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꧁ The Last Hope HBD IC (semi open- PM ME!) ꧂

Posted 2022-10-07 22:19:53 (edited)

「」Nikita「」 || ۝ Kyrena ۝

Kyrena gave an almost purr, watching her companion take the student before her eyes narrowed and flicked back to Nikita, clawed wings tearing up bits of the ground as she travels closer to the gate.

The house mistress strode across the grass, head high as she ran over her thoughts - stall, pretend the gate isn't working. Let them in, escort them to the infirmary and give them something to sedate them. Let them in and just keep them above ground, until Ilia can sort them out.

Kyrena behind her made an unnerving rattling, the spikes flooded with fire clacking against one another and Nikita turned, eyeing the large, angry, rather uncontrollable wyvern. Stalling it is.

(someone gets stabbed but its just implied. mention of corpsey stuff/blood.)

A few more steps and she reached the small box that contained the pulley system, peering through the small slit that allowed them to see who was outside. A tall man, saying something furiously to the pale driver, a hand gripping the collar of the other's clothes. Nikita couldn't quite make out the words but as the man reached for something hanging by his side she let out a sharp gasp, focusing properly on the pair.
A short sword shining in the afternoon light, pressing against the driver's stomach before being angled up. Nikita looked away, hand over mouth, and only a small cry rang out before silence. Tears gathering at the corners of her eyes, threatening to drip and fall, but she looked back to the slit. If it could help Ilia, then she would watch. Thankfully, the blood spilling down the drivers front was all she had seen and the man straightened. His chest was rising and falling erratically, Nikita almost worrying before he threw the poor driver to the side and her mind was made up.

Steeling herself, she leaned towards the bigger gap. "Hiya lovey! We've run into a bit of a technical problem, all these fancy gates are just such a pain. Once the Headmaster is here, you'll be sorted." Her voice wavered and dipped at the first few words and clearly the man picked up on it but he threw that concern aside, wiping the blade clean and apparently settling down to wait.

۝ Ilia Farra ۝

The ringing of bells, echoing through the cavern, was a startling noise. Most were dulled, tucked away in classes and various nooks and crannies but it was certainly something. Ilia strode closer to the bell closest to her and gave it a small tap, the wire pulling forward and back as it pulled on its responding bell at the top of the caverns.

"Ah, looks like I'm needed up there. I did forget to mention the bells - they're a simple way of communication that's able to reach through all the floors and various areas. I'm guessing By- Headmaster Arros will be down here soon enough. Whatever has happened or is happening will be sorted soon enough." Ilia explained, looking back to the students. As she blinked, a change occurred.

First, a bond was broken. A body went cold and an egg sunk in the water cradling it.
Second, a thread of light (that defied the order of everything Ilia knew) was made.
Third, a bond was formed. A body warmed and an egg resurfaced in the water cradling it.

The blue glowing light now reaching from Kyle's chest, towards the dark passages where the eggs were hidden, was an incredulous sight. To, well, Ilia... given only Byx would be able to see if he concentrated enough. A small smile spread across her face before the descending sound of Byx's cane tap-tapping on the stone shook Ilia back to her thoughts. She'd need to talk with Kyle later.

After this was sorted.

One last check over the students and Ilia reached for the small key hung away from sight, hidden in the belt that contained.... various weapons, her journal and other odds and ends. Perhaps her favourite possession, designed by herself and made in Gorma. Anyway.

The small locker like box opened and Ilia took the two extra daggers that were, sliding them into the sheaths on her belt. She should probably take the smaller sword but.... no. Whatever it was, Kyrena wouldn't be this upset if it wasn't bad. She sighed and attached the short sword to her side, locking the cabinet of her various belongings.

It'd be sorted soon enough.

𓆏 phrog 𓆏⁠

Posted 2022-10-08 19:05:56 (edited)
➷ Kyle

Evangeline. One down. He nodded, tucking away the information in his mind. Kyle had always been pretty good with remembering names, something he was happy to take pride in. Reading people, on the other hand, he wasn't quite as good at- well unless he was familiar enough with them. Still, even he could tell that Evangeline was wary, eyeing him with caution.

