Squirt #144878
I would love to have a pack of mutations wolves. Any others will be put up for giveaway later on.
1. Albinism![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
2. Melanism![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
3. Hereditary Cataracts
4. Patches: Mottled![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
5. Patches: Split![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
6. Piebald: Torn![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
7. Piebald: Uneven![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
8. Piebald: Biewer![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
9. Piebald: Frontal![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
10. Spontaneous Blindness![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
1. Albinism![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
2. Melanism![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
3. Hereditary Cataracts
4. Patches: Mottled![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
5. Patches: Split![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
6. Piebald: Torn![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
7. Piebald: Uneven![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
8. Piebald: Biewer![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
9. Piebald: Frontal![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
10. Spontaneous Blindness![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
1. Abomination
a. Opossum![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
b. Pulse
2. Airglow
a. Ornate Blotches
b. Ornate Waves![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
3. Annwn
a. Veneer
4. Aremis
a. Inverted Smudge
b. Sallander
5. Auburn
a. Carnage
b. Cougar
c. Panda
d. Predator
e. Vixen points
6. Beast
a. Wild Stripes
7. Biform
a. Aurora
b. Peacock
8. Black
a. Carnage
b. Cougar
c. Inverted Cross![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
d. Merle Patches![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
e. Opossum
f. Panda![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
g. Sakiz Mask
h. Wraith
9. Brown
a. Butcher
b. Cougar
c. Merle Patches
d. Opossum
e. Panda![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
10. Cealum
a. Aurora
b. Veneer
11. Clover
a. Ornate Stripes
12. Crystal
a. Orca
b. Ornate Spots
c. Wild Strips![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
13. Cynthia
a. Aurora
b. Pulse
c. Wraith
14. Dark Brown
a. Opossum
b. Panda![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
15. Diana
a. Carnage
b. Sprite
16. Dinar
a. Cougar
17. Fauth
a. Pulse
b. Veneer
18. Gold
a. Cougar
b. Orca
19. Gray
a. Orca
b. Vixen Points
20. Henna
a. Cougar
b. Opossum
c. Panda
d. Wraith
21. Honey
a. Cougar
22. Hurricane
a. Cracks
b. Sprite
23. Hydrangea
a. Cougar
b. Freckles
c. Peacock
d. Streaks![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
24. Lavender
a. Freckles
b. Peacock
c. Streaks
25. Losna
a. Aurora![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
26. Luna
a. Ornate Blotches![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
27. Merged
a. Freckles
b. Peacock![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
c. Streak
d. Veneer![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
28. Monster
a. Veneer
b. Wild Stripes
29. Moonlight
a. Aurora
b. Ornate Blotches
c. Ornate Stripes![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
30. Moss
a. Ornate Blotches
31. Nightchill
a. Cracks
b. Wraith
32. Penumbra
a. Aurora
b. Pulse
33. Red
a. Cougar
b. Inverted Panda
c. Orca
d. Panda
e. Vixen Points
34. Roufus
a. Agouti
b. Panda
c. Arawapa Coat
d. Butcher
e. Lupos
f. Akiz Mask
g. Vixen points
h. Wraith
35. Sappho
a. Pulse
b. Wild Stripes
36. Selene
a. Dilution
b. Ornate Spots![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
37. Shedua
a. Cougar
38. Sidhe
a. Cracks![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
b. Wild Stripes![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
39. Spore
a. cross
b. gleam
c. sprite
40. Storm
a. Aurora![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
41. Tempest
a. Wild Stripes
42. Turquoise
a. Light Husky
b. Ornate Spots
43. Umbra
a. Blight![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
b. Cracks![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
