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α“šα˜α—’πŸ€Spooky's CSS ShoppeπŸ€α—’α˜α“—β”†β€οΈClosed 〈 0/3 βŒͺ

Posted 2023-09-26 08:36:52


Hullo! I'd like to greatly apologize for my absence, irl has got me grasping for breaks and I have not had the time for WD recently. I have not forgotten about you wonderful people! Things have just gotten too busy for me to focus on these tasks. I will hopefully be back on my feet soon and will be working on your orders as I find the free time. It may take me longer to complete my orders due to my circumstances, but I promise I will get to them all when I can. Thank you so much for your patience, and I hope you are all having a wonderful day <3

⚝ gнσѕтιвσσ ⚝

Posted 2023-10-14 16:59:50
✞ ID: 94618
✞ Background (if image, needs to be 1920x1080 or larger):  link hopefully this is big enough
✞ Font(s):  Libre Baskerville
✞ Colors (general colors want used; RGB, hex code, or direct link to color only):
✞ Link Settings (color, effects upon hover, etc.): #32672f and #4b8b53 I think something that works with the greens of the background :)
✞ Sidebar/Main Card Settings (Transparency, img overlay, etc.):  Transparency
✞ Borders (Y/N, soft/sharp, etc.): soft
✞ ProgressBar Settings (color, gradient, height, border, etc.):  Colour, I'm not sure about height or border sorry
✞ Avatar/PFP Settings (shape, filter color, etc.): circles no colour?
✞ Button Settings (color, effects upon hover, etc.): a colour when hovering when be nice, maybe #d491bb (like the pinks in the background?)
✞ Boxes (Y/N, quantity, expandable, etc.): yes please 2 of them!
✞ Scrollbar Settings (color, width, etc.): idk about width but i like the one i have now,
✞ Custom Cursor (Y/N, link to cursor image): link this is the best one i could find, but open to suggestions lol
✞ Profile or Den (or both): Den
✞ Payment: GC
✞ Extra/Unlisted Info: nothing else! thank you!


Posted 2023-10-14 18:40:29 (edited)
✞ ID: #65468

✞ Background (1920x1080 or larger):  Profile-- One (dunno how to check the size, so lmk if it doesn't fit. Den-- This one

✞ Font(s): For headers on secondary boxes like bookmarks and quests, I'd like (the one you have, I think it's Chakra Petch) and a slight glow. For den/wolf names/etc, I'd like Caveat with a slight glow. For big headers like pack name, I'd like Cinzel, and for it to glow noticeably (but not too strongly). For regular text I think Montserrat Alternates works well (no glow?).

✞ Colors (hex code): Main box-- #030c40 (transparent), Secondary-- #0a2b0b (semi-transparent), Text-- #82c1e8 (with a faint glow, strength varying with type)

✞ Link Settings: Normal-- #553adb, Hover-- #0e95a1

✞ Sidebar/Main Box Settings: Main Box is transparent (#030c40), and has a faint texture like fur. Secondary ones are slightly less transparent and non-textured (#0a2b21), shadowed on main to look like it's floating.

✞ Borders: soft-edged but still boxy (like yours), and glowing white like yours please. (*Not the same for PFPs! That's listed below).

✞ ProgressBar Settings (color, gradient, height, border, etc.): However you think would fit the theme, so long as they're NOT all one color, and are still distinguishable on their own.

✞ Avatar/PFP Settings: Boxes with rounded edges (with thin, solid black border), no color filter. Also, in the den boxes, can the wolves in each row be centered, especially if there's not a full row? And the wolf boxes (which are normally grey) be a solid, blueish color that fits the theme?

✞ Button Settings: Base-- #030661ff, Text-- #f15e22, Border-- #82c1e8

✞ Boxes (Y/N, quantity, expandable, etc.):
~The Split Hexbox on #202's thread for my lore and links (can I scroll within the box, not have it grow to the text? Does that already happen? Also, the image in the center would be TBD)
~The scrolling lore box with wolf in this den!
~The rainbow sliders from the same thread (Background)
~The box like on this person's profile, put on my PROFILE page please.

✞ Scrollbar Settings (color, width, etc.): Same functionality as default, but the same color and theme as main box (transparent w/ fur texture if possible).

✞ Custom Cursor: paw cursor

✞ Profile or Den: Both please! But more focused on den for now.

✞ Payment: Is 5 GC and 1000 SC alright? Too little? Payed!

✞ Extra/Unlisted Info:
~Can I have a talking pagedoll lunar cutie, similar to the skull in your den, that says "Welcome to Tuatha DΓ© Eridanus. May the Deorum light your path..."
~Can my profile page say "Hic Sunt Deorum" in big letters at the top, with my username and ID in smaller text underneath if possible. Fun fact, it means "Here be Gods" in latin! Well, technically Deities.
~Can I have falling lunar dust like the snow in your den?
~Anything else you can do to add little things that fit the theme here and there, I give you permission to surprise me because I wouldn't even know where to start otherwise.

EDIT: I may eventually ask for a separate CSS for my profile, but I fried my brain trying to find all this information when I know very little, so that will most likely be a part-two after my den CSS is done.

ΰΌΊβ›¦π”Έπ•–π•Ÿπ• π•”π•ͺπ• π•Ÿβ›¦ΰΌ»οΈβ€

Posted 2023-10-14 20:04:09
@BirbΒ  Details worked out in DMs

@Aenocyon [RETURNING]Β  Just a brief lookover, looks great! One question off the bat- are all the settings below the Background fill-in for both the den and profile? I see your note at the bottom but I want to make sure since you still have the Backgrounds and Profile or Den fill-ins listing both. The rainbow sliders are possible, however the credit to #202 will have to stay intact (I do have permission to use their code this way) just so you are aware. The pagedoll is also possible in the same way! I am not sure if I can add the text above your profile name, but I will do my best to fiddle with that (I'm sure it's possible in some way! Just gotta figure it out haha). Lastly, is there a color you want for the falling snow/dust? I can leave it white, or change it to any other color you list for me ^-^.