He squinted back at her, letting the roar of the waterfall fill the quiet for a moment, before he just shrugged, glancing away to look around them again.

"Crazy, huh," he drawled, breaking the pause and tugging a hand from his pockets to gesture vaguely at their surroundings, "dragons.. feels almost like a dream." His mind swirled with questions he wanted to ask, but even he wasn't quite so abrasive as to simply stride up to someone he'd just met and immediately start interrogating them.

Well, not right now at least. Best behavior and all?

Suddenly they were interrupted, the bright toll of bells echoing off the stone walls. Kyle flinched, gaze darting around in alarm. He fixed upon Ilia as she spoke, and he frowned. "The hell is happening up there?" He muttered out loud to himself, reminded off Kyrena's sudden exit not too long before. Things had been so quiet since he'd come here, just the hustle and bustle of preparing everything for the student's arrival. Now that they were here, it seemed things were finally starting to pick up. He chewed on his lip, hands flexing. He couldn't help but find it all.. well, exciting.

Kyle craned his head up to peer towards the rings high above, when a chill ran down his back, as if someone had poured a bucket of icy mountain water down his shirt. The hairs on his neck rose again, his breath caught, and he lifted a hand to smooth them down. He swallowed, forcing out a sigh and letting his hand trail down to rub his arm.

Huh. Must be drafty in here.

᠂ Sephan᠂

Posted 2022-10-10 15:47:37

❖ Byxem Arros

The headmaster emerged, face pale. Their mind had been wandering again. They whipped their head about rapidly, nodding to the (remaining) students, before spotting Ilia. They let out a sigh of relief they hadn't even realized they had been holding in, before speed-walking over to her.

"We have a problem," they whispered, leaning forward. They glanced over their shoulder at the students, grimacing. "A bad problem. I'm sure you've felt Kyrena's rage by now, hm?" they said, cracking a weak smile. However, their face quickly fell, remembering the intensity of the situation they were all in. "Nikita and Kyrena are keeping them at bay, but there's a lot that's happening right now."

Fumbling with their hands, they reached into their pocket and pulled out the stone with the King's symbol. Lowering their voice more, they showed it to Ilia, glancing over their shoulder again. "Neha found this beside... well, here isn't the place to tell you," they muttered. "Too many young ears. Too frail for the news."

〚 𝔟 𝔩 𝔢 𝔲 〛

Posted 2022-10-10 17:19:09

꧁ Ilia Farra ꧂

Ilia startled at the quick tapping of Byx's cane, reaching a hand out to try and settle the other headmaster. "Keep the students here for now, once they seem happy to return to the dorms, take them directly to the dorms. Nikita or myself will come find you once we know things are settled." She sighed lightly and straightened. "Nyx is believing herself deserving of knowing what's happening. I think Evangeline is thinking rather the same. Kyle has.... bonded with one of the eggs. Water, I'm fairly sure, such a contradiction..." She trailed off, looking to the stone. Giving Byx a quick nod, a whispered goodluck, and she's striding up the stairs.

「」Nikita「」|| ꧁ Ilia Farra -- Kyrena ꧂

The older woman wrung her hands together, watching for Ilia to appear from the gaping hole.

Kyrena swung her head and Nikita let out a sigh of relief as the headmistress strode towards them.

"Thank you, Nikita, for helping Byx. I can't imagine he got that calm without you or Raymond." Ilia smiled weakly, looking to the still gates. "Whoever it is... he killed the driver. I said the gate was stuck, the mechanism..." Nikita practically whispered, entirely out of hearing range but still nervous that... something might hear her. Ilia nodded, and after a few minutes the gate opened.

The intruder watched with a hidden grin, the gate opening before him. It had worked! He continued on, lost in his own 'success'. A cold sword, pressed against his stomach. Eyes following the line of metal, the shape of a wyvern's wing behind the woman in front of him.


