, have a gentle, kind heart. This wind is with love and affection. Such wolves are patronized by nature, most often they become pupsitter.
✧ Wolves born under the golden moon, when the south wind blows, have a craving for adventure. This wind is warm and playful. Such wolves are patronized by birds, most often they become scouts.
✧ Wolves born at half moon, when the west wind blows, are considered wise and attentive. This wind is arrogant and proud. Such wolves are patronized by insects, most often they become hunters and mentors.
Wolf personalities. 🔥 — aggressive. ⭐️ — friendly. ❤️ — romantic. ☯️ — stoic.
The season of birth. ❄️ — winter. 🌷 — spring. ☀️ — summer. 🍂 — autumn.
The moon is in the sky at the time of birth. 🌑 — new moon. 🌒 — waxing crescent moon. 🌓 — first quarter moon. 🌔 — waxing gibbous moon. 🌕 — full moon. 🌖 — waning gibbous moon. 🌗 — third quarter moon. 🌘 — waning crescent moon.
The wolves will tell you. 💜 — base genetics. 🖤 — mutation. ☁️ — these wolves can be bought, obtained for free, exchanged for items/decor, or I will get rid of them.
The Nettlestar Era [Lost Faith] Jay and his friends, four wolves, founded a pack, thanks to the help of the stars and the wind. Everyone worked for the common good, and soon Jay found true love.
Jay had two beautiful wolf cubs, whom she loved with all her heart. The wolf prayed to the star ancestors for their well-being. But one day, on a cloudless night, a mother found her children dead. Her packmates told her that everything was the will of the stars, and the cubs should be buried with dignity. But Jay lost faith, she was furious that the stars rewarded her so much for her efforts.
Later, the wolf remembered the words of one gray wolf, he believed that the cubs should be taken to the peak of the howling wind so that their ancestors would bless them. But Jane refused, she didn't want to take out her children while a blizzard was raging outside. The gray wolf was not happy, saying that this would doom troubles to the whole pack.
After Jay remembered this story, the wolf began to suspect that someone from her pack had killed her children. She began to control every step of the members of the pack, many did not like it, but the wolf did not care. Later, some wolves openly contradicted Jay, and then the wolf drove them out of the pack.
Soon she kicked everyone out and was left alone. Loneliness was eating away at her mind, and Jay started stealing cubs from other packs. Later, she stopped doing this, inviting wolves who met on the way to the pack.
Over time, the wolf stopped caring for herself and postponed questions concerning the future of the pack. The pack's healer, Feathershine, often came to her cave. The doctor gave her herbs to help her fall asleep, she also carefully asked what decision to make in the current situations. Feathershine believed that with proper care, Nettlestar would recover.