⚝ gнσѕтιвσσ ⚝

Posted 2023-10-14 21:39:12 (edited)
Yes, those settings are for both the den and profile, as I'll only be able to figure out what I want for my den after I see what to work off of. As for the dust, I was thinking just the default color for lunar dust? The deep blue color that Wolvden uses would be a nice tie-in, not sure the hex code for it tho. But fyi, when I say "dust" I do mean in the same way your snow was done, nothing too different. Thank you so much, I can't wait!

I'll send you the payment ASAP, but just a question, are you going to let me know both when you start on it and when you're done? If so, by which means? The forum is fine, but messaging would might be more efficient.

EDIT: also can you make the headers "glow" a little, and have the buttons be ombre (fading one color into another)? Saw it in this css (you have to actually preview it, the link just leads to a big page of code)

EDIT 2: I found what I want my floaty pagedoll to be! This lunar cutie, if I can get him to not invisibly take up the whole page... definitely need your help with that one.

ΰΌΊβ›¦π”Έπ•–π•Ÿπ• π•”π•ͺπ• π•Ÿβ›¦ΰΌ»οΈβ€

Posted 2023-10-15 01:20:37
Sending the 5 CC and 1000 SC now! After some thorough research, I have a better understanding of what I'm looking for, should you have more questions. And I understand there are other people before me, I'd just prefer to pay you ASAP so I don't forget!

ΰΌΊβ›¦π”Έπ•–π•Ÿπ• π•”π•ͺπ• π•Ÿβ›¦ΰΌ»οΈβ€

Posted 2023-10-15 06:12:07
Alrighty, I'll keep that in mind then when I get to work. I imagine you would like me to focus on den first then? I'd like to know so I understand which background to match things up with ^-^. I can also do the glow to the headings! And when you mention the buttons, do you mean you want the buttons colored in a way like the notifications at the top of the page? Or are you referring to the notifications themself as what you want with that color fading? (Sorry I hope that makes sense ^^').

Yep! I'll be letting you know that I have started on your work, will give plenty of progress updates so you are satisfied with the end result, and finally give you the file code alongside any HTML code needed for you to have your working CSS. I normally do so via DMs on WD, but I do offer contact over Discord as well for anyone who has it and would like to further discuss there (usually done for ease of communication, not required at all!). If that's the case for you, you can feel free to DM me your username and we can do any further discussions via DMs on Discord instead.

⚝ gнσѕтιвσσ ⚝

Posted 2023-10-15 08:50:28
Sounds perfect!! Sending now.

Also yes about the den first, and sorry for the confusion about the buttons, I do mean both the buttons and the notifications have the coloring style of the notifications. Whichever colors you think fit the theme work fine!

ΰΌΊβ›¦π”Έπ•–π•Ÿπ• π•”π•ͺπ• π•Ÿβ›¦ΰΌ»οΈβ€

Posted 2023-10-16 20:21:32 (edited)
Hey there, I have some new ideas/edits to what I'd like my CSS to look like. As I add them (which I will periodically continue to do until you start it), I will edit both my commission details and add them here:

~A box on my profile page like in this person's profile.
~Made the main colors and theme blue-er
~Pagedoll icon found (lunar cutie)

ΰΌΊβ›¦π”Έπ•–π•Ÿπ• π•”π•ͺπ• π•Ÿβ›¦ΰΌ»οΈβ€

Posted 2023-10-27 12:02:58
✞ ID: Nox 109478

✞ Background (if image, needs to be 1920x1080 or larger): Still looking for one! I'll update as soon as I find one!

✞ Font(s): Caveat (Found in the google forum) with a light glow to the text in headers and den names please!

✞ Colors (general colors want used; RGB, hex code, or direct link to color only): Blue: #ADD8E6 and #153b63 (darker blue accents) Grey/Silver: #C0C0C0 White: #FFFFFF
Planning a ghost theme, light blues, greys and white, I want to go for a sort of ghost theme, not super dark but white with light colors, sort of glowy, if that makes sense!

✞ Link Settings (color, effects upon hover, etc.): Normal: #020652 Hover: #87cdff

✞ Sidebar/Main Card Settings (Transparency, img overlay, etc.): Transparency please!

✞ Borders (Y/N, soft/sharp, etc.): Soft please!

✞ ProgressBar Settings (color, gradient, height, border, etc.): Blue or green gradient, more of a darker muted color

✞ Avatar/PFP Settings (shape, filter color, etc.):  I love the round borders you have around your wolves on your den css! If possible I would also love for them to be centered if possible!

✞ Button Settings (color, effects upon hover, etc.):

✞ Boxes (Y/N, quantity, expandable, etc.): I love the three boxes you have in your den, the two boxes next to each other on top on the wider box on the bottom that are expandable for my den page and then just a simple header text box for my profile page!

✞ Custom Cursor (Y/N, link to cursor image): none please

✞ Profile or Den (or both): Both please!

✞ Payment: GC, I feel like I'm asking for a lot and I am 100% willing to pay extra for it!

✞ Extra/Unlisted Info: If possible, I would like some fireflies floating, or some fog or stars the the background, like the snow on your den, if you can't find anything that would work no worries! I don't fully understand how this coding works so if this isn't something that works just let me know!
If you'd like I'd love to give you creative freedom if that's something that interests you! You have a very good eye for design and I trust any decisions you'd make to pull this design together!

Nuit(Rolling Events)

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