A cruel smile, more baring teeth than anything, and then darkness.

"Take him.... to the infirmary for now. There's a quarantine area there, correct? Keep him there and once I know why he is here, who he was sent from and what he's done, he'll be moved elsewhere for the last few minutes of his life." Ilia instructed quietly. "I need to fetch a few things." Nikita nodded silently and picked up the unconscious man, easily hoisting him over her shoulder and moving right along.

The students wouldn't see, that, Nikita would ensure.


small skip forward (just teleported yall around lmao)

Time: 4:00pm
Students: In dorms
Headmasters: Infirmary
Wyverns: Keeping watch over the body
Nikita, Raymond, Kyle: Kitchen/Dining Hall


"Of course, it was the King who sent him. He's confessed to murdering the student, and our driver. But he hasn't told anyone about the wyverns, none of the locals. Small mercies, I suppose." Ilia muttered to Byx, sliding a cloth over the blood-stained knife. "He isn't... terribly injured. I've left him for either Neha or Kyrena, whoever chooses to dispose of him first." Ilia carefully returned the dagger to her side, into the decorated sheath. "But how is Neha? And how are you?" She asked, looking to her companion. It was important that this was dealt with but quite similarly important that Byx and the wyverns were alright as well.

After all, they needed to work together. And if one was untrusting or hurting, then no one would get far.

𓆏 phrog 𓆏⁠

Posted 2022-10-11 15:15:17 (edited)
☽ Nyx Neri ☾

Back at the dorms, in the main living room, Nyx sat on one of the padded wooden chairs, absentmindedly fussing with Sage. The bird was perched on the chair arm, nipping her handler's fingers. One hand kept the book open. Green eyes paused at the old sketches of the previous wyverns. They were beautiful. Dangerous. Awe-inspiring. The parchment was yellowed, and the ink faded. The edges were worn. Nyx drank the information about these amazing creatures. Body forms, abilities.

Sage ruffled her feathers, wanting attention. She rubbed her head into Nyx's hair, ruffling it up. The young woman jumped, startled, then glared at the bird. She wrestled between getting Sage away and keeping the book in order. Her room was at the end of the hallway, with a window looking out on the mountainscape. It was perfect, really, allowing Sage quick access outside and to hunt. Which she should be doing now if Nyx could get a handle on her bird.

She was getting that close to dropping Sage out said window when she got back.

"Sage! Stop it right now," Nyx growled softly. She had to get over this attention issue since wyverns were coming into the picture soon. Nyx paused, sitting back, rubbing the crystal around her neck. What type would she get? Did fire seem to...flashy? Outwardly destructive for her taste. Storm seemed amazing but perhaps too energetic. Water maybe. Like her zodiac sign, not that that really mattered to her. Water would be subtle but dangerous as any other. Just like herself.

What had happened earlier, anyways? And where was the other rider? At this point, Kyle might as well be one. It bugged her. It was like a puzzle, and she hated puzzles with a passion. A small sigh. But like always, those horrible puzzles came together. And she'd be able to see the whole picture.

It was just a matter of time.

-ˋˏ ꒰🌸꒱ —- sakura

Posted 2022-10-11 16:07:10

❖ Byxem Arros

"He deserves every ounce of pain that's coming for him," the headmaster hissed, watching Ilia clean her blade with a blank expression. They roughly tapped their cane against the floor, gritting their teeth. They were significantly calmer and far more level-headed than they had been earlier, but it still felt as if their blood boiled. At the mention of Neha, Byx glanced up, letting out a sigh and running their fingers through their hair. "She mourns, but there's no doubt she'll be gung ho about dishing out her justice soon enough," they replied, letting out a cold chuckle.

"And to be truthful," they said slowly, almost unsure of themself. "I am so very tired. And doubtful of all of this." They glanced around, dropping their voice lower, in case anyone was listening in. "Already we've lost a student, and it's not even been a full week. Are we entirely sure we've mustered all the help we can get?" They looked sternly at Ilia, concern etched on their brow. "Perhaps we could hire someone from the village? No, no, too risky," they said, answering themself while waving the idea away. They chewed on their thumbnail, looking down to the ground.

