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DeathWatchWitch #146210

Rue traveled far, getting lost. Tired, she stopped to rest. An angry boar took offence to her presence, attacking her. The first wolf she met on her journey was Faarax. He saved her from the angry boar. They start travelling together and become fast friends.

They met many other wolves as they traveled, a few choosing to travel with them. Raban, Runa, Reta, Flaxri, and Slade. All rogues, tired of traveling alone. Close bonds are formed.

Rue and Faarax grew fonder of eachother by the day. So fond in fact that they became mates. Not long after which, they met Safia the seer. A blind demi-goddess who traveled aimlessly through the forest. They took her in, giving her a pack to call home. It was Safia who confided in Rue that she was with pup's. Pup's she hadn't known she was carrying.

Born under a full autumn moon, Rue and Faarax named their pups Asaph and Renae. Rue wouldn't leave the den for quite some time after this, Faarax often staying close by in case she needed him.

On a Hunting trip, Runa picked up the scent of wolves in their territory. With Reta's help, she convinced Raban that they should abandon the hunt and follow the new trail. It wasn't long before they found the source of the scent trail. Sibling adolescents by the names of Aldora and Fareed. Albinos, cast away by their pack for their strange appearance, claiming they must be cursed. The females of the hunting party insisted on taking them back to the pack. Rue, seeing their potential and remembering what it was like to be alone, couldn't turn them away. Aldora and Fareed were welcomed into the pack with open paws.

Some time after that, Slade was foraging for herbs away from the pack. He traveled further than he had intended to looking for one herb in specific. Instead of finding the herb he was looking for, he came across Ruban and Reena. Two pups who had been separated from their pack during migration and had gotten lost. He tried to help but, unable to find their pack, he resigned to bringing them home with him. The pack accepted them just as easily as they had Aldora and Fareed.

As their pups god older, Rue was able to let Faarax take a larger role in their care. Her mate taking up the mantle of a pupsitter, Rue was able to leave the den and patrol their territory more often. While patrolling the eastern border, she found Feige and Rhodri. Feige was a pupped runaway in search of a safer pack for her unborn young to call home. Rhodri was an adolescent who had been pup napped months before, escaped his captors, and then was rescued from a fox attack by Feige. Rue didn't have the heart to turn them away, so she lead them back to the pack as well, offering Feige a space in her own birthing den where she and faarax could easily help her through the first stages of motherhood.

Some time later, Flaxri was on a scouting mission to the north-east. He stumbles across what seemed to be the ruins of a pack territory. While investigating what remained of the dens, he found three terrified pups. A sick female names Frida, and two males named Rahat and Reinhold. Rahat and Reinhold seemed to be protective of Frida. Flaxri couldn't leave them behind, Frida would die if he did. He offered them a place in the pack with the intention of getting Frida to a healer. It took some convincing, but he managed to get Rahat and Reinhold to agree. Not long after bringing them back to the pack Frida was recovering nicely, Rahat and Reinhold never leaving her side.

Rue noticed Farax getting frustrated with one of the new pups. He hadn't taken a break in weeks, and she knew he needed one, so she stepped in to watch the pups. Grateful, he went for a run to the west of their den. He stopped to rest beside a babbling brook. It was quiet, peaceful. He almost didn't notice the weak whimpers of what sounded like a pup. Knowing the sound for what it was, he investigated. A small pup was just down the brook. She was a weak, wet little lump of fur halfway in the water, cold but clinging to life. With no idea how long she'd been there, abandoned in such a way he could only imagine it had been on purpose, it was painfully obvious that whoever had left the pup had been hoping she would die. He thought of Rue. If she were the one who had found this pup her heart wouldn't let her leave it to its fate, no matter how hopeless trying to save it seemed. With a sigh, he carefully lifted her by her scruff and took her back to the pack den. The little pup's tenacity and will to live surprised even Slade. Within weeks, she was as lively as the many other pups that now seemed to infest their pack. A sweet and outgoing little runt, they decided to call her Fulk.

A pack to the South-East approached the Crimson Watch once, asking for help. Unable to turn them away, Rue gave Raban, Runa, and Reta her permission to leave with a pouch each of supplies. Raban, Runa, and Reta had become restless as it was and, though they loved their friends Rue and Faarax dearly, the wanted to help others the way that Rue and Farrax had helped them. With sad goodbye's and permission to visit if they ever felt homesick, the three left to spread the same compassion they had been shown ages ago.
Member Information
Name DeathWatchWitch
Pack Crimson Order
Alpha Rue
Joined 2024-09-22
Last Active 2 minutes ago
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