c. Ornate Blotches
d. Pulse
44. White
a. Blaze
b. Butcher
c. Carnage
d. Cross
e. Dilution
f. Heavy Husky
g. Inverted Husky
h. Inverted Panda
i. Irish
j. Marbled Unders![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
k. Merle![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
l. Orca
m. Predator
n. Shaded
o. Snout
p. Whitetail Spots
q. Wraith![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
45. Wisp
a. Inverted Opossum
b. Ornate Blotches
c. Ornate Spots
d. Sprite
46. Zircon
a. Arawapa Coat
b. Inverted Panda
c. Orca
d. Predator
1. Abomination
a. Opossum
b. Pulse
2. Airglow
a. Ornate Blotches
3. Annwn
a. Veneer
4. Aremis
a. Inverted Smudge
b. Sallander
5. Auburn
a. Carnage
b. Cougar
c. Panda
d. Predator
e. Vixen points
6. Beast
a. Wild Stripes
7. Biform
a. Aurora
b. Peacock
8. Black
a. Carnage![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
b. Cougar
c. Inverted Cross
d. Merle Patches![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
e. Opossum
f. Panda
g. Sakiz Mask
h. Wraith![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
9. Brown
a. Butcher![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
b. Cougar
c. Merle Patches![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
d. Opossum
e. Panda
10. Cealum
a. Aurora
b. Veneer
11. Clover
a. Ornate Stripes
12. Crystal
a. Orca
b. Ornate Spots
c. Wild Strips
13. Cynthia
a. Aurora
b. Pulse![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
c. Wraith
14. Dark Brown
a. Opossum
b. Panda
15. Diana
a. Carnage
b. Sprite
16. Dinar
a. Cougar
17. Fauth
a. Pulse
b. Veneer
18. Gold
a. Cougar
b. Orca
19. Gray
a. Orca
b. Vixen Points
20. Henna
a. Cougar
b. Opossum
c. Panda![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
d. Wraith
21. Honey
a. Cougar
22. Hurricane
a. Cracks
b. Sprite
23. Hydrangea
a. Cougar![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
b. Freckles
c. Peacock![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
d. Streaks
24. Lavender
a. Freckles
b. Peacock
c. Streaks
25. Losna
a. Aurora![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
26. Luna
a. Ornate Blotches
27. Merged
a. Freckles
b. Peacock
c. Streak
d. Veneer
28. Monster
a. Veneer
b. Wild Stripes
29. Moonlight
a. Aurora
b. Ornate Blotches
c. Ornate Stripes
30. Moss
a. Ornate Blotches
31. Nightchill
a. Cracks
b. Wraith
32. Penumbra
a. Aurora
b. Pulse
33. Red
a. Cougar
b. Inverted Panda
c. Orca
d. Panda
e. Vixen Points
34. Roufus
a. Agouti
b. Panda
c. Arawapa Coat
d. Butcher
e. Lupos
f. Akiz Mask
g. Vixen points
h. Wraith
35. Sappho
a. Pulse
b. Wild Stripes
36. Selene
a. Dilution![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
b. Ornate Spots![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
37. Shedua
a. Cougar
38. Sidhe
a. Cracks
b. Wild Stripes![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
39. Spore
a. cross
b. gleam
c. sprite
40. Storm
a. Aurora![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
41. Tempest
a. Wild Stripes
42. Turquoise
a. Light Husky
b. Ornate Spots
43. Umbra
a. Blight![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
b. Cracks![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
c. Ornate Blotches
d. Pulse
44. White
a. Blaze
b. Butcher
c. Carnage
d. Cross
e. Dilution
f. Heavy Husky
g. Inverted Husky
h. Inverted Panda
i. Irish
j. Marbled Unders![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
k. Merle![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
l. Orca
m. Predator
n. Shaded
o. Snout
p. Whitetail Spots
q. Wraith![](//static.wolvden.com/images/emotes/thumbsup.png)
45. Wisp
a. Inverted Opossum
b. Ornate Blotches
c. Ornate Spots
d. Sprite
46. Zircon
a. Arawapa Coat
b. Inverted Panda
c. Orca
d. Predator
courtesy of ( +^ Rileigh ^+ )
courtesy of Onyx #130908
1. Albinism
2. Melanism
3. Hereditary Cataracts
4. Patches: Mottled
5. Patches: Split
6. Piebald: Torn
7. Piebald: Uneven
8. Piebald: Biewer
9. Piebald: Frontal
10. Spontaneous Blindness
1. Albinism
2. Melanism
3. Hereditary Cataracts
4. Patches: Mottled
5. Patches: Split
6. Piebald: Torn
7. Piebald: Uneven
8. Piebald: Biewer
9. Piebald: Frontal
10. Spontaneous Blindness
1. Abomination
a. Opossum
b. Pulse
2. Airglow
a. Ornate Blotches
b. Ornate Waves
3. Annwn
a. Veneer
4. Aremis
a. Inverted Smudge
b. Sallander