"Perhaps this isn't the best idea. And how did the spy find us so quickly? Not even a week, Ilia," they said, worry spilling into their cracking voice. They closed their eyes, rubbing their face, before letting out a shaky breath. "Apologies, I'm just... shaken up. Tired, like I said." They shook their head, giving Ilia a weak smile. "And how are you holding up, Ilia? Is this anything like you expected?"

〚 𝔟 𝔩 𝔢 𝔲 〛

Posted 2022-10-11 17:06:52

[switched dialogue to bold, will be using italics for wyvern's talking just cause it's fairly dialogue heavy this time]

꧁ Ilia Farra || Kyrena ꧂

Ilia raised her head, looking to the prone figure. "Neha will get her chance soon enough. And..." She sighed, looking to Byx before back to her hands, picking the dirt from underneath her nails.

"I don't know how they could've found us. Sira is the only one in the capital and I trust her with my life. All I can.... ah. They must've interpreted the raven, or perhaps a young child travelling alone, stammering and unsure of their words... that would've been enough to raise suspicion." Ilia replied, quiet and small in her words and stature. This was one of the few times she felt completely, almost irrevocably out of her area of knowledge.

"Sometime next week, we'll need to visit Gorma. I'll look around the town then, see who may be interested in selling us out to the King. See if there's anyone willing to help. I'm hoping that, with the more recent strain of the King searching for more soldiers, there'll be more people wanting to help. Spies, mainly, to help Aesira." Ilia finally continued, settling it in her own mind and trying to reassure Byx that she did have a plan.

At Byx's kind concern, Ilia closed her eyes for a second, composing herself. "I'll be fine. We will get through this. Once the eggs are hatched...." The Headmaster nodded as though to herself, confirming her own thoughts. It would go well, they would return Draig to its former safety.

"I'll call Kyrena down. We will start the pyre for the student and let Neha dispose of... him." A dark glance to the man before looking back to Byx. "Then, I'll figure out what to tell the students. Nikita and Raymond are preparing dinner now, and I need to talk to Kyle after that." She added, letting her hands fall and brushing away whatever scraps of sadness lingered, a calmer and more stable expression settling onto her face.

Minutes later, Kyrena pressed a heavy head to Neha's side. Ilia says you will choose what happens with the intruder. We'll light the pyre in the cavern, once the students are asleep, before we can check on the eggs. She rumbled, a lick of flame escaping her jaws as the wyvern adjusted her seat, moving to a position easier to take off from. The flame trickling along her back had gone cold since sitting in watch. She had rather expected Ilia and Byx to join them atop the rings but the worry-worry-concern radiating from the bond lead her to guess that Ilia was too worried to leave the children so far, to leave the eggs alone.

A huff of smoke and Kyrena lifted herself from her pondering, shaking her heavy form out to rid it out of the quiet stillness. A beat and she looked back to her sister-wyvern. I'll see you there, unless you'd rather I take the student while you carry Byx down to the caves?

𓆏 phrog 𓆏⁠

Posted 2022-10-12 22:35:17

[aesira has now been changed to a horse and replaced by ida so quick repost of what was seen by the spy+continuation]

༺ Ida ༻

The light was fading fast. Only just turned spring and the winter heaviness still remained at times, especially this high in the mountains.

Ida glanced to her partner, Calliope, and a soft smile crossed her face. Despite the wyvern tracks, the blood littering the mud and well, everything... at least she was safe.

The mare below her huffed and finally slowed, dropping to a walk. "Oh, I'm sorry." Ida frowned, the change slightly unexpected. "I think we ought to take a break, let them rest. Let us rest for a bit as well.... unless you think we ought to carry on to the academy. I don't think it's far now but at least a few minutes to pause and drink and get some food." She offered to Calliope, head tilted back as her gaze travelled.

