Dawnrise Pack
Old Pack Lore is beneath the spoiler. Hiding it until I can get around to updating it - but the wolves still have their stories and most is still canon, just old and outdated, lol. So feel free to take a look around!
Short summary is that Dawnrise Pack is a pack that lives in a valley adjacent to a thick forest that takes in wolves and many in the pack have a strong connection to nature and all of it's wonderful, weird ways. Most are simple wolves with simple goals enjoying a simple life with curious complexities.
I do a lot of Raise and Chase! I tend to like to breed and chase wolves with various Wings marks, Merle marks (it's fun to stack them on pups!), and "strange" eyes (Event, Glass, Smoke, Storm, etc). Currently working on upgrading my RnC to hopefully include T3s!
RIP Robin: Jan 17, 2022
A few things will be out of date because of Robin's death and "The Storms" of the Spring after.
Updates soon(tm) (but until then, imagine everything is soggy.).
Dawnrise Pack
A place with rolling, grassy hills and long, soft grasses lies ahead of you. Various dens seem to be dug into the some of the mounds of the hills and grass.
This is the current place where the pack known as "Dawnrise Pack" lives and thrives.
Lead by a curious but kind individual, a female golden wolf known simply by the name of "Gold", Dawnrise is a pack of misfits and lost souls thrown together in an attempt to create harmony amongst themselves and survive in these curious lands.
Gold tends to have a bleeding heart for most wolves who seem to be in need or have need of a home.
Robin is her main friend and confidant in these strange lands, using his knowledge and spiritual magic to help guide the lost wolves of Dawnrise.
Many wolves who thought they would have no family have found a place to call home in Dawnrise.
"Dawn of a new day. Rise of new hope. Many wolves get up at Dawnrise."
The meaning of the "Caves":
Although the caves are just simply there to separate my wolves into (somewhat) logical groups, there is a little bit of meaning behind it all.

1st Day
Where Gold and Fox tend to rest, along with their pups Penny and Samson.
Old Oak Tree
A tree where Robin tends to hang out along the outskirts of the pack and near where the grass meets the forest. Many wolves who are undergoing spiritual training tend to hang out here, too.
Which Wayward Greensward
A greensward field. It was affectionately given the name because it is the field most Young Adult wolves tend to come upon when they feel they need to make a decision in life. Some are just quite not sure what they want to do, so they wonder "Which Way" to go - many decide to go on short trips to clear their head, but ultimately come back to Dawnrise. If you look closely in the field, you'll notice the small desire paths the Young Adult wolves have made to blaze their own trail.
Hunter's Knolls
Where the Hunters of Dawnrise Pack go to train and to begin scouting for their hunts. This actually isn't where they reside, however, and they do retire to base camp after the hunt is done for a rest.
Flowering Meadows
A gentle place where the teachers (Mentors) and Pupsitters of Dawnrise Pack go to take the puppies. The grasses here are short enough to see most puppies and the meadow is full of beautiful flowers that could keep pups fascinated for hours! The retirees of Dawnrise also tend to go to these fields for a well-deserved rest as well.
Sunrise Fields
Where the Adol pups go after training with their adult Packmates. A nice open field to relax and play in - it's a great place to get rid of the zoomies!
A part of the field where it's vibrantly sunny and where pups go with their Mentors to learn. The bright sun helps keep pups focused and see the lesson their Mentors are teaching them. After a good day of learning, the pups and their Mentors retire to the Flowering Fields to rest (or in the pups' case, burn that energy!).
- {MC}: "Sunbeams 2" is a place for puppies that are not intended to be "canon" to the pack - they are typically being Raised and Chased or are a late Enclave decision. If you see a puppy named [Holding Puppy] they are fodder and you can ask for them if you want them.
Along the area where Dawnrise makes their camp and home, there is a brook that leads into the forest. Because of the scenic water and where it's located, it isn't uncommon for wolves to stop and rest here. As long as they are friendly (for their visit anyway) and don't cause trouble, Dawnrise welcomes them with open paws. Some even decide to stay!
- {MC:} If you see a wolf here, then I likely found them through explore or I bought them from the TP for some reason. Either way, this is where they go when I'm not quite sure what to do with them, but don't want to get rid of them just yet. Sometimes they also pupsit for me. Ask if you see a pretty that you're interested in!
- {MC}: A non-canon cave where I put wolves I'm planning to use in breeding projects (sorry buddies) - some wolves may eventually become canon, but if they're here they likely do not and likely will not (so far). Similar in purpose to the Babbling Brooke, but these guys aren't as readily available to the public and are likely going to always be on a breeding CD.
Quick Ref self-notes:
NBW = New Befriended Wolf (aka "befriended" from Explore)
TP = Trading Post
MC = Meta-commentary
❤️ = Romantic
⭐ = Friendly
☯️ = Stoic
🔥 = Aggressive
🤍 = Albinism Carrier
🖤 = Melanism Carrier
🤎 = Brachycephaly
RB = Robin's bloodline
GD = Gold's bloodline
Stats notes:
Chasers = Speed, Agi
Finishers = Str
Herbalists = Smarts, Wis
Biomes - Scouts:
Speed = Grasslands, Deciduous Forest, Mountains, Prairie
Wisdom = Riparian Woodland, Glacier
Smarts = Coniferous Forest, Tundra
Strength = Desert, Rainforest
Agility = Taiga, Swamp
Pack Leader Hayseed Goldheart | ||||||||||||