5. Auburn
a. Carnage
b. Cougar
c. Panda
d. Predator
e. Vixen points
6. Beast
a. Wild Stripes
7. Biform
a. Aurora
b. Peacock
8. Black
a. Carnage
b. Cougar
c. Inverted Cross
d. Merle Patches
e. Opossum
f. Panda
g. Sakiz Mask
h. Wraith
9. Brown
a. Butcher
b. Cougar
c. Merle Patches
d. Opossum
e. Panda
10. Cealum
a. Aurora
b. Veneer
11. Clover
a. Ornate Stripes
12. Crystal
a. Orca
b. Ornate Spots
c. Wild Strips
13. Cynthia
a. Aurora
b. Pulse
c. Wraith
14. Dark Brown
a. Opossum
b. Panda
15. Diana
a. Carnage
b. Sprite
16. Dinar
a. Cougar
17. Fauth
a. Pulse
b. Veneer
18. Gold
a. Cougar
b. Orca
19. Gray
a. Orca
b. Vixen Points
20. Henna
a. Cougar
b. Opossum
c. Panda
d. Wraith
21. Honey
a. Cougar
22. Hurricane
a. Cracks
b. Sprite
23. Hydrangea
a. Cougar
b. Freckles
c. Peacock
d. Streaks
24. Lavender
a. Freckles
b. Peacock
c. Streaks
25. Losna
a. Aurora
26. Luna
a. Ornate Blotches
27. Merged
a. Freckles
b. Peacock
c. Streak
d. Veneer
28. Monster
a. Veneer
b. Wild Stripes
29. Moonlight
a. Aurora
b. Ornate Blotches
c. Ornate Stripes
30. Moss
a. Ornate Blotches
31. Nightchill
a. Cracks
b. Wraith
32. Penumbra
a. Aurora
b. Pulse
33. Red
a. Cougar
b. Inverted Panda
c. Orca
d. Panda
e. Vixen Points
34. Roufus
a. Agouti
b. Panda
c. Arawapa Coat
d. Butcher
e. Lupos
f. Akiz Mask
g. Vixen points
h. Wraith
35. Sappho
a. Pulse
b. Wild Stripes
36. Selene
a. Dilution
b. Ornate Spots
37. Shedua
a. Cougar
38. Sidhe
a. Cracks
b. Wild Stripes
39. Spore
a. cross
b. gleam
c. sprite
40. Storm
a. Aurora
41. Tempest
a. Wild Stripes
42. Turquoise
a. Light Husky
b. Ornate Spots
43. Umbra
a. Blight
b. Cracks
c. Ornate Blotches
d. Pulse
44. White
a. Blaze
b. Butcher
c. Carnage
d. Cross
e. Dilution
f. Heavy Husky
g. Inverted Husky
h. Inverted Panda
i. Irish
j. Marbled Unders
k. Merle
l. Orca
m. Predator
n. Shaded
o. Snout
p. Whitetail Spots
q. Wraith
45. Wisp
a. Inverted Opossum
b. Ornate Blotches
c. Ornate Spots
d. Sprite
46. Zircon
a. Arawapa Coat
b. Inverted Panda
c. Orca
d. Predator
1. Abomination
a. Opossum
b. Pulse
2. Airglow
a. Ornate Blotches
3. Annwn
a. Veneer
4. Aremis
a. Inverted Smudge
b. Sallander
5. Auburn
a. Carnage
b. Cougar
c. Panda
d. Predator
e. Vixen points
6. Beast
a. Wild Stripes
7. Biform
a. Aurora
b. Peacock
8. Black
a. Carnage
b. Cougar
c. Inverted Cross
d. Merle Patches
e. Opossum
f. Panda
g. Sakiz Mask
h. Wraith
9. Brown
a. Butcher
b. Cougar
c. Merle Patches
d. Opossum
e. Panda
10. Cealum
a. Aurora
b. Veneer
11. Clover
a. Ornate Stripes
12. Crystal
a. Orca
b. Ornate Spots
c. Wild Strips
13. Cynthia
a. Aurora
b. Pulse
c. Wraith
14. Dark Brown
a. Opossum
b. Panda
15. Diana
a. Carnage
b. Sprite
16. Dinar
a. Cougar
17. Fauth
a. Pulse
b. Veneer
18. Gold
a. Cougar
b. Orca
19. Gray
a. Orca
b. Vixen Points
20. Henna
a. Cougar
b. Opossum
c. Panda
d. Wraith
21. Honey
a. Cougar
22. Hurricane
a. Cracks
b. Sprite
23. Hydrangea
a. Cougar
b. Freckles
c. Peacock
d. Streaks
24. Lavender
a. Freckles
b. Peacock
c. Streaks
25. Losna
a. Aurora
26. Luna
a. Ornate Blotches
27. Merged
a. Freckles
b. Peacock
c. Streak
d. Veneer
28. Monster
a. Veneer
b. Wild Stripes
29. Moonlight
a. Aurora
b. Ornate Blotches
c. Ornate Stripes
30. Moss
a. Ornate Blotches
31. Nightchill
a. Cracks
b. Wraith
32. Penumbra
a. Aurora
b. Pulse
33. Red
a. Cougar
b. Inverted Panda
c. Orca
d. Panda
e. Vixen Points
34. Roufus
a. Agouti
b. Panda
c. Arawapa Coat
d. Butcher
e. Lupos
f. Akiz Mask
g. Vixen points
h. Wraith
35. Sappho
a. Pulse
b. Wild Stripes
36. Selene
a. Dilution
b. Ornate Spots
37. Shedua
a. Cougar
38. Sidhe
a. Cracks
b. Wild Stripes
39. Spore
a. cross
b. gleam
c. sprite
40. Storm
a. Aurora
41. Tempest
a. Wild Stripes
42. Turquoise
a. Light Husky
b. Ornate Spots
43. Umbra
a. Blight
b. Cracks
c. Ornate Blotches
d. Pulse
44. White
a. Blaze
b. Butcher
c. Carnage
d. Cross
e. Dilution
f. Heavy Husky
g. Inverted Husky
h. Inverted Panda
i. Irish
j. Marbled Unders
k. Merle
l. Orca
m. Predator
n. Shaded
o. Snout
p. Whitetail Spots
q. Wraith
45. Wisp
a. Inverted Opossum
b. Ornate Blotches
c. Ornate Spots
d. Sprite
46. Zircon
a. Arawapa Coat
b. Inverted Panda
c. Orca
d. Predator
Member Information | ||
Name | Squirt | |
Pack | Chance | |
Pack Leader | Tiger | |
Joined | 2024-08-20 | |
Last Active | 2024/12/03 06:51:27 |
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