It would be close to five o'clock soon, with how low the sun was. Stars and the moon, slowly beginning to show in the hazy sunset covered sky.

Regardless of what the decision was, rest for a while or just take a quick break, Ida reached for the saddlebag, letting the reins drop over Aesira's neck. The mare continued on slowly and Ida brought snacks for both her and Calliope as well as a contained of water to pour over the horses's neck. It wasn't hot but it'd help Aesira cool down her internal temperature. The long hours of riding, grim determination and a heavy silence, had worn everyone down. And they were still too late. The raven killed by Kingsguard, the King himself delaying their departure and the distance between carriage and rider.

At least they were close. Ilia would help sort things out, tell them what to do. The students must have arrived by now and Ilia had mentioned the eggs a few times in their last visit to the academy. Seems it'd be soon that the world would have another generation of dragons

𓆏 phrog 𓆏⁠

Posted 2022-10-13 06:54:49
□ ● Calliope Cresthill ○■

Calliope sighed in content as the sweet but cold breeze ruffled her hair. Even if she didnt usually enjoy the cold, she could appreciate the bite of it. As if it were an animal trying to survive in this winter as well. Sometimes she wondered if the Winds were.. lonely? No that wasnt right..  Oh well.

Her stallion huffed and grunted below her as Ida's mare slowed down. "No, let's rest for a while. I dont want them to get too tired." She answered, smiling gently at her companion. The noble steered her steed off the path, jumping off and running her hand along his side. "Good job, my dear.." She whispered to him before turning back to Ida. Her stomach grumbled loudly after a few moments, indignant that it hadn't been fed all afternoon. She chuckled sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck.

Calliope wouldnt lie, she knew that the student wasnt alive anymore. Even if they had decided not to go, the King would have sent someone to exterminate them and their family just because they knew about it. So they were dead either way. But she knew Ida was still clinging onto the false hope that the kid was alive, so she'd pretend. For her.

♤ Evangeline Avalonia ♤

The student paced across her room. Something was going on that the Headmasters were hiding, and it wasnt good. Even if they were doing it for their own good, this wasnt good. How did they expect the students to trust them if they were constantly hiding things? It was chipping away at Evangeline's resolve for having come here. Sure, it had gotten her away from her parents, but it had put her into a different kind of suspicious situation.

She sat herself down into a chair next to the window, watching the outside. What are we going to do? Go home? No, I cant go home.. She chewed at her lip, frowning slightly. Oh, Gods.. what is happening to us.. She reached up, pulling out the loose ponytail and shaking her Auburn hair out. She placed her head in her hands, threading her fingers into the strands of hair, and pulling to keep her in the moment. Nothing bad is going to happen to you.. you're fine.. its okay..

𓆏 Angel 𓆏

Posted 2022-10-14 13:32:43
➷ Kyle

Tucked back away in the dining hall, Kyle was seated at one of the long tables, scarfing down a bowl of stew. The end of the student's tour had wrapped up rather swiftly, and he was eager for a meal before work resumed. There hadn't been much evidence of.. whatever had been happening when they returned to the surface.

Kyle had wanted to ask, but none of the adults seemed inclined to tell him (yet) so he'd held his tongue once again. He swirled his spoon in his bowl, momentarily distracted by the way the broth swirled in response, then sighed.

He'd felt almost excited earlier, but now, threads of worry were starting to worm their way into his mind. So badly, he wanted this to work, this whole.. academy. If it were to fall apart, where would he go? He hadn't a clue. Would he go back home? Head bowed in a walk of shame.. Kyle shuddered.

Maybe he'd just wander. Hope that whatever towns he stumbled across would have some sort of work he could pick up, earn his keep. Kyle had always wanted to see the world. Dragons had just seemed like the most interesting part. Dragons. Who could turn that down?

He ran a troubled hand down his face, pinching his nose. Enough, his mind hissed. Whatever happened, happened. Almost aggressively, he shoveled another spoonful of stew into his mouth. Finish eating, then find what else needs doing, that was the plan.

᠂ Sephan᠂

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